Is it ‘abnormal’ to reject the natural state of the body? Should not one work on one’s psyche and self-confidence rather than resort to ‘artificial change’ through outside intervention? Indeed, many ‘artificial changes’ to improve the ‘untreated’ natural state, with which few people are satisfied, are totally accepted by society and part of everyday life for the inhabitants of modern industrialized nations: starting with applying make-up every day, visiting the hairdresser or ‘dressing up’ in fashionable clothes, we are constantly trying to improve our appearance. Even ‘natural’ people have a tendency to change their appearance. However, unlike the everyday improvements described above, in aesthetic medicine an invasive procedure is selected to effect these changes.The violation of the body’s external integrity that one endures in these medical treatments, such as occurs for every blood test, and the associated minor or major risk of possible side-effects give these procedures another dimension.