Weed management is a component of any sound turfgrass management program and is dependent upon the maintenance of a dense and healthy turf. An effective weed management program will optimize the competitiveness of the turf to minimize the number of weeds encroaching, then control guidelines may be developed for the remaining species based upon knowledge — of the weeds, the turf management system, and the available weed management options. Scouting can greatly assist in identifying the underlying reasons for weed infestations. Correcting the site or management problems contributing to weed encroachment should be the first priority in the weed management program. However, it is nearly impossible that improved turfgrass management alone will completely eliminate weeds. If a reasonably weed-free turf is desired, an integration of cultural procedures and herbicides will be necessary and will produce the best long-term solution to our turfgrass weed management problems.