How much is enough? For narrative fi lms, our shooting days are the most precious hours of the entire project. A great deal of coordination must happen in order to get everything we need: actors, crew, equipment, and props on location, on time, and ready to go. It can be disastrous if something basic is forgotten or overlooked. Any fi lm professor can list numerous fi lm shoots that had to be scrapped because someone forgot a microphone battery, or no one secured the location, or no one thought to bring the fi lm stock. Countless are the stories of actors getting hopelessly lost because no one gave them directions to the set, or no one checked to see if there was enough electricity for the lights, or there weren’t enough crew members on the set to attend to all the technical duties required . . . and on and on. This is production management, and on every fi lm set, someone must see to these details.