The Harlem Renaissance feature story was created for Britannica.com, a web site created by Encyclopaedia Britannica, the company that has been known for their book encyclopedias for generations. The portal organizes links to other web sites into key categories and provides tools to search those sites. The best portals also review all or most of their sites before including them in their database so that the readers have some guarantee of quality. The Harlem Renaissance site was created to promote Britannica’s encyclopedias and as a service to customers in schools. Black History Month is important in middle and high schools. The goal with the Harlem Renaissance site was to do something very different: to present a large body of information by focusing on a specific story, similar to a feature story in print journalism. Harlem in the 1920s was the site of major flowering of black culture, but it is a period that many members of potential audience know nothing about.