The frequency of a sound is relative to its pitch and is measured in Hertz (Hz), as you might expect from studying other wave fields. Frequency means exactly what it seems to: how frequently the oscillations occur. High-pitched sounds have a higher frequency, and lowpitched sounds are a lower frequency. The human ear can detect only a limited range of frequencies, although sounds higher and lower than that exist. Dogs can hear higher and lower frequencies than humans, and in general have much more acute senses than we do. As a person ages, the “skin” on the eardrum tends to thicken and is not as good a sound receiver as it once was. Higher frequencies are more heavily affected than lower ones. Thus older people have less acute hearing, especially in the higher frequency ranges. The eardrum is a very sensitive instrument and should be protected. Sounds that are too loud-especially high-pitched ones-will damage the drum permanently.