The consultant and the process of consultancy has a long and, some would say, chequered history. For example, the Egyptian Pharaohs turned to their priests for advice and help in performing their kingly duties. In fact, kings and queens across the ages have often used consultants. This long history of the consultant and consultancy is reflected in our language. For example, we have ‘consultation’, ‘consultive’, ‘consulatory’, ‘consul’ and of course ‘consult’, ‘consultant’ and ‘consultancy’. Websters New International Dictionary (1996) defines a consultant and the process of consulting as follows:

‘consultant’ (noun) – a person referred to for expert or professional advice ‘consult ‘ (verb) – to ask advice or information of

Essentially then, the consultant throughout history has been used as a source of advice and guidance, usually based on some actual perceived or claimed specialist knowledge, skills or expertise. This essential nature of the consultancy process and the role of the consultant remains unchanged, even today.