TEC, METROLOGIE, PHYSIQUE H (henry) Hal (hahnium) cmMIEHa (hahnium) Ha2 abrev (humidite relative de ['air) METEO relative

humidity ofthe air habilitation/INFORMAT securite, ORDINAT securite clear-

ance habillage m IMPRIM pad, plaque, blanchet lining, MAT

CHAUFF chaudiere jacket, MECANIQUE cabinet, PAPIER machine clothing; - de carde m TEXTILE card clothing; - transparent m EMBALLAGE blister pack

habillement m TEXTILE apparel habiller vt IMPRIM back up habit: - de plongee m OCEANO diving suit, wetsuit habltacle m AERONAUT cockpit, crew compartment,

ESPACE cabin, manned module, vehicules habitation module, NAUT binnacle, TRANSPORT cockpit, VEmCULES d'une voiture interior; - de s6curite m TRANSPORT strengthened passenger compartment

habitat m PETR habitat; - sous-marin m OCEANO undersea habitat, underwater habitat

habitus m METALL habit hachage m INFORMA T, ORDINAT hashing hachard m CONS MECA shears, CONSTR bolster, PRODUC-

TION hand shears hache / CONSTR ax (ArnE), axe (BrE); - ill fendre /

CONSTR splitting ax (ArnE), splitting axe (BrE); - ill main/PRODuCTION hatchet; - pour combattrel'incendle/sECURITE firefighting axe

hachette / CONSTR slate ax (ArnE), slate axe (BrE), PRODUCTION hatchet

hacheur: - de faisceau m NUCLEAIRE beam pulser, mechanical chopper

hacholr m AERONAUT chopper, AGRO ALIM mincer; - ill viande m AGRO ALIM grinder

hachure/ CONS MECA cross hatching, hatching hachurer vt PRODUCTION cross hatch hadron m PHYS PART, PHYSIQUE hadron hafniumm (H/) cmMIEhafnium (H/) hahnium m (Ha) CHIMIE hahnium (Ha) halage m NAUT chemin towage halde / MINES barrow, dump heap, waste dump, pit

heap, spoil bank, spoil heap; - de deblais / CONSTR waste heap, MINES barrow, dump heap, waste dump, pit heap, spoil bank, spoil heap; - de d6chets / CONSTR waste heap, MINES barrow, dump heap, waste dump, pit heap, spoil bank, spoil heap; - de minerai/ MINES ore dump; - de scories / PRODUCTION slag dump, slag heap, slag tip

haie-ill-bord m OCEANO inhaul, inhauler hale-bas m NAUT downhaul; - de bOme m NAUT boom

vang, kicking strap hale-dehors m NAUT outhaul halerl vt NAUT warp, chaland tow; - ill bord vt NAUT haul

in, OCEANO haul on board; - ill sec vt NAUT bateau haul up

hale~ vi NAUT sur une manoeuvre haul hal8tement m ESPACE vehicules chuffing halieutique/ocEANo fisher science, fishery science halleutiste m OCEANO fishing expert halite / CHIMIE rock salt, GEOLOGIE salt rock, MATERI-

AUX, MINERAUX halite hall: - de gare m TRANSPORT concourse, passenger hall;

- du reacteur m NUCLEAIRE reactor hall halle: - d'assemblage/EsPAcE assembly building; - des

chaudleres/MAT CHAUFF boiler house; - de coulee/ PRODUCTION cast house; - aux marchandises/TRANSPORT freight house (ArnE), freight shed (ArnE), goods shed (BrE); - de montage/PRoDUCTION erectingshop

hallig m OCEANO marsh island halloysite/MINERAUX halloysite halmyrolyse/ GEOLOGIE halmyrolysis halo m ASTRONOMIE halo, ELECTRON halation, halo,

ESPACE, IMPRIMphotogravure halo; - de contrainte m CERAM VER stressed zone; - nolr m ASTRONOMIE dark halo; - de r8flexion m PHOTO halation

haloclnese / GEOLOGIE halokinesis, salt diapirism, salt tectonics, PETROLE halokinesis, salt diapirism, salt tectonics

halogenation/ CHIMIE halogenation halogenel adj cmMIE compose halogenous halogene2 m CHIMIE halide, halogen, CINEMA T halogen halogenure m cmMIE, IMPRIM photogravure halide; -

alcalin m CRISTALL alkali halide; - d'alcoyle m MA TERIAUX alkyl halide; - d'alkyle m MATERIAUX alkyl halide; - d'argent m PHOTO silver halide; photohalides

halographle/ CHIMIE halography haloidation/cHIMIE halogenation haloidel adj CHIMIE haloid haloide2 m CmMIE haloid hilloir: -ill fromage m REFRIG cheese drying room halon m ESPACE vehicules halon halophyte/DISTRI EAU saltwater plant halos: - gazeux m pi ASTRONOMIE autour de galaxies

gaseous haloes halosel m CHIMIE haloid halotechnle/ cmMIE halotechny halotrichite/MINERAuX halotrichite halte/INFORMAT halt hamiltonien adj PHYSIQUE Hamiltonian hampe/IMPRIM typographie ascender; - de vent /METEO

wind shaft hanche/NAuT quarter hanches/ pi CONSTR shear legs hangar m AERONAUT hangar, CONSTR shed; - ill bateaux

m TRANSPORT boat house happe/coNs MECA G-c1amp, G-cramp, clamp, cramp,

CONSTR cramp, cramp iron, joint cramp, PRODUCTION dog iron; - ill gros ventre/ CONSTR deep-pattern Gcramp; -iIlnervure/coNsMEcAribbedGcramp

happement m SECURITE entanglement hardware m PETR hardware

harenguler m OCEANO herring boat harengulere/ OCEANO herring net harmaline/ CHIMIE harmaline harmine/ CHIMIE harmine harmonie/ ACOUSTIQUE harmony harmonique! a4j GEOMETRIE harmonic harmonlque2 m ACOUSTIQUE, ELECTRON, MECANIQUE,

PHYS ONDES, PHYSIQUE, PRODUCTION harmonic, harmonics; - 1 m ELECTRON first harmonic; - 2 m ELECTRON second harmonic; - 3 m ELECTRON third harmonic; - impair m ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE d'ordre odd harmonic; - inferleur m ELECTRON lower harmonic, subharmonic; - pair m ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE d' ordre even harmonic; - de rang eleve m ELECTRON high-order harmonic; - de rang peu eleve m ELECTRON low-order harmonic; - spherique m ESPACE spherical harmonic; - subjectlf m ACOUSTIQUE aural harmonic; - superieur m ELECTRON overtone; - tesseral m ESPACE tesseral harmonic; - zonal m ESPACE zonal harmonic

harmoniques: - naturels m pI PHYS ONDES natural harmonics

harmonisation: - des couleurs/PHOTO color balance (ArnE), colour balance (BrE)

harmotome m MINERAUX harmotome harnais m ESPACE vehicules, MILITAIRE d'un parachute

harness; - de cilbles m ELECTR harness cable, ESPACE vehicules wiring harness, MECANIQUE harness cable; - d'engrenages m CONS MECA gear, gearing; - pyrometrlque m AERONAUT fire detection harness; - de securlte m AERONAUT, CINEMAT, NAUT safety harness, PETROLE safety belt, SECURITE safety harness

harpe/coNsTR toothing stone, PRODUCTION grizzly harpon m OCEANO harpoon hartine/MINERAUX hartine hartite/MINERAUX hartite hasard:! au - a4j METROLOGIE random; par - a4j METRO-

LOGIE random hasard:2 par - adv SECURITE accidentally hasards: - climatiques m pI SECURITE climatic hazards hash m INFORMAT, ORDINAT hash hatchettine/MINERAUX hatchetine, hatchettite hatchite/NuCLEAIRE hatchite hauban m CONS MECA tieback, CONSTR guy, ELECTROTEC

guy wire, MECANIQUE guy, NAUT shroud haubanage m CONSTR guying hauerite/MINERAUX hauerite hausmannlte/MINERAUX hausmannite hausse/DISTRI EAU flash board, flushboard, stop plank;

- de ceinture/TEXTILE waistband; - circulaire/MILITAIRE dial sight; - de combat/ MILITAIRE sur un canon battle sight; - de temperature/PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN temperature rise

hausser vi HYDROLOGIE rise hausses: - comblnees / pI MILITAIRE sur un canon

combined sights hausslere/coNs MECA, NAUT hawser; - de d8halage /

NAuTwarp haut:! de - adj CONS MECA high CONS MECA, PAPIER high;

-lepieda4j (hlp) CHDEFER vehiculesrunninglight haut2 m EMBALLAGE inscription ou etiquette de manu ten-

tion this side up, ENREGISTR treble, HYDROLOGIE d'une riviere upper part; - de course m CONS MECA d'un piston top of stroke; - de I'eau m HYDROLOGIE high water; - loglque m ELECTRON logic high; - rendement m PAPIER high yield


haute:! iI-frequence adjELECTRON radio frequency; iIIpression adj PHYSIQUE high-pressure; de - quallte adj CHARBON high-grade; 8 - resistance adj MATERIAUX high-tensile; 8 - resistance 8 la traction adj MECANIQUE materiaux high-tensile; ill - temperature a4j PHYSIQUE high-temperature; 8 - teneur a4j CHARBON high-grade; 8 - teneur en cellulose a4j AGRO ALIM high-fiber (AmE), high-fibre (BrE); iI - tension a4j PHYSIQUE high-voltage

haute:2 - barriera/EMBALLAGE, IMPRIM high barrier;- d8finition /ORDINAT high resolution; - frequence / (HF) AERONAUT, ELECTR alimentation en courant alternatif, ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC high-frequency (HF); tres - frequence /(VHF) ELECTRON, ESPACE, PHYS ONDES, TELECOM, TV very high-frequency (VHF); - integration personnalisee /ELECTRON custom large-scale integration; -Iumiere/ CINEMAT high key; - mer /HYDROLOGIE high water, OCEANO high seas; - performance/ENREGISTR high performance; - presslon/GAZ, PHYSIQUE high-pressure; - resistance /TELECOM HR, high resistance; - resolution/INFORMAT high resolution; - temperature / PHYSIQUE high-temperature; - teneur / CHIMIE high-grade; - teneur en soufre / CHIMIE high sulfur content (ArnE), high sulphur content (BrE); - tenSion/ (HT) ELECTR alimentation, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE high-tension (HT), high-voltage (HV); tres - tension / (THT) ELECTROTEC, TV extra high tension ( EHT)

haute-fldalita a4j ENREGISTR high fidelity hautement: - polyvalent adj PRODUCTION highly-flex-

ible hauterivien adj GEOPHYS Hauterivian hautes: - eaux / pI HYDROLOGIE, NAUT high water;-

lumleres/pliMPRIM, PHOTO highlights hauteur:! 8-d'appui a4j CONSTR elbow-high; de - a4j

CONS MECA high; en - a4j CONS MECA high hauteur / ACOUSTIQUE du son pitch, CONS MECA height,

CONSTR elevation, DISTRI EAU lift, static head, static lift, EN RENOUV d'une vague height, ESPACE altitude, elevation angle, GEOMETRIE altitude, IMPRIM des capitales, INFORMAT height, MECANIQUE elevation, NAUT headroom, height, d'un astre altitude, navigation elevation, ORDINAT height, PHYS ONDES de ronde sonore pitch, PHYSIQUE altitude, height, de son pitch; - d'alimentatlon requise/NuCLEAIRE net positive suction head; - apparente/NAuT apparent altitude; - d'aspiratlon / DISTRI EAU static suction lift, suction head, suction lift, MAT CHAUFF pump head; - au-dessous du primitlf/CONS MECA depth below pitch line; - au-dessus du niveau de la mer / METEO elevation above sea level; - au-dessus du primltlf / CONS MECA height above pinch line; - axiale / RESSORTS axial height; - baromatrique/METEo barometric height of pressure, NAUT barometer reading; - iI bloc / RESSORTS solid height; - du caractere/IMPRIM height of type, height-to-paper, type height; - de centre d'arbre ICONS MECA shaft center height (ArnE), shaft centre height (ArnE); - de charge/coNsTR head of water; - de chute / CHARBON drop height, DISTRI EAU fall, EMBALLAGE height of fall, INST HYDR head, head of water, water fall height; - de chute libra / AERONAUT free drop height; - du couronnement / EN RENOUV crest height; - de decision / AERONAUT decision height; - de damoulage /PRODUCTION draft (ArnE), draught (BrE), d'une machine a demouler drop; - de la dent/CONS MECA working depth of tooth; - d'eau/


HYDROLOGIE depth of water, INSf HYDR head of water pressure, head, head of water; - d'eau limite /INST HYDR head limit; - d'eau moyenne quadratlque/EN RENOUV root mean square water level; - d'khapp6e/ CONSTR headroom; - effective de chute / CHARBON effective drop height; - d'elevatlon/DISTRI EAU lift, static head, static lift; - d'empllage / EMBALLAGE stacking height; - en sustentation/ TRANSPORT height hovering; - i'I flot/TRANSPORT height-off cushion; - g80metrique / NUCLEAIRE elevation head, potential geodesic head; - g80metrique de refoulement /HYDROLOGIE discharge head; - du gradln /MINES bench height; -delahoule/NAUT, OCEANO wave height; - d'lnclinaison / GEOMETRIE d'un cone circulaire droit slant height; - instrumentale /NAUT sextant altitude; - de I'lnstrument en station / CONSTR height of instrument; - de levage / CONSTR d'une grue lift; - manom8trique /DISTRI EAU lift, static head, static lift, INST HYDR pressure head, static head, NUCLEAIRE delivery head, discharge head, PETROLE ecoulement des fluides head; - de marche/coNSTR rise; - de marche de glissement/METALL slip step height; - de la maree / OCEANO tidal height; - maximum i'I scier /PRODUCTION depth of cut; - maximum du trait de scie / PRODUCTION depth of cut; - metacentrique / NAUT metacentric height; - minimale de descente/ AERONAUT minimum descent height; - observee /NAUT observed altitude; - de l'oeli/coNsTR eyelevel; - de l'oeil du caractere / IMPRIM X-height; - de page / IMPRIM page depth; ;.. du pas / CONS MECA d'une vis lead; - de passage / CONSTR headroom; - plezometrique/ INST HYDR pressure head; - de poil/TEXTILE pile height; - des polntes/ (HDP) CONS MECA height of centers (ArnE), height of centres (BrE); - de pompage /INST HYDR hauteur manometrique head; - du portail / CONSTR architecture spandrel; - de preconformation/REssoRTS preset height; - de refoulement/ DISTRI EAU delivery head, delivery lift, discharge head, discharge lift, static discharge head, NUCLEAIRE delivery head, discharge head; - de la regie/ CONSTR screed height; - de skurite /MINES clearance, overwinding allowance; - du solell au-dessus de I'horizon/EN RENOUV solar altitude; - du soleil sur I'horizon / EN RENOUV solar altitude angle; - de la solution de couchage sur Ie papier / PAPIER pond depth; - du son/PHYS ONDES d'une onde sonore pitch; - du son de battement/PHYS ONDES beat note pitch; - sous barrots / NAUT cabin headroom; - sous clef / CONSTR height above impost level, d' une vollte rise; - totale/NUcLEAIRE total height; - totale de dragage/ DISTRI EAU full dredging depth; - typographlque / IMPRIM height of type, height-to-paper, type height;- des vagues/EN RENOUV, OCEANO wave height; - de verre/ CERAM VER glass depth, metal depth; - vertlcale /MINES lift; - de VOl/TRANSPORT height-on cushion, hoverheight; - des yeux/ CONSTR eyelevel

haut-fond m GEOLOGIE shallows, shoal, NAUT bank, shallows, shoal, OCEANO shallow, shelf, shoal, PRODUCTION shoal; - sableux m HYDROLOGIE sandbank

haut-foumeau m CERAM VER, CONS MECA, MAT CHAUFF, PRODUCTION, THERMODYN blast furnace; - au coke m PRODUCTION coke blast furnace; - conventlonnel m CHARBON blast furnace

haut-parc m OCEANO stake net, tide net haut-parleur m ACOUSTIQUE, ELECTR radio, ENREGISTR,

PHYSIQUE, TELECOM loudspeaker; - d'aigus m ENREG-

ISTR tweeter; - i'I almant permanent m ACOUSTIQUE permanent magnet loudspeaker; - d'angle m ENREGISTR corner loudspeaker; - i'I armature 8qullibree m ENREGISTR balanced armature loudspeaker; - i'I armature magnetlque m ENREGISTR magnetic armature loudspeaker; - i'I baffle Inflnl m ENREGISTR infinite baffle loudspeaker; - i'I boblne mobile m ACOUSTIQUE dynamic loudspeaker, ENREGISTR moving coil loudspeaker; - de cablne m CINEMAT monitoring loudspeaker; - coaxial m ACOUSTIQUE, ENREGISTR coaxial loudspeaker; - i'I colonne m ENREGISTR column loudspeaker; - i'I colonne d'alr m ENREGISTR air column loudspeaker; - compose m ENREGISTR composite loudspeaker; - conlque m ENREGISTR cone loudspeaker; - de controle m ENREGISTR control loudspeaker, monitoring loudspeaker; - i'I double c6ne m ENREGISTR dual cone loudspeaker; - d'effets speclaux m ENREGISfR effects loudspeaker; - i'I electro-aimant m ACOUSTIQUE electromagnet loudspeaker; - electrodynamlque m ACOUSTIQUE, ENREGISTR electrodynamic loudspeaker; elBCtromagnetique m ACOUSTIQUE, ENREGISTR electromagnetic loudspeaker; - electrostatlque m ACOUSTIQUE, ENREGISTR electrostatic loudspeaker; - electrostatlque i'I basse tension m ENREGISTR lowvoltage electrostatic loudspeaker; - elementalre m ACOUSTIQUE elementary loudspeaker; - elementaire ill voles multiples m ACOUSTIQUE multichannel elementary loudspeaker; - i'I excitation m ENREGISTR excited field loudspeaker; - fantome de canal central m ENREGISTR phantom-center-channel loudspeaker (ArnE), phantom-centre-channelloudspeaker (BrE); - de graves m ENREGISTR boomer; - ionique m ACOUSTIQUE, ENREGISTR ionic loudspeaker; - i'liarge bande m ENREGISTR full-range loudspeaker; - i'I magnetostrlction m ACOUSTIQUE magnetostriction loudspeaker; - i'I membrane m ACOUSTIQUE membrane loudspeaker; - ill membrane multiple m ENREGISTR multiple cone loudspeaker; - multlcanal m ENREGISTR multichannel loudspeaker; - i'I pavilion m ACOUSTIQUE, ENREGISTR horn loudspeaker; - i'I pavilIon pour bassefr8quence m ENREGISTR low-frequency horn loudspeaker; - ill pavilion pour haute frequence m ENREGISTR high-frequency horn loudspeaker; pl8zoelectrique m ENREGISTR piezoelectric loudspeaker; - pneumatique m ACOUSTIQUE pneumatic loudspeaker; - pour frequences moyennes m ENREGISTR midrange loudspeaker; - i'I rayonnement direct m ACOUSTIQUE direct loudspeaker; - i'I reponse etendue m ENREGISTR extended range loudspeaker; - ill ruban m ACOUSTIQUE, ENREGISTR ribbon loudspeaker; - super-tweater m ENREGISTR super-tweeter loudspeaker; - temoln m ENREGISTR monitoring loudspeaker

haQyne/MlNERAUX hauyne, hauynite havage m CHARBON cutting, kerf, MINES cutting, cut,

holing,jad, kerving, kirving have adj MINES holed haveneau m OCEANO brailer, dip net, scoop net, hand

lift net, push net, shrimping net haver vI MINES hole haveur m MINES coal cutter, cutting machine, cutter haveuse / CHARBON coal cutter, MINES coal cutter, coal-

cutting machine; - i'I barre coupante / MINES bar coal-cutting machine; - a chaine /MINES chain coalcutting machine; - ripante/cHARBoN cutter loader,

short-wall coal-cutting machine haveuse-rouilleuse / CHARBON holing and shearing

machine havrits m pi CHARBON fakes hayesine/MINERAUX hayesine hayon m AUTO lift gate, MECANIQUE vehicules tailgate,

TRANSPORT hatchback, rear door HC abrev (conteneur hors-cotes) TRANSPORT He (high-

cube container) HOP abrev (hauteur des pointes) CONS MECA height of

centers (ArnE), height of centres (BrE) He (helium) CHIMIE He (helium) hebronite/MINERAux hebronite hectare m METROLOGIE hectare hecto-pre/ (h) METROLOGIE hecto-(h) hectogramme m METROLOGIE hectogram (ArnE), hecto-

gramme (BrE) hectolitre m METROLOGIE hectoliter (ArnE), hectolitre

(BrE) hectometre m METROLOGIE hectometer (ArnE), hec-

tometre (BrE) hectowatt m ELECTROTEC hectowatt hedenbergite/MINERAUX hedenbergite h6dyphane m MINERAUX hedyphane h8ler vt NAUT navire hail helianthine/ CHIMIE helianthin, helianthine heliaque adj ASTRONOMIE relatif au solei! heliacal helice: I a - adj CONS MECA helical, spiral; en - adj CONS

MECA helical, spiral helice2 / AERONAUT d'avion propeller, CHIMIE helix,

CONS MECA helix, propeller, spiral, GEOMETRIE helix, NAUT propeller, screw, POLLU MER, TRANSPORT propeller; - aerienne/TRANsPoRT air propeller, airscrew; - aerienne a pas variable/TRANsPORT variable pitch air propeller; - anticouple / AERONAUT anti torque propeller; - bec-de-canard/NAuT folding propeller; - carenee / AERONAUT shrouded propeller, TRANSPORT Schottel propeller, ducted propeller, carinated propeller, shrouded propeller; - coaxiale / TRANSPORT coaxial propeller; - ill droite / CONS MECA right-handed spiral; - en arriere / TRANSPORT rear propeller; - en moulinet / AERONAUT windmilling propeller; - de freinage / TRANSPORT braking airscrew; -Iibre/TRANSPORT open propeller; - marine/ TRANSPORT marine propeller, water propeller (BrE), water screw (ArnE); - a pas fixe / AERONAUT fixed pitch propeller; - ill pas nUI/POLLU MER zero-pitch propeller; - a pas reglable / AERONAUT adjustable pitch propeller; - a pas reversible/ AERONAUT reversible pitch propeller, NAUT reversible-pitch propeller, TRANSPORT reversible pitch propeller; - a pas variable / AERONAUT variable pitch propeller, NAUT controllable-pitch propeller, variable pitch propeller, POLLU MER variable pitch propeller; - a prise directe/ AERONAUT direct-drive propeller; - a prise directe sans r6ducteur / AERONAUT direct-drive propeller; - propulsive / AERONAUT pusher propeller; - de queue / TRANSPORT tail propeller; - sans reducteur / AERONAUT direct-drive propeller; - a supercavitatlon / TRANSPORT supercavitating propeller; - tractive / AERONAUT tractor propeller, TRANSPORT driving propeller; - transsonique/ AERONAUT propfan; - ventilee / TRANSPORT ventilated propeller; - a vitesse constante/AERONAUT constant speed propeller

helices: - contrarotatives/ plTRANSPORT counter-rotating propellers; - Fenske / pi EQUIP LAB distillation

Fenske helices h8llclne/cHIMIE helicin


helicoidal adj CONS MECA helical, helicoid, helicoidal, GEOMETRIE helical, helicoid, MATERIAUX helicoidal

helicoidel adj CONS MECA helical, spiral, helicoid, helicoidal, TV helical

helicoide2 m GEOMETRIE helicoid helicoplane m AERONAUT cyc1ogyro helicoptare m AERONAUT helicopter; - ABC m TRANS-

PORT advancing blade concept helicopter; - d'affaires m AERONAUT executive helicopter; - anti char m AERONAUT antitank helicopter; - anti-sous-marln m AERONAUT antisubmarine helicopter; - arme m AERONAUT combat helicopter; - avec armement lourd m MILITAIRE attack helicopter, helicopter gunship; - birotor m AERONAUT dual-rotor helicopter; - combine m AERONAUT compound helicopter, gyrodyne, TRANSPORT compound helicopter; - embarque m AERONAUT carrier shipborne helicopter; - experimental m AERONAUT experimental helicopter; - grue m AERONAUT crane helicopter; - lager m TRANSPORT light multi-role helicopter; - lager d'observation m AERONAUT light observation helicopter; - 16gar de transport et de secours m TRANSPORT transport and rescue helicopter; - a missions multiples m AERONAUT multipurpose helicopter; - multlmoteur m AERONAUT multiengine helicopter; - navette m PETROLE shuttle helicopter; - pilote m AERONAUT manned helicopter; - polyvalent m AERONAUT multipurpose helicopter; - a reaction m AERONAUT jet helicopter; - a rotors basculants m TRANSPORT tilting rotor helicopter; - a rotors coaxiaux m AERONAUT, TRANSPORT coaxial helicopter; - a rotors en tandem m TRANSPORT dual tandem helicopter, tandem rotor helicopter; - de sauvetage m MILITAIRE, TRANSPORT rescue helicopter; - t8legulde m AERONAUT drone helicopter; - tous-temps m AERONAUT all-weather helicopter; - de transport m TRANSPORT cargo helicopter, transport helicopter; - de transport lourd m AERONAUT heavylift helicopter

heJlgare/TRANsPORT helicopter station, heliport; - sur immeuble/ AERONAUT rooftop heliport

hellgyre m TRANSPORT heligyro helimagnetisme m PHYSIQUE helimagnetism helioalimente adj ELECTROTEC solar-powered heliocentrique adj ASTRONOMIE heliocentric heliodore m MINERAUX heliodor heliodynamique/EN RENOUV solar dynamics helloganerateur m ELECTROTEC solar generator heliographe: - radio m ASTRONOMIE radio heliograph h8llograwre / IMPRIM impression gravure, technique

gravure printing, PLAST CAOU rotogravure printing heliomatre m ASTRONOMIE heliometer heliostat m ASTRONOMIE heliostat, EN RENOUV heat mir-

ror, heliostat heliotechnique/EN RENOUV solar technology heliotrope m MINERAUX heliotrope heliotropine / CHIMIE heliotropin, piperonal heliotroplque adj EN RENOUV heliotropic hellox m OCEANO heliox, oxygen-helium mixture heliport m AERONAUT, PETROLE installation a terre,

POLLU MER heliport, TRANSPORT heliport deck, heliport; - sur Immeuble m AERONAUT rooftop heliport

heliportage m AERONAUT, NAUT, TRANSPORT transport by helicopter

heliporte adj AERONAUT, POLLU MER, TRANSPORT heli-


copter-lifted heliporter1 m TRANSPORT helicopter

heliporte~ vt AERONAUT helicopter h8llstation ! AERONAUT helistop, TRANSPORT helipad,

helistop; - sur Immeuble! AERONAUT rooftop heliport

helisurface ! PETROLE plate-jorme en mer helipad, TRANSPORT helicopter landing platform, helicopter landing surface

helitreuiller vt AERONAUT, NAUT, TRANSPORT winch into helicopter

helium m (He) CHIMIE helium (He); -liqulde m THERMODYN liquid helium

helix: - cyllndrlque m RESSORTS cylindrical helix helvine!MINERAux helvine, helvite helvlte!MINERAUX helvine, helvite hemateine!cHIMIE haematein (BrE), hematein (ArnE) hematine! CHIMIE haematin (BrE), hematin (ArnE) hematique adj CHIMIE haematic (BrE), hematic (ArnE) hematite! CHIMIE, MATERIAUX, MINERAUX haematite

(BrE), hematite (ArnE); - brunejcHIMIE brown haematite (BrE), brown hematite (ArnE), brown iron ore

hematollte!MINERAUX haematolite (BrE), hematolite (ArnE)

hematoporphyrlne! CHIMIE haematoporphyrin (BrE), hematoporphyrin (ArnE)

hematoxyllne! CHIMIE haematoxylin (BrE), hematoxylin(AmE)

hemiacetal m CHIMIE hemi-acetal hemicellulose! CHIMIE hemicellulose hemlmetallique adj CHIMIE hemimetallic hemlmorphitejMINERAUX electric calamine, hemimor-

phite hemloxyde: - d'azote m POLLUTION nitrous oxide hemlplnlque adj CHIMIE hemipinic hemlsphllre m GEOMETRIE hemisphere hemltropie!cRISTALL twin formation, twinning hemoglobine!cHIMIE haemoglobin (BrE) , hemoglobin

(ArnE) hemolyse!cHIMIE haemolysis (BrE), hemolysis (ArnE) hemolyslne ! CHIMIE haemolysin (BrE), hemolysin

(ArnE) hemolytique adj CHIMIE haemolytic (BrE), hemolytic

(ArnE) hemopyrrol m CHIMIE haemopyrrole (BrE), hemopyr-

role (ArnE) hemosiderlne ! CHIMIE haemosiderin (BrE), hemo-

siderin (ArnE) hemotoxine ! CHIMIE haemotoxin (BrE), hemotoxin


PHYSIQUE henry (H) henrymlltre m ELECTR inductance meter heparlne! CHIMIE heparin hepatite!MINERAUX hepatite heptade! CHIMIE heptad heptaildre m GEOMETRIE heptahedron heptagonal adj GEOMETRIE heptagonal heptagone m GEOMETRIE heptagon heptane m CHIMIE, PETROLE heptane heptavalent adj CHIMIE heptavalent heptllne m CHIMIE heptene heptodejELECTRoN heptode heptose m CHIMIE heptose heptyle m CHIMIE heptyl heptyillne m CHIMIE heptylene

heptylique adj CHIMIE heptylic haptyne m CHIMIE heptyne herbe!ELECTRON, NUCLEAlRE grass herchage m MINES drawing Hercule m ASTRONOMIE Hercules hercynitejMINERAUX hercynite

herisson m CONS MECA rag wheel, REFRIG manifold drying apparatus

heritage m INFORMAT, ORDINAT inheritance hermeticltejcoNs MECA d'unjoint tightness, PRODUC-

TION d'unjoint imperviousness herrnetlque adj CONS MECA, EMBALLAGE, NAUT,

PHYSIQUE airtight, TV d'un relais solid-state hermetiquement: - clos adj MECANIQUE hermetically-

sealed herrninette!coNsTR adze; - UitejcoNsTR poll adze heroinej CHIMIE heroin herschage m MINES drawing herse!IMPRIM web severer hertz m (Hz) ELECTR unite de!requence, ELECTROTEC,

METROLOGIE, PETR, PHYSIQUE, TV hertz (Hz) hertzien adj ELECTR oscillateur Hertzian hesperidlne! AGRO ALIM, CHIMIE hesperidin hesperitinej CHIMIE hesperitin hessitejMINERAUX hessite hessonite!MINERAuX essonite, hessonite heteroatome m CHIMIE heteroatom heteroatomlque adj CHIMIE heteroatomic heteroauxlnej CHIMIE heteroauxin h8terocyclique adj CHIMIE heterocyclic h8terodynatlonjTv heterodyning heterodyne m ELECTRON service oscillator; - de service

m ELECTRON test oscillator heterogllne adj MET ALL heterogeneous heterog6n8lte! GAZ movement heterogenltejMINERAUX heterogenite heteroJonctlon!ELEcTRON, OPTIQUE, TELECOM hetero-

junction h8teromarquage m NUCLEAlRE heterolabeling (ArnE),

heterolabelling (BrE) h8terometrlque adj GEOLOGIE cristaux de taille dif-!hente heterometric

h8teromorphite!MINERAuX heteromorphite h8teropolaire adj CHIMIE heteropolar heteroside m CHIMIE heteroside heterosite!MINERAUX heterosite heteroxanthlnej CHIMIE heteroxanthine Hettangien adj GEOPHYS Hettangian heulandlte!MINERAUX heulandite heure j PHYSIQUE hour; - d'approche prevue! AERO-

NAUT expected approach time; - chargee!TELEcoM busy hour; - chargee moyenne!TELECOM mean busy hour, time-consistent busy hour; - creuse! TRANSPORT lowest hourly traffic; - de deblocage ! AERONAUT circulation aerienne release time; - de debut! ORDINAT start time; - de depart prevue! AERONAUT, NAUT estimated time of departure; - de l'echange!TELEcoM interchange time; - d'emission! TV airtime; - e$llmee de depart du poste de stationnement! AERONAUT estimated off-block time; - de feu vert jTRANSPORT hour of green signal indication; - du fuseau!NAuT standard time; - legale !NAUT standard time; - de polntejcH DE FER peak hour, rush hour, TELECOM peak busy hour, TRANSPORT peak hour, rush hour; - prevue d'arrlvee! (HPA) AERONAUT, NAUTestimated time of arrival (ETA); - dela

station f TV station time; - TU f TELECOM temps universel universal time coordinated; - universelle f TELECOM universal time coordinated

heures: - d'antennefplTV broadcasting times; - effectlves de production f pi PRODUCTION realized production time; - de fonctlonnementfpl PRODUCTION operating hours; - de grande ecoute f pi TV peak time; - operatoiresf pi PRODUCTION operating hours; - passeesf pi PRODUCTION spent capacity; - de volf pi AERONAUT flying hours

heuristique atij INFORMAT, ORDINAT heuristic heurtequln m CONS MECA d'un essieu collar heurter: se - a v rejl MECANIQUE impinge on; se - contre

v rejl NAUT navire foul heurtoir m CH DE FER buffer, buffer stop; - glissant m

(Fra) (cfheurtoir patinant) CH DE FER vehicules buffer stop block; - patinant m (Bel) (cf heurtoir glissant) CH DE FER vehicules buffer stop block

heurtoir-frein m CH DE FER vehicules buffer stop block hexachlorure: - de benzene m AGRO ALIM benzene hex-

achloride hexacontane m CIDMIE hexacontane hexacosane m CHIMIE hexacosane hexadecane m CIDMIE hexadecane hexadecimal adj INFORMAT hexadecimal, ORDINAT hex,

hexadecimal hexadiene m CHIMIE hexadiene hexaedre l atij GEOMETRIE hexahedral hexaedre2 m GEOMETRIE hexahedron hexafluorure: - d'uranlum m NUCLEAlRE hex, uranic

fluoride, uranium hexafluoride hexagonal atij CRISTALL, GEOMETRlE, MATERlAUX hexa-

gonal hexagone m GEOMETRIE hexagon hexahydrobenzene m CHIMIE hexahydrobenzene hexahydrobenzoique adj CHIMIE acide hexahydroben-

zoic hexahydrophenol m CIDMIE hexahydrophenol hexahydropyridlnef CIDMIE hexahydropyridine hexamethylene: - tetramlne m PLAST CAOU hexa-

methylene diisocyanate hexane m CHIMIE, PETROLE hexane hexanol m CIDMIE hexanol hexavalent l adj CIDMIE hexadic, hexavalent hexavalenr m CIDMIE hexad hexene m CIDMIE hexene hexodefELECTRON hexode hexogene m CHIMIE hexogen hexosane m CIDMIE hexosan hexose m CIDMIE hexose hexyl m CIDMIE hexyl hexylene m CIDMIE hexylene hexylique adj CHIMIE hexylic hexyne m CHIMIE hexyne Hf (hafnium) CHIMlEHf (hafnium) HF abrev (hautefrequence) AERONAUT, ELECTR, ELEC-

TRON, ELECTROTEC HF (high-frequency) Hg (mercure) CIDMIE Hg (mercury) HI: - type de nebuleuse m ASTRONOMIE HI type region hiatus m PETR hiatus hiddenitefMINERAUX hiddenite hiefcoNsTR earth rammer, gin, pile driver, postdriver,

rammer, rammer hlerarchlefiNFoRMAT, ORDINAT hierarchy; - de don-

nees f INFORMAT, ORDINAT data hierarchy; - de memoire f INFORMAT, ORDINAT memory hierarchy,


storage hierarchy; - numerique f TELECOM digital hierarchy; - numerlque pleslochrone f TELECOM PDH, plesiochronous digital hierarchy; - numerique synchrone f (HNS) TELECOM synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)

high: - band atij TV high band hiiolrafNAuT coaming, girder, stringer; - d'ecoutille f

NAUT hatch coaming; - de protection f AERONAUT coaming; - sous barrotsfNAuT deck girder

hissage m MINES raising, PRODUCTION hoisting hisser vt AERONAUT, MECANIQUE hoist, NAUT drapeau

break, PRODUCTION hoist; -Ies couleurs vt NAUT hoist the colors (ArnE), hoist the colours (BrE)

histaminef CIDMIE histamine histogramme m INFORMAT, MATH histogram, ORDINAT

bar chart, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM histogram; - d'etat des contacts m ELECTR, PRODUCTION contact histogram

histonef CHIMIE histone historlque m IMPRIM background hlvemage m METEO rainy season, NAUT winter storage hivemlser vt AUTO winterize hlp abrev (haut Ie pied) CH DE FER vehicules running

light HNS abrev (hierarchie numerique synchrone) TELECOM

SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy) Ho (holmium) CIDMIE Ho (holmium) holmiumm (Ho) CHIMIEholmium (Ho) holocene m GEOLOGIE stratigraphie Holocene hologramme m PHYS ONDES, PHYSIQUE hologram holographle f ESPACE vehicules, INFORMAT, ORDINAT,

PHYS ONDES, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE holography homilitefMINERAUX homilite homme: - de barre m NAUT helmsman; - de cabestan m

PETROLE motorman homme-an m PRODUCTION man-year homme-heure m CONSTR, PRODUCTION man-hour; -

indirect m CONS MECA indirect man-hour homme-jour m PRODUCTION man-day homme-semaine m PRODUCTION man-week homocyclique adj CHIMIE homocyclic homogElne atij CIDMIE homogeneous, uniform, GEO-

LOGIE massive, MATERlAUX, METALL homogeneous homogeneisateur m EQUIP LAB preparation homo-

genizer homogen8isationf GENIE CIDM diffusion annealing, MAT

CHAUFF homogenizing, METALL, PLAST CAOU homogenization

homogen8ite fMA TERiAUX homogeneity homographief GEOMETRIE homograph homographique atij GEOMETRIE homographic homojonction f ELECTRON, OPTIQUE, TELECOM homo-

junction homologation f AERONAUT approval, ESPACE qualite

type approval, PRODUCTION, QUALITE approval, VEIDCULES reglementation approval, certification, homologation; - d'aptitudefQuALITE capability approval; - de qualification f QUALITE qualification approval; - detypefQuALITE type approval

homologue adj CIDMIE, MATERIAUX, METALL homologous

homologuer vt AERONAUT, QUALITE approve homopolymllre m PLAST CAOU homopolymer homopolymerlsationfpLAsT CAOU procede homopoly-

merization homopyrrole m CHIMIE homopyrrole homoterephtallque atij CHIMIE homoterephthalic


homoth8tlque adj IMPRIM reproduction homothetical hopcallte/cHIMIE hopcalite hop6lte/MINERAux hopeite hord8ine/ CHIMIE hordein horizon m ASTRONOMIE, GEOLOGIE, NAUT, PETROLE des

couches stratigraphiques horizon; - apparent m ASTRONOMIE apparent horizon; - artiflclel m AERONAUT artificial horizon, ESPACE vehicules artificial horizon, gyro horizon, TRANSPORT artificial horizon, gyro horizon; - celeste m ASTRONOMIE celestial horizon;- des evll/lements m ASTRONOMIE event horizon; - fantame m GEOPHYS phantom horizon; - gyroscoplque m AERONAUT gyro horizon; - de lancement m PRODUCTION release horizon; - p8dologique Indure m GEOLOGIE hardpan; - de planlflcation m PRODUCTION forecast horizon, planning horizon, time fence; - de prevision m PRODUCTION forecast horizon; - producteur m PETROLE producing horizon; - productif m PETROLE producing horizon; - repere m GEOLOGIE datum horizon, marker bed; - sismique m GEOLOGIE event, marker; - visible m ASTRONOMIE apparent horizon; - visuel m NAUT visible horizon

horizontal adj GEOMETRIE horizontal horizontale/ GEOMETRIE horizontal hOrioge/INFORMATclock, timer, ORDINATclock, watch-

dog timer; - atomique/PHYSIQUE, TELECOM atomic clock; - au cesium 133/ESPACE caesium clock (BrE), cesium clock (ArnE); - chien de garde/ INFORMAT, PRODUCTION watchdog timer; - electrique synchrone /ELECTR synchronous electric clock; - 61ectronique / ELECTRON, TELECOM electronic clock; -Interne/TELECOM internal clock; - mere /INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM master clock; - numerique/INFORMAT, ORDINAT digital clock; - pariante / TELECOM speaking clock; - pilote/TELECOM master clock; - prlnclpale/ INFORMAT, ORDINAT master clock; - a quartz/ELEcTR quartz crystal clock; - de referenCe/TELECOM reference clock; - slderale/ ASTRONOMIE sidereal clock; - de surveillance / INFORMAT, ORDINAT watchdog timer; - temps reel/INFORMAT, ORDINAT real-time clock

Horloge/ ASTRONOMIE Horologium homblende / MATERIAUX geologie blende, MINERAUX

hornblende homblendlte/PETR hornblendite horodateur m INFORMAT, ORDINAT dater, TELECOM time

stamp, TRANSPORT parking meter hors: - d'aplomb adj CONS MECA out-of-plumb, CONSTR

ofT plumb, out-of-plumb; - carte adj ELECTRON ofT board; - champ adj CINEMAT ofT-camera, off-screen; - emission adj TELECOM ofT-air; - d'equerre adj CONS MECA, IMPRIMpapier, machine out-of-square; d'8qullibre adj PHYSIQUE not in equilibrium; - IIgne adjINFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM ofT-line; - micro adj ENREGISTR off-mike; - d'oeuvre adj CONSTR overall; - de portee adjMILITAIRE artillerie out-of-range; - puce adj ELECTRON ofT chip; - service adj CONS MECA outof-action, out-of-use; - tol8rance adj CONS MECA out-of-tolerance; - tout adj CONS MECA, CONSTR dimensions overall; - trim adj AERONAUT out-of-trim; - d'usage adj CONS MECA out-of-action, out-of-use

hors-bord adj NAUT outboard hors-profll m MINES overbreak hote m INFORMA T host, ORDINAT host hotte / CONSTR head, hopper head, rainwater head,

EQUIP LAB extraction hood, fume cupboard, PAPIER

de machine , PRODUCTION d'une forge, d'un laboratoire hood; - d'asplratlon / EQUIP LAB fume hood, GENIE CHIM fume cupboard, fume hood; - de drague / NAUT dredge bucket; - fermee / EQUIP LAB fume cupboard, GENIE CHIM fume cupboard, fume hood; - ouverte/PAPIER open hood

houache/ocEANotrack houage m CHARBON cubage houe/coNsTR hoe houille / CHARBON, GEOLOGIE coal; - anthraciteuse /

CHARBON semi anthracite; - blanche / DISTRI EAU water power, EN RENOUV hydroelectric power, water power; - bleue/EN RENOUV tidal power, wave power; - deml-grasse / CHARBON cherry coal; - a gaz / CHARBON gas coal; - grasse/cHARBoN fat coal, gas coal, flaming coal; - tout-venant/MINEs run-of-mine, run-of-mine coal

houillere / CHARBON coal mine, colliery, MINES coal mine, colliery, pit; - a clel ouvert/cHARBON daylight colliery, open cast mine

houilleur m CHARBON collier houilleuse / CHARBON coal cutter, MINES coal cutter,

coal-cutting machine houlillfication/ CHARBON carbonization, coalification houillifier vt CHARBON carbonize houle / NAUT, OCEANO swell; - d8feriante / OCEANO

breaker, breaking wave; - par Ie travers /NAUT beam sea

houlographe m OCEANO wave recorder housse / CONS MECA cover; - de protection du clavier /

ORDINAT keyboard mask HPA abrev (heure prevue d'arrivee) AERONAUT, NAUT

ETA (estimated time 0/ arrival) HT abrev (haute tension) ELECTR alimentation, ELEC-

TROTEC, PHYSIQUE HT (high-tension), HV (high-voltage)

hublot m CERAM VER porthole, NAUT port, porthole, window; - d'aeratlon m NAUT air vent; - ejectable m AERONAUT jettisonable window; - d'observatlon m ESPACE vehicules viewing port; - de projection m CINEMAT projection port; - toumant m NAUT c1earview screen

hubnerite/MINERAUX hubnerite huche /INST HYDR closed turbine chamber, enclosed

casing, MINES hutch, PRODUCTION closed turbine chamber

hullage m PRODUCTION oiling hulle / PAPIER, PETROLE oil, POLLU MER hydrocarbon,

REFRIG oil; - absolue / CHIMIE de Braconnot olein; - d'acaJou/PLAST CAOU liant de peinture cashew nut oil; - d'ambre blanc /LESSIVES sperm oil, spermaceti oil; - anthracenique /CHIMIE anthracene oil; - d'arachide/ AGRO ALIM arachis oil, groundnut oil, CHIMIE peanut oil; - de beurre / AGRO ALIM butter oil; - de blanc de baleine/LEssIVES sperm oil, spermaceti oil; - camphree / CHIMIE camphor oil; - de carthame / AGRO ALIM safflower oil; - chlmlquement neutre/PETRoLE chemically neutral oil; - de coffrage/cONSTR formwork oil, mold oil (ArnE), mould oil (BrE); - de colza / AGRO ALIM canola oil, rapeseed oil; - compoundee / PRODUCTION compound oil; - contenant de I'eau / PETROLE cut oil; - de conversion / PETROLE conversion oil; - de copra / AGRO ALIM coconut oil; - de coton/ AGRO ALiM cottonseed oil; - de cOUpe/CONS MECA coolant, cutting oil; - desasphaltee/PETROLE DAO, deasphalted oil; - d8tergente/LESSIVES, VE-

HICULES lubrication detergent oil; - diesel pour les machines marines/NAuT marine diesel oil; - en place /PfITR oil in place; - epoxldlque /PLAST CAOU Iiant de peinture epoxidized oil; - essentlelle / AGRO ALIM essential oil; - d'extenslon/PfITROLE raffinageextender oil; - fixe / CIDMIE fixed oil; - de fole de morue / AGRO ALIM cod liver oil; - de fusel / AGRO ALIM fusel oil; - de gralne de coton/ AGRO ALIM cottonseed oil; - de graine de IIn/CHIMIE linseed oil; - de graissage/ AUTO lubricating oil, PRODUCTION lubricant, lubricating oil, systeme hydraulique lubrication oil; - a gralsser/PRoDUCTION lubricating oil; - a hautetenue /PfITROLE HD, heavy-duty oil; - de houille/CHARBON coal oil, coal tar naphtha; - hydrogenee/PRODUCTION hardened oil; - a Immerslon/METALL immersion oil; - Isolante/ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, PfITROLE insulating oil; - de kapok/cHIMIE kapok oil; - de lin/ CIDMIE, CONSTR, NAUT linseed oil; - de lin culte / CHIMIE boiled linseed oil; - lubrlflante / VEmCULES lubricating oil; - de macis/ AGRO ALIM epice mace oil; - mlnerale / AUTO, PLAST CAOU matiere premiere mineral oil; - morte /PETROLE dead oil; - de moutarde / AGRO ALIM epice mustard-seed oil; - multigrade / AUTO, VEHICULES lubrification multigrade oil; - de muscade/ AGRO ALIM epice mace oil; - de nolx/ AGRO ALIM walnut oil; - de palme / CIDMIE palm oil; - de palmlste/ AGRO ALIM palm kernel oil, CIDMIE palm nut oil; - de paraffine/ CHIMIE, THERMODYN liquid paraffin; - parafflnee / CIDMIE paraffin oil; - partlellement emulsionnee/PfITROLE cut oil;- de perilla/ CHIMIE perilla seed oil; - de pied de boeuf/ AGROALIMneat's-foot oil; - de pierre/CHARBON coal oil, stone oil, PfITR earth oil, stone oil; - de poisson/ CIDMIE fish oil; - pour mecanisme / CONS MECA machine oil; - pour moteur /VEIDCULES engine oil; - pour moteurs 2 temps / AUTO two-stroke oil; - pour mouvement/coNs MECA machine oil; - pour organe de machine/coNs MECA engine oil; - pour transformateur /ELECTR, ELECTROTEC transformer oil; - de protection/PRODUCTION anticorrosion oil; - de riCin/ PLAST CAOU Iiant de peinture castor oil; - de roche / CHARBON coal oil, rock oil, PETR earth oil, rock oil; - siccative / AGRO ALIM, PLAST CAOU Iiant de peinture, PRODUCTION drying oil; - de spermaceti / LESSIVES sperm oil, spermaceti oil; - de suif/CHIMIE olein, oleo oil, tallow oil; - sulfatee / LESSIVES sulfated oil (ArnE), sulphated oil (BrE); - de tall / PLAST CAOU matiere premiere pour peinture tall oil; - v8getale / AGRO ALIM vegetable oil; - de vitriol/ CHIMIE oil of vitriol

huilement m PRODUCTION oiling huiler vt PRODUCTION lubricate, oil huisserle/ CONSTR casing, door framing huitriere/ OCEANO oyster bed, oyster farm hululement m TELECOM warble humboldtllite/MINERAUX humboldtilite humboldtine/MINERAUX humboldtine humectage m PAPIER dampening, damping humectant m CIDMIE humectant humecte adj THERMODYN humid, moist humecter vt AGRO ALIM moisten, CHIMIE wet, THERMO-

DYN moisten humecteur m THERMODYN humidifier humecteuse/PAPIER dampener, humidifier, moistener humlde adj PAPIER damp, moist, wet, TEXTILE wet,

THERMODYN humid, moist


humidificateur m AERONAUT humidifier, EMBALLAGE moistening equipment, REFRIG, THERMODYN humidifier; - d'air m SECURrm air humidifier; - a dlsque tournant m REFRIG spinning disc humidifier (BrE), spinning disk humidifier (ArnE); - a injection de vapeur m REFRIG steam humidifier

humidification/ CIDMIE moistening, wetting, CONS MECA wetting, CONSTR heton tempering, THERMODYN humidification; - de la composltlon/CERAM VER batch wetting

humidifier vt PAPIER humidify, PHYSIQUE wet, REFRIG humidify, THERMODYN humidify, moisten

humidifuge adj EMBALLAGE moisture-repellent humldiostat m REFRIG humidistat humldite / CIDMIE moistness, moisture, MAT CHAUFF,

METED humidity, PAPIER dampness, humidity, moisture content, PHYSIQUE, REFRIG, THERMODYN humidity; - absolue / CHAUFFAGE, HYDROLOGIE du sol, METEO de I'air, PHYSIQUE absolute humidity; - d'air / CHARBON air moisture; - atrnospherique / EMBALLAGE humidity of the air, THERMODYN air humidity; - relative / CHAUFFAGE, D1STRI EAU, MAT CHAUFF, MATERIAUX, PHYSIQUE, PLAST CAOU, REFRIG, TEXTILE relative humidity; - relative de I'air / (Ha) METED relative humidity of the air; - relative du sol/ HYDROLOGIE relative humidity of the ground; - residuelle / EMBALLAGE, REFRIG residual moisture; - speclflque /METEO specific humidity

humique adj CIDMIE humic humite/MINERAUX humite humulene m CIDMIE humulene humus m CHARBON, CIDMIE, CONSTR humus hureaullte/MINERAUX hureaulite hurleur m TELECOM howler hyacinthe/MINERAUX hyacinth hyalin adj CIDMIE vitreous, GEOLOGIE hyaline hyalite/MINERAUX hyalite hyaloclastite / GEOLOGIE hyaloc1astic rock, hyaloc1as-

tite hyalogene m CIDMIE hyalogen hyalophane/MINERAUX hyalophane hybridlsation/ CHIMIE hybridization hydantoine/ CHIMIE hydantoin hydracrylique adj CHIMIE acide hydracrylic hydrante m D1STRI EAU plug, water hydrant, water plug hydrargiliite/MINERAUX hydrargillite hydrastine/ CIDMIE hydrastine hydrastique adj CIDMIE acide hydrastic hydratation/cIDMIE, CONSTR du ciment, GEOLOGIE hy-

dration hydrate m CHIMIE hydrate; - de carbone m AGRO ALIM,

CIDMIE carbohydrate; - de chloral m CIDMIE chloralhydrate; - de chlorure d'aluminium m HYDROLOGIE aluminium chlorohydrate (BrE), aluminum chlorohydrate (ArnE)

hydrate adj CHIMIE hydrous, GEOLOGIE mineraux hydrated, hydrous

hydrater vt CIDMIE, GEOLOGIE hydrate hydrateur m AGRO ALIM masher hydratropique adj CIDMIE acide hydratropic hydrauliquage m MINES spatter work hydrauliquel adjMECANIQUE, REFRIG hydraulic hydraulique2/INST HYDR, MECANIQUE hydraulics, NAUT

hydraulic system, PETROLE hydraulics; - fluvlale / D1STRI EAU fluvial hydraulics

hydravion m AERONAUT seaplane, NAUT hydroplane,


TRANSPORT flying boat; - II coque m AERONAUT flying boat; - monocoque m AERONAUT flying boat; - monomoteur m TRANSPORT float seaplane, floatplane

hydrazide! CHIMIE hydrazide hydrazlne!cmMlE, ESPAcEmatiere de propulsion hydra-

zine hydrazoique adj cmMIE hydrazoic Hydre! ASTRONOMIE Hydra, The Sea Serpent; - male!