The cell is like a city. What it does, when viewed at the molecular level, seems impossibly complex. In the same way, getting to know the function of everyone in your home town is impossible, but we can all find the phone number of the local Chinese take-away or an emergency plumber when the need arises; we use the Yellow Pages. It's not necessary to know the function of every protein in the

The plasmalemma

Cytoplasm and nucleus

Protein production and transport

Energy requirements

Virtually all cells in the body have a full complement of cell organelles. Organelles are cell constituents that have a particular role to play in the function of the cell, akin to one activity of a community or city. The plasmalemma (cell membrane) is a modified phospholipid bilayer that acts as the cell boundary; some substances can pass through the plasmalemma easily, whereas it is almost impermeable to others.