There are two standard settings that you should consider when working with video in Live. First, it’s very important to understand that you will normally want to work at a 48 k sample rate. This is the standard sample rate for working to picture and should be established before you start a new project. The last thing you want is for your audio to be out of sync when you send it out for postproduction, etc. You can change the sample rate from Live Preferences. The other consideration to make is what timecode to use. When scoring to Film or TV, you should set Live to display SMPTE timecode in the time ruler as opposed to standard time. This is the industry standard for syncing your music to the start and endpoints of a film and for identifying hit points. SMPTE is displayed as hours:minutes:seconds:frames. Right click or ctrl + click on the Time Ruler at the bottom of the track display to choose a frame rate to display.