In addition,with terms separated by+ and− signs, the order in which they are written does notmatter. In this example, 2a+ 3b+ a − 2b is the same as 2a + a + 3b− 2b, which is the same as 3b+ a + 2a − 2b, and so on. (Note that the first term, i.e. 2a, means +2a.)

(d) 4abcd = 4× a× b× c× d For example, if a = 3,b = −2,c = 1 and d = −5, then 4abcd = 4× 3×−2× 1×−5 = 120. (Note that −×− = +)

(e) (a)(c)(d) means a× c× d Brackets are often used instead of multiplication signs. For example, (2)(5)(3) means 2× 5× 3= 30.