These modify the noun. All such adjectives come before the noun they modify:

p&hng ge slam cheap clothes gwiiai ge sailouhjaii good, obedient children cho ge kyutdihng a wrong decision

The particle ge, which we have already seen in possessive constructions (Unit 5) serves here to link the adjective and noun. The adjective can be modified by h6u ‘very’, jeui ‘most’, etc.:

h6u khhnlihk ge hohksaang jeui fihnhcng ge boksih gam daaih ge yinghCung

hard-working students the youngest PhD such a big influence

These are used to state that something has a certain property. The verb haih ‘to be’ is not used (see Unit 7), but instead the adverb h6u is usually included:

Ng6h h6u hiCim I’m happy Di t6ng hciu haahm The soup is salty KCuih gihn s5am h6u leng Her dress is beautiful Gamyaht h6u siip It’s humid today

h6u by itself can mean ‘good’ or ‘very’, but when used in this way it does not really mean ‘very’ but is merely part of the syntax of predicative adjectives.