When salespeople use niche marketing techniques to sell more advertising, they will sell more advertising to fewer clients. Writing accurately niched copy is similar to closing a sale—the more time one spends qualifying before attempting to close a sale, the less time is necessary to close. The radio ad prep sheet is designed to help advertisers, salespeople, and copywriters. In the niche marketing future, however, only marketing-savvy copywriters will enjoy job security. Sometimes, a business will be given a nickname—perhaps it could be called a niche name—by its customers. With high name awareness, marketers can identify their client with this nickname instead of the advertiser's full business name and still be successful. When a salesperson asks reader to write an ad for a client, request a copy of the results of the Niche Marketing Analysis: Part I, the Niche Marketing Analysis: Part II, and any findings from customer surveys—either conducted by a person's radio station or an outside source.