This chapter will look at two types of common scenes: two-handers

(scenes with two characters talking in them) and chases. The two-

handers are trickier to cut, but the chases are what win the editing

awards because they are fl ashier, more visible editing. The analysis of

each of these types of scenes draws on the theories and vocabularies

proposed in this book, as well as theories proposed by others, and

applies both to the practice of editing common scenes. In the case of

two-handers, I will use the defi nition of a scene proposed by Robert

McKee in Story 1 to provide a framework for extracting cutting prin-

ciples. When discussing chases, I will make use of the work done by

Ken Dancyger in The Technique of Film and Video Editing 2 in defi ning the

elements of an action sequence. His explanation of the kinds of shots

found in these sequences helps defi ne some of the options an editor

has when working with her material.