The expectation, E , of an event happening is defined in general terms as the product of the probability p of an event happening and the number of attempts made, n; i.e., E = pn. Thus, since the probability of obtaining a 3 upwards when rolling a fair dice is 1/6, the expectation of getting a 3 upwards on four throws of the dice is

1 6

× 4, i.e.2 3

Thus expectation is the average occurrence of an

of obtaining a 4 upwards with 3 throws of a fair dice

Expectation is the average occurrence of an event and is defined as the probability times the number of attempts. The probability, p, of obtaining a 4 upwards for one throw of the dice is 1/6. If 3 attempts are made, n = 3 and the expectation, E , is pn, i.e.