142 B asic time calculations used in feng shui reflect calendar systems based on Chinese astronomy. Just as the Hetu is a map through the universe and it emerged from the Milky Way (the Tian Ho or celestial Yellow River), the Luoshu emerged from a tributary of the Milky Way, possibly near the Great Rift in the Western constellation of Cygnus (consisting of some of the Chinese constellation Tianjin, ‘ford in the Celestial River’). 1 At that spot in the sky we can see between two of our galaxy's spiral arms; the opening continues to Sagittarius (near the Chinese constellation of Bie, the turtle). Supposedly, the Luoshu's nine numbers were seen or scribbled on the back of a tortoise or bear, but they were eventually mapped onto China as part of the nonary grid system known as ‘well-field’ or fenye.