To increase knowledge of general N, P, K and Mg fertilizer frequently used in horticulture.

background text Table 19.1

Answer the list of questions provided.

1 State the percentage nitrogen content of ammonium nitrate. 2 List an organic nitrogen fertilizer suitable for use as a base dressing prior to

planting shrubs. 3 Explain the difficulties in applying phosphorus as a fertilizer. 4 State the percentage phosphorus content and the uses of triple

superphosphate. 5 Sulphate of potash is a common garden centre retailed fertilizer. State its

nutrient content. 6 Explain why rock potash is unsuitable for use as a foliar feed. 7 Epsom salts is a very common form of magnesium fertilizer. What is its

chemical name and nutrient content? 8 Select a slow release magnesium fertilizer suitable for use as a base
