All animation can be broken down into definable stages. In general terms, these stages are key positions, breakdown or passing positions, and in-between positions. With the understanding that we need key, breakdown, and in-between positions to create a sequence of animation, we should look at the process of in-betweening, which applies as much to the breakdown drawing as it does to the in-betweens. Using a fresh sheet of animation paper, select a fulcrum from which the pendulum will swing. Bottom pegs animators prefer to have their peg holes at the bottom of the sheet. The path of action or the arc of any movement is something that should never be forgotten by any animator, whether they are creating key poses or simply putting in in-betweens for any extended movement. The main thing to remember about all animated action is that the more drawings there are, the slower the action will appear on the screen when the final action is seen.