The seven phases of wedding timelines are: (1) research; (2) design;

(3) coordination; (4) legal issues; (5) confi rmation and details; (6)

implementation; and (7) wrap-up and evaluation. As illustrated in

Table 8.1, you will often fi nd that some of the phases overlap. As a

consultant, you may offer your clients guidance throughout the whole

process, or you can be brought in to assist during a single phase. Use

the items in each of these phases as a checklist and reminder of what

needs to be done next. As each task is accomplished, indicate the

associated date. Over time, you will notice consistencies in the region

where you live that will help you streamline the planning process and

adjust the order of the task list to fi t your target market. This list will

also act as a guide when considering the questions you need to ask

your clients.