Attracting new talent to the organization is a key task, especially

when the talent in question is in short supply. Retaining talent is

another set of challenges. Though recruitment and retention are

often spoken of in the same breath, as here, the factors driving

them are not necessarily the same. In this chapter we shall

explore some of the issues related to the process of recruitment

and look at some of the reasons why people leave their organiza-

tions. A strategic approach to recruitment and retention needs to

incorporate a wider set of policies, such as reward, development

and job design. None of these factors are enough in isolation. We

focus specifically on the inter-related stategies of developing peo-

ple in Chapter 8, and the creation of effective career paths in

Chapter 9. These must reflect an understanding of employee

motivation and be closely linked to trends in the changing labour

market, as well as to the organization’s needs. The days when it

was sufficient for a company to be a household name in order to

attract candidates may soon be over.