He was an early entrant to the submarine service, receiving his first command, the A.1, in 1905. Except for two years, 1910-12, he commanded submarines from 1905 to 1920. In August 1914, in E.9 he penetrated Heligoland harbour, and then sank the old cruiser Hela, the first warship to be sunk by a British submarine, and a destroyer, winning his first DSO. Horton then took £.9 into the Baltic, where he sank two destroyers, damaged a cruiser, and generally disrupted the flow of essential Swedish iron ore to Germany. He stayed in the Baltic for a year, winning three Russian medals and the French Legion d’Honneur, and then took command of the new submarine J.6. He later commanded M.1, the submarine monitor which mounted a single 12-inch gun.