The color grading of a 3D movie is quite a complex operation because the various display technologies have different light efficiencies and color shifts. In wavelength multiplexing, the projector's light source is divided into six narrow bands, organized in two discrete sets of RGB lights. We will review ghosting and ghost-busting in the next section. Such systems are not tied to any patent and generate more than twice the amount of light, because both projectors run full throttle, with no dark time during the left-right switch. Depth grading extends the concept of color finessing to the depth domain. The DCI packaging was originally performed by the vendors of 3D systems or servers. Anaglyph color scheme selection, color grading, color encoding, and media encoding are more of the "looks-so-easy" 3D traps. The Trioviz system uses green-magenta glasses, but involves much more than a simple color encoding.