The Best Kept Secret Let’s face it-if everyone were equally good at every job, there would be no need for résumés or auditions. Fortunately, in this world, every person has uniquely different talents, abilities, and levels of skill. It is this variety that makes the voiceover business a potentially profitable career for anyone willing to invest the time and effort. For years, voiceover was one of the best-kept secrets around. The job can be loads of fun and very profitable, but it is not an easy business to break into. Today, there are roughly five times as many people who claim to be voiceover talent as there are actors trying to break into TV and movies. Add to that the major film stars who have discovered that voiceover work is more fun than spending many hours in makeup each day. The simple truth is that competition is tough, and it is easy to become frustrated when just beginning. Voiceover work is part of “show business.” As such it has all the potential excitement, celebrity status, and opportunities as the other areas of show business, as well as the long periods of waiting, frustrations in getting “booked,” and problems dealing with agents and producers.