The assignment and examination routes to the Professional Diploma in Marketing are intended

to ensure that candidates have attained the same set of learning outcomes. The details of this

are set out by the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Summarising this into a brief format they are

that: candidates have knowledge and understanding of a range of topics and theory (as given in

the syllabus), have read a little around the subject to gain more insight and can apply this

knowledge and understanding in an integrated way to a variety of marketing situations

(e.g. FMCG, SME, B2B not-for-profit, etc.). The balance of knowledge and application changes

through the various levels of the CIM qualification. Figure A3.1 gives a schematic outline of this.

For the Professional Diploma in Marketing a balance of theory, application and evaluation is

required. Simple knowledge of the theory without application will not gain a pass at this

postgraduate level. This implies more than reading textbooks is required. To apply theory

requires the development of skills (e.g. problem-solving). Skills are developed not by reading

but by practising. In this section, a framework is proposed to help you develop the mix of

skills and knowledge to pass this exam successfully. The outline of this process is shown in

Figure A3.2.