Figure 9.1(b) : The top of the grounds should be levelled (or parallel to the fi nished fl oor) and set up to fi nish between 6 and 10 mm below the anticipated skirting height. Long grounds should be fi xed at each end and have a string line pulled taut along the face. Two pieces of offcut ground, one at each end, are pushed in between the line and ground, while a third piece of offcut ground is tried between the taut line and the unfi xed ground at 600 – 900 mm intervals, packed if necessary and fi xed. Shorter grounds may be checked for straightness with a timber or aluminium straightedge. Internal and external angles are butt jointed – not mitred. On external angles, run the fi rst ground about 50 mm past the corner, butt the end of the second ground up to this and when fi xed, cut off the fi rst projection fl ush to the second ground’s face.