The aim of hypospadias repair is to achieve a straight urinary stream, a cosmetically acceptable penile shaft, glans, and meatus, and a straight penis in erection for adequate sexual function. When applying for surgical repair, patients and/or their families wish to achieve a normal-looking and -functioning penis. If the functional characteristics of the penis are not

taken into consideration, creating a mechanically functional urethral tube and a cosmetically acceptable meatus is not always satisfactory. Mainly for this reason, several of the old hypospadias repair techniques yielded non-satisfactory results in some patients. These patients remained either with a meatus situated too low (similar to coronal or subcoronal hypospadias), or with a residual curvature or with a diverticulum or a fistula (Figure 12.3). With the development of modern techniques, the results of primary repair of hypospadias became very satisfactory, and the need for reoperations became rare.