ORDINAT trailer label labeur m IMPRIM commercial printing labile adj CHIMIE, GEOLOGIE labile labo m CINEMAT darkroom, PHOTO lab laboratolre m CHIMIE, CINEMAT, PHOTO laboratory, PRO-

DUCTION charge chamber, laboratory, reverberatory chamber; - d'analyse m CHARBON analysis laboratory, assay office; - en orbite m ESPACE vehicules orbiting laboratory; - d'essai m QUALITE test laboratory; -Independant m CINEMAT outside lab; - marin m OCEANO marine laboratory; - maritime m OCEANO marine laboratory, oceanogfaphic laboratory; - obseur m PHOTO darkroom; - oeeanographlque m OCEANO marine laboratory, oceanographic laboratory; - orbital m ESPACE vehicules orbiting laboratory; - orbital hablte m ESPACE vehicules MOL, manned orbiting laboratory; - semi-ehaud m NUCLEAIRE semihot laboratory, warm laboratory; - spatial m ESPACE vehicules, space laboratory, spacelab; - de tlrage m CINEMAT printing lab, processing laboratory; - de trueages m CrNEMA T optical house

labradoritejMrNERAUX labradorite labyrlnthe: - d'8tancheite m CONS MECA labyrinth seal lac m DISTRI EAU, HYDROLOGIE lake; - aclde m POLLU-

TION acid lake; - aeide naturel m POLLUTION naturally acid lake; - acidifie m POLLUTION acid lake, acidified lake; - de barrage m DISTRI EAU artificial lake, HYDROLOGIE storage lake; - de barrage glacialre m HYDROLOGIE glacier lake; - borique m LESSIVES borax lake; - en transition m POLLUTION transition lake; - eutrophe m RECYCLAGE eutrophic lake; - de glacier m HYDROWGIE glacier lake; - non aelde m POLLUTION nonacidic lake; - non acidifie m POLLUTION nonacidic lake

lac;age m ENREGISTR lacing laccaique adj CHIMIE laceaic laccol m CHIMIE laceol laccolltem GEOWGIE, GEOPHYS, PETR laccolith laeer vt PRODUCTION courroie lace laceret m CONSTR auger, screw eye; - a cuiller m CONSTR

spoon auger; - a yrllle m CONSTR gimlet lacet m AERONAUT yaw, CONSTR charniere pin, EN RE-

NOUV, ESPACE pilotage yaw, GEOMETRIE topologie loop, PHYSIQUE yaw, yawing

liche adj PAPIER loose licher vt DISTRI EAU robinet turn on, NAUT corde loosen lacis m PRODUCTION network, de jils network lactamej CHIMIE lactam lactamldej CHIMIE lactamide lactate m CHIMIE lactate lactenlnej CHIMIE lactenin laetlde m CHIMIE lactide laetlque adj CHIMIE lactic lactobutyrom8tre m AGRO ALIM lactobutyrometer lactodenslmatre m AGRO ALIM lactometer

lactonej CHIMIE lactone lactonique adj CHIMIE lactonic lactonisatlonj CHIMIE lactonization lactonitrile m CHIMIE lactonitrile lactose m CHIMIE lactose lactoserum m AGRO ALIM whey lacunejcRlSTALL vacancy, ELECTROTEC hole, GEOLOGIE

disconformity, erosion, sedimentation gap, hiatus, METALL vacancy; - granulomtitriquejcERAM VER gap; - d. miscibilitejMETALL miscibility gap; - de sedimentationjGEOLOGIEnondepositional gap, nonsequence

lacustre adj GEOLOGIE lacustrine lagon m GEOLOGIE, OCEANO lagoon lagranglen adj PHYSIQUE Lagrangian lagre m CERAM VER flattening table lagunage m POLLUTION lagooning lagune j CONSTR, DISTRI EAU, GEOLOGIE, HYDROLOGIE,

OCEANO lagoon; - cotiarejGEOLOGIE lagoon lahar m GEOLOGIE debris volcaniques lahar lainejPAPIER, TEXTILE wool; - d'amiante jNUCLEAIRE

asbestos wool, cotton asbestos; - mlnerale jCHAUFFAGE slag wool; - a repriser jTEXTILE darning wool; - d. roche j CHAUFFAGE rock wool, REFRIG mineral wool; - de la salamandre jPRODUCTION cinder wool; - de scoriejPRoDUCTION cinder wool; - de yerrej CHAUFFAGE glass wool, PLAST CAOU glass wool,plastiques fiberglass (ArnE), fibreglass (BrE), REFRIG glass wool

laineux adj PAPIER woolen, TEXTILE woolly lalniarejPRoDUCTION courroies lace lais m HYDROLOGIE silt, OCEANO alluvium, silt; - de la

mer m OCEANO alluvium, silt laisse:' en - advEsPAcE vehicules tethered lalsse:2 - de basse mer j NAUT, OCEANO low water

mark; - de haute mer j GEOPHYS tidemark, HYDROLOGIE high water mark, tidemark, OCEANO high water mark; - de pleine mer jNAUT high watermark

laisser:' - couyer vt PRODUCTION allow to breed;- echapper vt CHIMIE gaz release; - ouyert vt ORDINAT fichier leave open; - rasseoir vt GENIE CHIM settle; - reposer vt GENIE CHIM settle; - tremper vt TEXTILE soak

laisser:2 - arriYer vi NAUT sur un cap bear away; - porter ViNAUT sur un cap bear away

laisses: - de crue mpl HYDROWGIE flood deposits lait: - certifie m AGRO ALIM IT milk, tuberculin-tested

milk; - de chaux m CONSTR limewash, whitewash; - de couchage m PAPIER slurry; - de couche m PAPIER slip; - entier concentre m AGRO ALIM evaporated whole milk; - garanti m AGRO ALIM IT milk, tuberculin-tested milk; - de kaolin m PAPIER clay slip; - de roche m MINERAUX rock milk

laltancejcoNsTR laitance lait.riej AGRO ALIM dairy plant laltler m CHARBON, CHAUFFAGE, CONSTR slag, PRODUC-

TION cinder; - de clment m CERAM VER clinker cement; - de haut fourneau m PRODUCTION blast furnace slag; - mousseux m MATERIAUX metallurgie

foamed slag; - ultra-aclde m PRODUCTION highly-acid slag; - ultra-basique m PRODUCTION highly-basic slag

laiton m CONS MECA, ELECI'R, MATERIAUX, MECANIQUE, PRODUCTION brass; - ill cartouches m CONS MECA cartridge brass; - quallta marine m MECANIQUE naval brass

laitonnage m CONSTR brassing laize / IMPRIM impression web width, NAUT sailcloth,

PAPIER width lamage: - arrlwe m CONS MECA back spotfacing lamanage m NAUT inshore pilotage lamaneur m NAUT inshore pilot lambda m IMPRIM caret lambeau: - de charriage m GEOLOGIE klippe lambert m METROLOGIE lambert lambert-pled m CINEMAT foot lambert lambourde/ CONSTR wall plate, MINES lagging lame / CHIMIE lamina, CONS MECA cutter, outil blade,

CONSTR blade, ELECI'R condensateur plate, MECANIQUE blade, outil/age knife, NAUT billow, wave, NUCLEAIRE metal sheet, PAPIER bar, blade, RESSORTS leaf; - d'aigullle/ CH DE FER switch blade, switch tongue; - d'air / EMBALLAGE airbrush, IMPRIM sechage air knife, PAPIER air blade, air knife, airbrush, PLAST CAOU air knife, materiel pour rev€tement airbrush; - d'attaque / POLLU MER front blade; - bimBtallique / ELECTR thermostat, thermometre bimetallic strip; - de blstouri /EQUIP LAB scalpel blade; - ill cisalller ICONS MECA shear blade; - de cisallles/ CONS MECA shear blade; - ill cisallles ill rouleaux / CONS MECA rotary shear blade; - de ciseaux / CERAM VER shear blade; - de collecteur / ELECTR commutator segment, machine commutator bar, ELECI'ROTEC commutator bar; - complete/ELECTRON finished quartz; - coudae de platlne / PAPIER angle bar; - de coupe/IMPRIM /ac;onnage cutter; - dechiquetee / SECURITE jagged edge of a blade; - deml-onde/PHYSIQUE half-wave plate; - daversante/ HYDROLOGIE overflow; - dissymetrique / RESSORTS asymmetrical leaf; - d'encrler /IMPRIM ink blade, ink knife, machine fountain blade; - engageante/IMPRIM plieuse tucking blade; - d'atrave/NAuT bow wave; -ill faces paralleles/ CINEMAT optical flat; - fixe/ELECTROTEC stator plate; - de fond/NAuT ground swell, OCEANO bottom surge, ground swell; - fusible / ELECTR link fuse, securite fuse strip; - de gaz/NUCLEAIRE gas discharge gap; - de houle /NAUT roller; - maitresse / AUTO master leaf, RESSORTS main leaf; - mince/cRISTALL thin section; - mobile/ELECI'ROTEC rotor plate; - nlveleuse /TRANSPORT grader leveling blade (ArnE), grader levelling blade (BrE); - de perforation /IMPRIM/ac;onnage perforation blade; - de plle/PAPIER beater bar, refiner bar; - du pli d'aquerre /IMPRIM rotative chopper fold blade; - porte-obJet/ EQUIP LAB microscope slide, INSTRUMENT glass slide; - pour microscope /EQUIP LAB microscope slide; - pour scle sauteuse / CONS MECA jig saw blade; - quart d'onde / PHYSIQUE quarter wave plate; - de rabot / CONSTR plane bit; - de raboteuse / CONS MECA plane iron; - de racle/PAPIER doctor blade; - de retenue de pale / AERONAUT blade retention strap; - de rotor / ELECTROTEC rotor plate; - de scle / CONS MECA saw blade; - de scle circulalre / CONS MECA circular saw;- de scie clrculalre ill bois / CONS MECA woodsawing circular saw blade; - de scie ill mataux/coNS MECA hacksaw blade, metal-cutting saw blade; - de scie ill ruban ill mBtaux/CONs MECA metal-cutting band-saw


blade; - de scie sabre/coNS MECA reciprocating saw blade; - de sacurlta / RESSORTS safety leaf; - seml-raflechlssante/PHYSIQUE semireflecting plate; - significative / OCEANO significant wave; - sousmaitresse / RESSORTS second leaf; - du stator / ELECI'ROTEC stator plate; - de support/CONS MECA rectification sans centre work rest blade; - telnte sensible / CERAM VER tint plate; - de tournevls pour vllebrequin / CONS MECA screwdriver bit, turnscrew bit; - trapezoidale / CONS MECA trapezoidal blade

lamellalre adj GEOLOGIE, MECANIQUE materiaux, METALL lamellar

lamelle / CHIMIE, GEOLOGIE lamina, MET ALL lamella; - couvre-obJet/EQUIP LAB cover glass, cover slip, INSTRUMENT cover slip; - maclee/ METALL twin lamella; - de masse/PRODUCTION earth pin (BrE), ground pin (ArnE); - porte-courant/PRoDUCTION electricite current-conducting pin; - pour condensateur / ELECI'R capacitor film; - pour microscope/EQUip LAB microscope slide cover slip

lameiliforme adj GEOWGIE laminar lames:' ill - acij PRODUCTION laminated lames:2 - galvanomBtriques / pI PHYSIQUE laser galvo-

plates laminage m GEOLOGIE lamination, PAPIER rolling, PLAST

CAOU plastiques lamination, PRODUCTION lamination, rolling, REFRIG wire drawing; - ill chaud m THERMODYN hot rolling; - ill froid m THERMODYN cold rolling; - ill pellicule brlllante m EMBALLAGE high gloss foil; - de la vapeur m CH DE FER vehicules throttling

laminaire acij CHIMIE, MATERIAUX, PHYS FLUID laminar lamination / GEOLOGIE, PLAST CAOU plastiques lamina-

tion; - contoumae / GEOLOGIE convolute lamination lamlnem GEOWGIE lamina lamina' adj ELECTR capaciteur, GEOLOGIE, NAUT bois

laminated, PAPIER laminated, rolled, PLAST CAOU, PRODUCTION laminated; - ill chaud acij MECANIQUE materiaux, THERMODYN hot-rolled; - ill froid acijTHERMODYN cold-rolled; - ill la plaque acij PAPIER carton plate-glazed

lamine2 m IMPRIM, PLAST CAOU laminate; - d'acatate m EMBALLAGE acetate laminate

laminer vt PRODUCTION laminate; - ill chaud vt THERMODYN hot roll; -ill froid vt THERMODYN cold roll

lamlnerie / PRODUCTION flatting mill, flatting works, rolling mill

lamineuse / CERAM VER casting unit lamlnoir m CH DE FER flatting mill, rolling mill, CONS

MECA rolling mill, PAPIER caliper calender (ArnE), calliper calender (BrE), thickness calender, PRODUCTION mill, rolling mill, rolls; - ill I'argile m CERAM VER clay rollers; - ill barres m CONS MECA bar mill; - ill billettes m CONS MECA billetting rolls; - ill bllndage m PRODUCTION armor plate mill (ArnE), armour plate mill (BrE); - ill blooms m CONS MECA blooming mill, PRODUCTION cogging mill; - double duo m PRODUCTION four-high rod mill; - duo m PRODUCTION two-high mill, two-high rolls, two-high train; - abaucheur m PRODUCTION puddle bar train, puddle train, roughing rolls, puddle rolls; - ill grosses sections m PRODUCTION cogging mill; - ill guides m PRODUCTION guide mill; - ill mouvement altematif m PRODUCTION reciprocating mill; - ill plaque m PAPIER plate glazing calender; - ill profiles m PRODUCTION section mill; - de puddlage m PRODUCTION puddle bar train, puddle rolls, puddle train; - ill rails m CH DE FER rolling mill; -


reversible m PRODUCTION reversing mill; - II tales fines m PRODUCTION sheet mill; - trio m CONS MECA three-high mill, three-high rolls, three-high train; - unlversel m PRODUCTION slabbing mill

lampadlte/MINERAUX lampadite lampara m OCEANO beach seine, lampara net lampe/cINEMAT, ELECTROTEC bulb, lamp, PHOTO lamp,

PHYSIQUE valve, VEHICULES eclairage, temoins lamp; - II acetylene / CONSTR acetylene lamp; - d'alarme clignotante / SECURITE alarm flashing light, flashing light; -ll alcool/EQUIP LAB chauffage spirit lamp; - a amorc;age a froid /ELECTR cold start lamp; - a ampoule miltallisee / PHOTO mirror-coated lamp; - d'appel/TELECOM calling lamp; - a arc/CINEMAT arc, ELECTR eclairage arc lamp; - a arc de charbon / ELECTR eclairage carbon arc lamp; - a arc II mercure/ PHYS RAYON mercury arc lamp; - II arc de xenon / CINEMAT xenon arc lamp; - avec chapeau/CONSTR bonneted lamp; - baladeuse/ELEcTROTEC inspection lamp; - II braser / CONSTR blow lamp, PRODUCTION brazing lamp; - cllgnotante / ELECTR automobile flasher; - II condensateur /PHOTO condenser lamp;- de contrale/ELEcTROTEC inspection lamp; - de cate/ VEHICULES eclairage side marker light (ArnE), sidelight (BrE); - Davy / CHARBON Davy lamp; - a decharge/ELEcTROTEC discharge lamp; -ll decharge haute Intensite / CINEMAT high-intensity discharge lamp; - II double boudinage /ELECTR ampoule coiled coil lamp; - d'eclairage du champ de I'objet/INSTRUMENT field illumination; - d'effac;age du raccord de la piste sonore / ENREGISTR bloop lamp; - etalon / ELECTROTEC standard light source; - excitatrice / CINEMAT exciter lamp, sound film lamp; - a filament de charbon / ELECTROTEC carbon filament lamp; - flash / PHOTO flash; - fluorescente / ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE fluorescent lamp; - halogene / CINEMAT quartz iodine lamp; - II halogene / ELECTR eclairage halogen lamp; - HMI/ CINEMAT HMI lamp; - 800 watts sur batterie/ CINEMAT hand basher; - a incandescence / ELECTR eclairage incandescent lamp, ELECTROTEC glow lamp, incandescent lamp, PHOTO photoflood bulb; - incandescente/ELEcTROTEC glow lamp, incandescent lamp; - de laboratoire / PHOTO chambre noire safelight; - Lowell / CINEMAT Lowell light; - lumlere de jour / CINEMAT daylight lamp;- lumlnescente a gaz/ELECTR eclairage gas discharge lamp; - de marquage/cINEMAT marker light; - a mercure / ELECTR eclairage mercury arc lamp; - a mercure II haute pression / ELECTR high-pressure mercury lamp; - a mlroir Incorpore / CINEMA T mirror condenser lamp, reflector lamp; - au neon/ELEcTROTEC neon lamp; - de peintre en bitiment / CONSTR paint-burning lamp; - de phare / AUTO headlamp bulb; - phare/ELEcTRON disc seal tube (BrE), disk seal tube (ArnE); - phonique/cINEMAT exciter lamp, sound film lamp; - de poche / ELECTR eclairage flashlight, pocket lamp, ELECTROTEC flashlight; - a pointe detungstline/cHIMIE pointolite; - pour projecteur / PHOTO projector lamp; - de projection / CINEMAT projection lamp; - pulsee/CINEMAT pulsed lamp; - II quartz/cINEMA T quartz halogen lamp; - de rechange/PHOTO spare bulb; -ll reflecteur Incorpore / CINEMAT internal mirror lamp; - de signal/ COMMANDE signal lamp; - de slgnalisatlon / IMPRIM machines indicating lamp, TV cue light; - au sodium/ CINEMAT sodium-vapor lamp (ArnE), sodium-

vapour lamp (BrE); - II sodium / ELECTR eclairage sodium lamp; - a souder / CONSTR blowlamp; - stylo / ELECTROTEC pen light; - de sOrete agreee / CHARBON approved safety lamp; - SUrvOItH/CINEMAT photoflood; - II suspenslon/ELECTROTEC hanging lamp; - de tachymetre du cabestan/CINEMAT capstan tach lamp; - temoln / CINEMAT control light, pilot lamp (ArnE), pilot light (BrE), ELECTR indicator lamp, VEHICULES accessoire pilot lamp (AmE), pilot light (BrE); - temoln cllgnotante/ AUTO flashing warning light; - tubulaire/ELEcTR eclairage tubular lamp; - a vapeur /THERMODYN vapor discharge lamp (ArnE), vapour discharge lamp (BrE); -ll vapeur de mercure/ ELECTROTEC mercury vapor lamp (ArnE), mercury vapour lamp (BrE); - II vapeur de mercure II basse pression / ELECTR low-pressure mercury lamp; - II vapeur de sodium/PHYS RAYON sodium-vapor lamp (ArnE), sodium-vapour lamp (BrE); - II vide / TV vacuum tube

lampe-eclair: - electronlque/PHoTO flash lampe-tempite/ CONSTR, NAUT hurricane lamp lampe-torche/MECANIQUE flashlight lampe-UV /EQUIP LAB ultraviolet lamp lampisterie/MINES lamp room lamprophyre m PETR lamprophyre lanarkite/MINERAUX lanarkite lanca / CONSTR branch, branch pipe, PRODUCTION

nozzle, prick bar, pricker; - anti-incandia/sEcuRITE fire hose nozzle; - d'arrosage / D1STRI BAU branch pipe; - canon / POLLU MER fire monitor; - II eau / CONSTR branch, branch pipe, PRODUCTION nozzle; - d'incendle / D1STRI EAU branch pipe; - a incandia / D1STRI EAU branch pipe; - monitor /POLLU MER fire monitor; - II oxygena / CONSTR oxygen lancing; - portable antichar /MILITAIRE LAW, light anti-armor weapon (ArnE); light anti-armour weapon (BrE); - de sonde/MINES pricker, probe; - thermlque/THERMODYN thermic lance; - tourelle / POLLU MER fire monitor

lance-amarra m NAUT line thrower lanca-bombes m MILITAIRE bomb rack lance-flammas m MILITAIRE flame projector, flame-

thrower, THERMODYN flame thrower lance-fusees m MILIT AIRE rocket launcher lanca-glace m REFRIG ice blower lance-granades m MILIT AIRE grenade launcher lancement m CONS MECA launch, ESPACE liftoff, ve-

hicules launch, INFORMAT start, NAUT tor pille launching, ORDINAT start, PETROLE chafne throwing, TELECOM launching; -ll froid m ORDINAT cold start; - spatial m ESPACE space shot, vehicules space launch

lancer: I _ da rayons In TV ray tracing lancar2 vt AERONAUT reacteur crank, CINEMAT release,

IMPRIM machine actuate, INFORMAT start, NAUT navire, tor pille launch, ORDINAT start, PRODUCTION inject; - an fabrication vt PRODUCTION release for manufacturing; - un pont sur una rivlere vt CONSTR throw a bridge over a river

lance-roquatte. m MILIT AIRE rocket launcher lanceur m AUTO starter drive assembly, ESPACE vehicules

launch vehicle, launcher, MILITAIRE launch vehicle; - Bendix m MECANIQUE inertial starter; - a inartle m AUTO inertia drive; -Iourd m ESPACE vehicules HLL V, heavy-lift launch vehicle; - II pignon pousse m AUTO positive drive

langage m ORDINAT language; - algorlthmlque m

ORDlNAT algorithmic language, procedural language; - d'analyse m ORDINAT design language; - d'assemblage m ORDINAT assembly language; - bas de gamme m ORDINAT low-level language; - de contrale m ORDlNAT command language; - de contrale des travaux m ORDINAT JCL, job control language; - de description de donnees m ORDINAT DOL, data description language; - de description at de specification m TELECOM specification and description language; - evolue m ORDINAT high-level language; - extensible m INFORMAT, ORDINAT extensible language; - fonctionnel m ORDINAT applicative language, functional language; - formel m ORDINAT formal language; - de gestlon m ORDINAT commercial language; - de gestlon blnalre m PRODUCTION binary command language; - informatlque de description d'image m IMPRIM tag image file format; - interpr8tatif m ORDINAT interpretative language; - d'interrogation m INFORMAT, ORDINAT QL, query language; - machine m ORDINAT machine language; - de manipulation de donnees m ORDINAT DML, data manipulation language; - naturel m INFORMAT, ORDINAT natural language; - non algorithmlquemoRDlNAT nonprocedural language; - oriente application m ORDINAT application-oriented language; - oriente machine m ORDINAT low-level language; - oriente probleme m ORDlNAT problemoriented language; - oriente vers Ie traltement m ORDINAT procedure-oriented language; - par slgnes m COMMANDE sign language; - de programmatlon m INFORMAT, ORDINAT programming language; - de representation des connaissances m ORDlNAT KRL, knowledge representation language; - resultant m INFORMAT, ORDINAT object language; - sclentifiquem ORDINAT scientific language; - de simulation m ORDINAT simulation language; - source m ORDINAT source language; - de specification m ORDINAT specification language; - II structure de blocs m ORDINAT blockstructured language; - temps reel m ORDINAT real-time language; - de traitement de listes m ORDINAT LISP, list processing language; - universel m ORDlNAT general-purpose language

langage: - standard generalise de ballsage m (SGML) IMPRIM, INFORMAT Standard Generalized Mark-up Language (SGML)

langelotte m MINES puddling trough, trough washer langlte/MINERAUX langite langue I CERAM VER settle ring, CONS MECA index, bal-

ance tongue; - d'aspic/coNSTR arrowhead languette I CONS MECA feather, index, spline, balance

tongue, CONSTR feather, feather tongue, fillet, loose tongue, strip, tongue, bois cleat, TEXTILE tongue; - d'ajustage I ELECTROTEC trim tab; - de brQleur I CERAM VER tongue; - collee/EMBALLAGE glued tab;- empichant I'enregistrement I ENREGISTR, TV record defeat tab; - d'entrainement du plateau de pression I AUTO pressure plate drive strap; - pour ouverture faclle/EMBALLAGE easy opening tag; - de protectionl PRODUCTION protective strip; - rapportee I CONSTR feather, feather tongue, fillet, loose tongue; - venue de bois I CONSTR feather, tongue; - de verrouiliage des cartes I PRODUCTION automatisme industriel board locking tab

lanlere I CONS MECA cord, IMPRIM mecanique strip; - pour courrole/pRODUCTION belt lace

lanoleine/cmMIE lanolin, lanoline lanoline IcmMIE lanolin, lanoline


lanosterine/cmMIE lanosterol lanteme I CINEMAT lamphouse, CONS MECA right-and-

left coupling, right-and-Ieft screw link, turnbuckle, DlSTRI EAU rose, strainer, tailpiece, wind bore, PRODUCTION core barrel, lantern, VEmCULES eclairage, temoins lamp; - d'aigullle I CH DE FER switchpoint light; - murale I ELEeTR eclairage wall lamp; - de queue ICH DE FER vehicules signal lamp; - de serragel CONS MECA right-and-Ieft coupling, right-and-Ieft screw link, turnbuckle; - de signal I CH DE FER signal lamp, vehicules signal lamp; - de tireuse additive I CINEMAT additive lamphouse

lanteme-slgnal/coMMANDE signalling lamp (BrE), signalling lantern (BrE)

lanthanem (La) cmMIElanthanide, lanthanum (La) lanthanide m CmMIE lanthanide lanthanite/MINERAUX lanthanite lapldalre m CERAM VER disc grinder (BrE), disk grinder

(ArnE), MECANIQUE lapping machine, PRODUCTION face wheel

laplill m pI GEOLOGIE lapilli laplaclen m PHYSIQUE laplacian; - geometrique m NU-

CLEAIRE geometric buckling; - matiere m NUCLEAIRE material buckling

lappaconltlnel cmMIE lappaconitine laps: - de temps ecoule m MECANIQUE elapsed time laquage m CINEMAT copie lacquering, COULEURS ena-

meling (ArnE), enamelling (BrE), lacquering, varnishing, japan work, lacquered work, MATERIAUX lacquering, REVETEMENT enameling (ArnE), enamelling (BrE); - 81ectrostatique m COULEURS electrostatic enamelling; - 81ectrostatique de couleurs en poudre m COULEURS electrostatic powder coating; - de moule m CERAM VER mold coating (ArnE), mould coating (BrE)

laque/cHIMIE varnish, CONSTR lacquer, COULEURS lacquer, lake, shellac, MECANIQUE materiaux lacquer, PRODUCTION lac, lacquer, REVETEMENT coat ofvarnish; - alcoollque I CONSTR spirit lacquer; - a I'asphalte I COULEURS asphalt varnish, black japan; - carmine I COULEURS carmine lacquer; - cellulosiquel COULEURS nitrocellulose lacquer, pyroxyline lacquer; - de cochenillel COULEURS crimson lake; - color6e1 COULEURS colored lake (ArnE), coloured lake (BrE); - ecarlate I COULEURS scarlet lake; - en ecaliles I CONSTR shellac; - en feuilles I CONSTR shellac; - en grains I COULEURS seed lac; - en masse I COULEURS stick lack; - en plaques I CONSTR shellac; - au four I COULEURS baked enamel, baking enamel, stove enamel; - d'impression I COULEURS printing lake, printing varnish; - du Japon I COULEURS japan; - martelee I COULEURS hammer enamel, hammer tone finish; - nltrocelluloslque I CONSTR nitrocellulose lacquer; - noire/coULEuRS black varnish; - d'orientl COULEURS Chinese lacquer, Japanese lacquer;- photosensible I COULEURS photoresist, photosensitive resist; - plate I CONSTR shellac; - polymerisee I CONS MECA polymerized enamel; - pour cache I COULEURS masking lacquer; - pourpre I COULEURS crimson lake; - synth8tique I COULEURS synthetic enamel; - de telnturler I COULEURS lac dye; - vinylique I CONSTR vinyl lacquer

laque a4j COULEURS, MECANIQUE materiaux lacquered, REVETEMENT enamel-covered

laque-email/couLEURS, REVETEMENT enamel paint, enamel varnish


-/aquer vt COULEURS lacquer; - ill la laque ill culre vt COULEURS enamel bake, stove enamel; - au vernis ill culre vt REVETEMENT enamel

lardite/M1NERAux lardite lardon: - de guldage m CONS MECA gib; - reglable m

CONS MECA adjustable gib; - de rliglage m CONS MECA adjustinggib

largable ac(j ESPACE vehicules jettisonable largage m ESPACE vehicules drop; - de carburant m

AERONAUT dumping; - de la charge m AERONAUT load release

large: l au - ac(j NAUT in the offing, offshore, PETROLE offshore; - bande ac(jTV broadband

large:2 au - adv NAUT, PETROLE offshore large3 m NAUT offing, open sea, OCEANO offshore, open

sea largeur /INFORMAT width, NAUT breadth, navire beam,

ORDINAT width, PAPIER breadth, width, TEXTILE width; - de bande/ELECTRON bandwidth, ENREGISTR bandwidth, tape width, ESPACE communications bandwidth, IMPRIM impression web width, OPTIQUE, ORDINAT, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM, TV bandwidth; - de bande de canal/Tv channel bandwidth; - de bande de coherence/TELECOM coherence bandwidth; - de bande effective / ENREGISTR effective bandwidth; - de bande de la porteuse / ELECTRON carrier bandwidth; - de bande d'un rayonnement laser / ELECTRON laser bandwidth; - de bande du signal/ELECTRON signal bandwidth; - de bande spectrale /TELECOM spectral bandwidth; - de bande video/INFORMAT,ORDINAT, TV video bandwidth; - de chaine/TExTILE dressed width of warp; - de chaine maximum/TEXTILE maximum dressed width of warp; - de chaine minimum / TEXTILE minimum-dressed width of warp; - Doppler / PHYS RAYON Doppler width; - en drap ill plat et en contours/TEXTILE flat and fitted width; - d'entrefer / ELECTROTEC gap length, ENREGISTR gap depth, TV gap width; - de I'escalier / CONSTR length of step; - du faisceau / ELECTRON, OPTIQUE beam width; - de faisceau ill deml-pulssance / ELECTRON half-power width, ESPACE communications half-power beam width; - de fendage /METALL width of splitting; - de fente optimum/TV effective slit width; - finie/TEXTILE finished width of cloth; - de glron / CONSTR going; - hors membres/NAuT molded breadth (AmE), moulded breadth (BrE); - hors tout/CONS MECA overall width, NAUT extreme breadth, maximum beam; - d'impulsion / ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM, TV pulse width; - de I'impulslon comprimee /ELECTRON compressed pulse width; - de justification /IMPRIM justifying scale; - de lame/SECURITE width of blade; - de lumiere / CONS MECA port width; - de machine / IMPRIM machine width; - de marche / CONSTR going; - maximum de coupe d'une machine/ EMBALLAGE maximum trimmed machine width; - ill ml-crete /OPTIQUE FWHM, full-width half-maximum, TELECOM full-duration half-maximum, fullwidth half-maximum; - ill ml-hauteur / PHYSIQUE half-width; - moyenne des caracteres /IMPRIM en space; - naturelle / NUCLEAIRE niveau d' energie natural width; - non rognee de la machine / PAPIER untrimmed machine width; - au pelgne / TEXTILE width in reed; - de la plste/ENREGISTR track width; - propre de rale spectrale / PHYS RAYON natural line width; - radiale/REssoRTS radial width; - de raie/

CRISTALL line breadth, OPTIQUE spectral line width, PHYS RAYON line width; - de rale atomique / PHYS PART atomic line width; - de la raie spectrale/PHYS RAYON, TELECOM spectral line width; - rognee maximale de la machine / PAPIER maximum trimmed machine width; - de rouleau / PAPIER face roll; - spectrale/ TELECOM spectral width; - du tlssU/TEXTILE fabric width; - de toile utile /PAPIER maximum deckle; - de toile utilisee / PAPIER machine deckle, machine direction; - totale / PAPIER deckle, total width; - utile/PAPIER machine fill; - vraie ill mi-absorption/PHYS RAYON raie true half-width

larguer vt AERONAUT jettison, ESPAcEjettison, vehicules drop, NAUT amarres cast off

larme/cERAM VER knot, PLAST CAOU imperfection fat edge; - batavique/cERAM VER Prince Rupert drop

larmier m AERONAUT gutter, CONSTR eaves laryngophone m ACOUSTIQUE, ENREGISTR throat micro-


TIQUE, ORDINAT, PHYS ONDES, PHYSIQUE laser;- antisatellite m ELECTRON antisatellite laser; - ill argon m ELECTRON argon laser, PHYS RAYON argon gas laser; - a argon Ionise m ELECTRON ionized argon laser; - ill I'arslnure de gallium m PHYS RAYON GaAs laser, gallium arsenide laser; - atomique m ELECTRON atomic gas laser; - bleu-vert m ELECTRON blue-green laser; - ill bromure de mercure m ELECTRON mercury bromide laser; - chimique m ELECTRON chemical laser; - au chlorure de xenon m ELECTRON xenon chloride laser; - ill C02 m ELECTRON C02 laser; - ill colorant m PHYSIQUE dye laser; - ill commutation-Q m NUCLEAIRE Q-switched laser; - continu m ELECTRON CW laser, continuous laser; - ill courte longueur d'onde m ELECTRON short wavelength laser; - ill cristal m ELECTRON crystal laser; - a cristal de rubis m ELECTRON, PHYS RAYON ruby crystal laser; - a decharge electrique m ELECTRON electric discharge laser; - declenche m ELECTRON Q-switched laser; - ill detente m ELECTRON gas dynamic laser; - a diode m ELECTRON diode laser; - disc m TV laser disc (BrE), laser disk (AmE); - eclalrant la cible m ELECTRON target illuminating laser; - embarque m ELECTRON airborne laser; - ill emission continue m ELECTRON CW laser; - ill emission par Impulsion m ELECTRON pulsed laser; - en ameau m PHYSIQUE ring laser; - a faible energie m ELECTRON low-energy laser; - ill faisceau contlnu m ELECTRON CW laser; - a falsceau d'81ectrons m ELECTRON electron beam laser; - a falsceau pulse m ELECTRON pulsed laser; - a faisceau vert m ELECTRON green beam laser; - a gaz m ELECTRON, PHYS RAYON gas laser; - ill gaz atomique m ELECTRON atomic gas laser; - a gaz carbonlque m ELECTRON carbon dioxide laser; - a gaz a emission continue m ELECTRON CW gas laser; - a gaz moleculaire m ELECTRON molecular gas laser; - a helium-neon m PHYS RAYON heliumneon laser, PHYSIQUE He-Ne laser; - ii1umlnant la cible m ELECTRON target illuminating laser; - a Impulsions courtes m PHYS ONDES short-pulsed laser; Infrarouge m ELECTRON infrared laser; - ill injection m ELECTRON injection laser, OPTIQUE ILD, diode laser, injection laser diode, TELECOM ILD, injection laser diode; - ill lode m ELECTRON iodine laser; - lonique m ELECTRON ion laser; - a ions m CONS MECA ion laser; - de lecture m ELECTRON, OPTIQUE read laser; - ill liquide m ELECTRON liquid laser; - a IIquide Inorganique m

ELECTRON inorganic liquid laser; - a liqulde organique m ELECTRON organic liquid laser; - a lumlere rouge m ELECTRON red laser; - marqueur de cible m ELECTRON target designation laser; - a mercure m ELECTRON mercury laser; - a modes synchronises m ELECTRON mode-locked laser; - moleculalra m ELECTRON molecular laser; - monofr6quence m TELECOM single frequency laser; - monofrequence de faible energle m PHYS RAYON low-energy single-frequency laser; - multlkllowaH m NUCLEAIRE high-power laser; - multimodal m OPTIQUE, TELECOM multimode laser; - au n80dyme m ELECTRON neodymium laser; - a onde continue m PHYS ONDES continuous wave laser; - a oxyde de carbone m ELECTRON carbon monoxide laser; - parametrlque m ELECTRON parametric laser; - a pompage chimique m ELECTRON chemical laser; - a pompage iIIectrique m ELECTRON electricallypumped laser; - a pompage optique m ELECTRON optically-pumped laser; - a pompage thermique m ELECTRON thermally-pumped laser; - de poursulte m ELECTRON laser tracker; - de puissance m ELECTRON high-energy laser, NUCLEAIRE high-power laser;- pulse m ELECTRON, PHYS RAYON pulsed laser; - a rayons Xm ELECTRON, NUCLEAIRE, PHYSRAYONX-ray laser; - a rayon vert m ELECTRON green beam laser; - a seml-conducteur m ELECTRON semiconductor laser, OPTIQUE ILD, diode laser, semiconductor laser, PHYS RAYON semiconductor laser, PHYSIQUE diode laser, laser diode, TELECOM semiconductor laser; - a sollde m ELECTRON solid-state laser; - a telnture organique m PHYS RAYON organic dye laser; - a trois niveaux m ELECTRON three-level laser; - a vapeur m8talllque m ELECTRON metal vapor laser (ArnE), metal vapour laser (BrE); - a verre m ELECTRON glass laser; - verrouille par injection m OPTIQUE, TELECOM injectionlocked laser; - VAG m ELECTRON YAG laser

lasercard m OPTIQUE lasercard; - drexon m OPTIQUE drexoncard

Laserjet m (MD) OPTIQUE Laserjet (TM) laservision/oPTIQuE LV, laser vision lasure/couLEuRS wood stain latence/INFORMAT, ORDINAT latency latensificatlon/ CINEMAT flashing, latensification latenslfler vt ClNEMAT hypersensitize laterale/PETR lateral laterite/coNsTR laterite latex m PLAST CAOU, TEXTILE latex; - de caoutchouc m

PLAST CAOU rubber latex; - centrifuge m PLAST CAOU centrifuged latex; - creme m PLAST CAOU creamed latex; - evapore m PLAST CAOU evaporated latex; - pauvre m PLAST CAOU skimmed latex; - plantation m PLAST CAOU field latex; - preserve m PLAST CAOU preserved latex; - prewlcanlse m PLAST CAOU prevulcanized latex; - stabilise m PLAST CAOU stabilized latex; - synthetique m PLAST CAOU synthetic latex

latitude / NAUT latitude; - australe / NAUT southern latitude; - boreale/NAuT northern latitude; - d'exposition / CINEMAT, PHOTO exposure latitude; - g80centrique/ ASTRONOMIE geocentric latitude; - geomagn8tique / GEOPHYS geomagnetic latitude; - magnetique / PHYSIQUE magnetic latitude; - de mise au pOint/PHOTO focusing range; - de pose/ ClNEMAT, PHOTO exposure latitude

latitudinal adj NAUT transverse laHage m CONSTR lathing, PRODUCTION lagging; - es-

pace m CONS MECA spaced lathing; - Jolntlf m


PRODUCTION close lathing laHe:' a - double adj EMBALLAGE caisse double-bat-

tened laHe2/cINEMAT batten, CONSTR lath, NAUT batten; - a

ardolses / CONSTR lath, slate lath; - vollge / CONSTR batten, lath, slate lath; - volisse/coNsTR lath

laHls m CONSTR lathing, PRODUCTION lagging; - espace m CONS MECA spaced lathing; - jolntif m PRODUCTION close lathing

laudanlne/ CHIMIE laudanine laudanosine/ CHIMIE laudanosine laumonite/MINERAux laumonite, laumontite laumontite/MINERAUX laumonite, laumontite laurlonlte/MINERAUX laurionite laurlque adj CHIMIE lauric lauryllque adj CHIMIE lauryl lavablllte/PAPIER, TEXTILE washability lavableadjPAPIER washable lavage m CHIMIE panning, wash, ClNEMAT wash, GENIE

CHIM elutriation, scrubbing, washing out, washing, IMPRIM blanchets washing, impression washup, PAPIER washup, PETROLE scrubbing, POLLUTION rainout, scrubbing, washout, PRODUCTION, TEXTILE washing, THERMODYN gaz scrubbing; - a I'acide m PAPIER acid washing; - alcalin m LESSlVES alkali treatment;- atmospherique m POLLUTION atmospheric scrubbing; - au bac a piston m MINES jigging; - basse pression m POLLU MER low-pressure flushing; - au brut des citernes m PETROLE COW, crude oil washing; - a I'eau acldulile m PAPIER acid wash; - a I'eau chaude m POLLU MER hot water washing; - an cascade m PHOTO cascade washing; - a fond m TEXTILE scouring; - des gaz de fumee m THERMODYN flue gas scrubbing; - haute pression m POLLU MER high-pressure flushing; - au jig m MINES jigging; - a la main m PRODUCTION hand washing; - parretour de courant m HYDROLOGIE backwashing; - aux sluices m DISTRI EAU sluicing

lavande/ CINEMAT fine-grain master, lavender lave: - blocailieuse/GEoLOGIE block lava; - en cous-

SinS/GEOLOGIE pillow lava lave-glace m VEHICULES vitrage washer; - de pare-brise

m VEHICULES accessoire windscreen washer (BrE), windshield washer (ArnE)

laver vt CHIMIE wash, GENIE CHIM purify, PAPIER, TEXTILE wash; - avec de I'eau acldulile vt PAPIER sour; - a I'eau chaude vt POLLU MER wash with hot water

laverie/PRoDUCTION wash house; - de kaOlin/ CERAM VER china clay washing

lave-s6che adj TEXTILE drip-dry laveur m CHARBON scrubber, washer, GAZ gas cleaner,

GENIE CHIM washer, MINES scrubber, PRODUCTION washer, washing machine, TEXTILE washer; - d'air m MINES air scrubber; - a la brosse m TEXTILE brush washer; - de gaz m NUCLEAlRE gas scrubber, gas washer; - humide ionisant m SECURITE ionizing wet washer; - mecanique m PRODUCTION washing machine; - a minerai m MINES ore washer; - rotatif m PRODUCTION rotary washer, rotary washing machine; - a tambour m CONSTR drum washer; - venturi m CHARBON venturi scrubber

laveuse: - de bouteille/ AGRO ALIM bottle washer lave-verrerie /EQUIP LAB nettoyage glass washer lavique adj GEOLOGIE structure lava-like lavis m CONS MECA wash lavolr m MINES washery, PRODUCTION washer, washing


PHYS PART LEAR (low-energy antiproton ring) lecam m TELECOM card reader lecheur m CONS MECA Iicker leclthlnel AGRO ALIM lecithin lecteur m ENREGISTR pick-up, INFORMAT, ORDINAT

lightness legislation: - des eaux/DIsTRI EAU water law; - defond

MENT, PHYSIQUE biconcave lens; - biconvexe / INSTRUMENT, PHYSIQUE biconvex lens; - bifocale / CINEMAT split field lens, INSTRUMENT bifocal lens; - ill bord epais /INSTRUMENT concave lens, divergent lens, diverging lens, negative lens; - ill bord mInce/INSTRUMENT convergent lens, converging lens, convex lens, positive lens; - de champ /INSTRUMENT condensing lens, field lens, front lens, PHOTO field lens; - colllmatee/PHOTO collimated lens; - collimatrice /OPTIQUE correcting optics; - concave/cINEMAT concave lens, INSTRUMENT concave lens, divergent lens, diverging lens, negative lens, PHOTO concave lens; - condensatrice / CINEMAT condenser lens; - de condenseur / INSTRUMENT first condenser lens; - de contact/INSTRUMENT, OPTIQUE contact lens; - convergente / CINEMAT converging lens, INSTRUMENT convergent lens, converging lens, convex lens, positive lens, eye lens, focusing lens, objective lens, PHYSIQUE converging lens; - convexe / INSTRUMENT convergent lens, converging lens, convex lens, positive lens, PHOTO convex lens; - correctrice / PHOTO correcting lens, correction lens; - ill couche antireflet / INSTRUMENT coated lens, lumenized lens; - cylindrique/iNSTRuMENT cylindrical lens; - cyllndrique de Fresnel / INSTRUMENT Fresnel lens; - detormante / CINEMAT distortion lens; - deml-boule /INSTRUMENT semicircular lens; - dlaphragmee /PHYSIQUE stopped lens; - de diffraction /INSTRUMENT intermediate lens; - dlffusante /INSTRUMENT diffuser lens, soft-focus lens; - dioptrtque/ciNEMAT plus diopter (ArnE), plus dioptre (BrE), PHOTO eyepiece; - divergente / CINEMAT diverging lens, INSTRUMENT concave lens, divergent lens, diverging lens, negative lens, PHYSIQUE diverging lens; - ill double focale /CINEMAT split field lens; - ill echelons /INSTRUMENT drum lens; - electromagnetique / ELECTROTEC electromagnetic lens; electronique /ELECTRON electron lens, INSTRUMENT electron lens, focusing diode, PHYSIQUE electron lens, TV electromagnetic lens, electron lens; - electronique ill Immersion/ TV immersion electron lens; - electrostatlque / ELECTROTEC, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE electrostatic lens; - en crown-glass / CERAM VER crown glass lens; - fendue/INsTRuMENT split lens;- flltre / INSTRUMENT filter lens; - de flou / CINEMAT soft-focus lens, INSTRUMENT diffuser lens, soft-focus lens, PHOTO soft-focus lens; - fluoruree/INSTRuMENT fluorite lens (BrE), fluorspar lens (ArnE); - ill focale variable / INSTRUMENT zoom lens; - de Fresnel/ CINEMAT Fresnel lens, step lens, INSTRUMENT zoned lens, PHOTO, PHYSIQUE Fresnel lens; - Fresnel plane/ INSTRUMENT concentric Fresnel lens, echelon lens; - frontale / INSTRUMENT condensing lens, field lens, front lens, PHOTO front element; - de glace/CHARBoN ice lens; - gravltationnelle/ ASTRONOMIE gravitational lens; - grosslssante/iNSTRuMENTmagnifying lens;- ill immersion/INSTRUMENT immersion lens, immersion objective; - magnetlque/ELECTRoTEC magnetic lens, INSTRUMENT magnetic lens, magnetic objective, microscope second condenser lens, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE magnetic lens; - menisque / INSTRUMENT meniscus lens; - menisque convergente/iNSTRuMENT positive meniscus lens; - menlsque divergent / INSTRUMENT negative meniscus lens; - menlsquee / PHYSIQUE meniscus lens; - mince/ PHYSIQUE thin lens; - monochromatlque / INSTRUMENT monochromatic lens; - d'obJectif / EQUIP LAB, INSTRUMENT objective


lens; - objective /EQUIP LAB, INSTRUMENT, METALL objective lens; - de pendule / CONS MECA ball, PHYSIQUE pendulum bob; - plan-concave/PHYSIQUE planoconcave lens; - plan-convexe / INSTRUMENT, PHYSIQUE planoconvex lens; - de pont/NAUT deck light; - de projection/INsTRuMENT projection lens, projector lens; - de redressement / INSTRUMENT erecting lens, rectification lens, spreading lens; - sphertque / PHYSIQUE spherical lens; - suppJementaire / PHOTO supplementary lens; - traitee / PHOTO bloomed lens, coated lens; - unipotentlelle / NUCLEAIRE Einzel lens, unipotential lens; - de VISH / ASTRONOMIE viewing lens

lentllles: - colJees / pi CERAM VER cemented lenses; - d'eclalrage / pi INSTRUMENT illumination optics; - ill foyer progressif/plINSTRUMENT multifocal glasses; - multifocales/pliNSTRUMENT multifocal glasses; - de Schmidt/ pI INSTRUMENT Schmidt system

lenzinite/MiNERAUX lenzinite leonhardite/NUCLEAIRE leonhardite Leonides m pi ASTRONOMIE Leonids LEP abrev (grand collisionneur electron-positron) PHYS

PART LEP (large electron-positron collider) Jepidolite/MiNERAUX lepidolite Jepldomelane m MlNERAUX lepidomelane leptochlorite/MINERAUX leptochlorite lepton m PHYS PART, PHYSIQUE lepton leslon/SEcURITE injury lessivage m AGRO ALIM leaching, CHiMIE leaching, lixivi-

ation, GAZ, HYDROLOGIE leaching, PAPIER boiling, cooking, digestion, PETR washover, wave delta, POLLUTION below-cloud scavenging, washout; - atmospherlque m POLLUTION washout; - ill basse preSSion m POLLU MER low-pressure flushing; - direct m GAZ direct leaching; - ill haute pression m POLLU MER high-pressure flushing; -Inverse m GAZ indirect leaching; - raplde m POLLU MER, POLLUTION flushing

lessiva / CHIMIE lye, LESSIVES scouring liquid, scouring liquor; - alcallne / LESSIVES alkaline solution; - en poudre/LESSIvEs washing powder

lessiver vt CHIMlE, GEOLOGIE, HYDROLOGIE leach, LESSIVES scour, POLLU MER leach, THERMODYN papier cook

lessiveur m PAPIER boiler, cooker, digester, kier; - en contlnu m PAPIER continuous digester; - en discontinu m PAPIER batch digester; - vertical m PRODUCTION industrie du papier vertical digester

lessiviel adj GENIE CHIM detergent lest: I sur - adv NAUT in ballast lear m AERONAUT, ELECTROTEC ballast, NAUT ballast

keel lastage: - de talus m CONSTR toe weighting lethargle/PHYS RAYON lethargy lettrage m IMPRIM lettering lettre/IMPRIM, INFORMAT letter; - accentuee /IMPRIM

accented letter; - de code correspondant a la tension de la bobine / PRODUCTION coil voltage code; - de code de couleur / PRODUCTION color code letter (ArnE), colour code letter (BrE); - gothique/IMPRIM typographie black letter; - longue /IMPRIM long descender; - de mer / NAUT certificate of registry; - montante/IMPRIM ascending letter; - ornee/IMPRIM swash letter; - plelne/IMPRIM solid letter; - de stock/ PRODUCTION stock record; - de transport aerien / AERONAUT, TRANSPORT airway bill; - de transport maritime/NAuT waybill


lettres: - capltales bAton/plIMPRIM block capitals; - majuscules acrltes a la main / pllMPRIM document administratif block letters; - de titrage / pllMPRIM typographie block letters; - de transfert sec / pi IMPRIM maquette dry transfer

lettrine/IMPRIM composition, maquette initial; - encastree/IMPRIM mise en page, maquette factotum initial; - hablllee/IMPRIM versals

lettsomite/MiNERAUX lettsomite leuchtenbergite/MINERAuX leuchtenbergite leuclte/MiNERAUX leucite leucobase/ CHIMIE leuco compound leucocrate adj GEOWGIE leucocratic, light-colored

(ArnE), light-coloured (BrE) leucophane m MlNERAUX leucophane, leucophanite leucopyrite/MiNERAUX leucopyrite leucosome m GEOWGIE leucosome leucoxene m MlNERAUX leucoxene leurre m OCEANO artificial bait, jig, lure levage l m CONS MECA lifting, PRODUCTION hoisting,

SECURITE lifting; - par hellcoptere m AERONAUT helilifting

levage:2 - at deplacement des charges lourdes loc SECURITE lifting and moving heavy loads

levain m AGRO ALIM leaven, starter "vane m CHiMIE levan leve m CONSTR survey, surveying; - aerien m AERONAUT

aerial survey; - aeromagnetlque m GEOWGIE aeromagnetic survey; - a la boussole m MINES compass survey; - de detail m CONSTR detailed survey; - gamma m NUCLEAlRE gamma ray survey; - geophysique m CONSTR geophysical survey; - gravim8trique m GEOLOGIE gravimetric survey; - hydrographique m OCEANO hydrographic survey; - de plan a la boussole m MINES compass survey, dialing (ArnE), dialling (BrE); - de plans m CONSTR survey, surveying; - de plans au stadia m CONSTR stadia surveying; - slsmlque m GEOPHYS, PETROLE seismic survey; - de terrains m CONSTR land survey, land surveying; - topographlque m CONSTR topographical survey

leve-balai m ELECTR machine brush lifting device levee / AGRO ALiM raising power, CERAM VER doff,

laying, CONS MECA play, piston stroke, CONSTR causeway, pi/ons lift, NUCLEAlRE length of stroke, lift, stroke, travel, OCEANO plage shingle spit, TEXTILE doffing; - d'amblgufte/EsPAcE communications ambiguity resolution; - d'amblgufte sur la phase/ESPAcE communications phase ambiguity resolution; - de came/coNs MECA cam action; - d'un clapat /INST HYDR lift; - du levier de battage /MiNES stroke of the walking beam; - de pAte par agents chlmiques/ AGRO ALIM chemical leavening; - du piston / CONS MECA piston stroke; - de plage/ocEANo beach ridge; - de la production /MiNES gold cleanup

leve-glace m VEHiCULES carrosserie winding mechanism, window crank (ArnE), window regulator (BrE)

lever: l - hellaque m ASTRONOMIE heliacal rising; - de lune m ASTRONOMIE moonrise lev~ vt AERONAUT hoist, CONSTR plot, MECANIQUE lift,

NAUT weigh, I'ancre heave, PRODUCTION hoist, litige settle

leve-tales m PRODUCTION plate hoist levier m CONS MECA handspike, lever, CONSTR crow,

crowbar, PHYSIQUE lever; - d'armement m PHOTO cocking lever; - d'avance et de retard m INST HYDR distribution Walchaerts lap and lead lever;

- d'avancement de film m PHOTO film transport lever; - d'avancement de pellicule m PHOTO film advance lever; - a bascule m CONS MECA balance lever; - de battage m MINES walking beam; - a boucle m PRODUCTION automatisme industrielloop lever; - a chaine m CONS MECA chain lever; - de changement de marche m CONS MECA reversing lever; - de changement de vitesse m AUTO, VEHlCULES gear change lever (BrE), gearshift lever (ArnE); - a cllquat m CONS MECA ratchet lever; - de commande m AERONAUT control column, control stick, control lever, drop arm, CINEMAT control arm, CONS MECA arm rocker, ESPACE vehicules joystick, MINES control lever; - de commande de direction m VEHiCULES drop arm; - de commande de papilions m AUTO throttle control lever; - de commande de pas m AERONAUT pitch control lever; - de commande de vltesse m VEHICULES gear change lever (BrE), gearshift lever (ArnE); - a contrepolds m CONS MECA swing bob lever; - coude m CONS MECA bell crank; - de debrayage m AUTO clutch pedal release lever, pressure plate release lever, CONS MECA disengaging lever, VEHICULES embrayage pressure plate release lever; - du deuxieme genre m CONS MECA lever of the second kind; - double m CONS MECA compound lever; - d'aquilibrage m CONS MECA balance lever; - equllibre par contrepolds m CONS MECA counterbalanced lever; - de frein m CH DE FER vehicules brake lever; - de freinage m CONS MECA brake lever; - de freln a main m AUTO handbrake lever; - du train de stationnement m VEHICULES parking brake lever; - de fusee m AUTO spindle arm, steering arm; - a galet m PRODUCTION roller lever; - Interappui m CONS MECA lever of the first kind; - Interpulssant m CONS MECA lever of the third kind; - Interresistant m CONS MECA lever of the second kind; - d'interrupteur m ELECTROTEC switch lever; - inverseur m CONS MECA reversing lever; - a main m CONS MECA hand lever; - de manoeuvre m CINEMAT pan and tilt handle, COMMANDE adjusting lever, CONS MECA operating lever; - de manoeuvre des aiguilles m CH DE FER pointer, switch lever; - de mise en marche m CONS MECA starting handle, starting lever; - de mise au point m CINEMA T focusing lever; - pas-gaz m AERONAUT pitch throttle synchronizer; - de pas general m AERONAUT collective pitch lever; - a pled-de-blche et a pointe m CONSTR pick-and-c1aw crowbar; - pivotant m CONS MECA pivoted lever; - a polgnee m CONS MECA handle lever; - porte-train d'un systeme d'engrenage eplcycloTdal m CONS MECA arm of an epicyclic train; - de pose m COMMANDE position lever, regulating lever; - de posltionnement m CINEMAT positioner; - a poussoir m CONS MECA latched lever; - du premier genre m CONS MECA lever of the first kind; - de pression a ressort m PHOTO spring-tensioned pressure lever; - a rappel m PRODUCTION spring return lever; - de regulateur m INST HYDR throttle lever; - de renvoi de direction m AUTO steering idler arm; - s8lecteur m AUTO, VEHICULES transmission selector lever; - de serrage m CONS MECA clamping lever; - a tige rig Ide m PRODUCTION rod lever; - du troisieme genre m CONS MECA lever of the third kind; - de zoom m CINEMAT, TV zoom lever

levier-fourche: - a galats m PRODUCTION fork-lever roller

levier-gachette m PHOTO rapid film-advance lever, single stroke lever

l8v1gatlon/PRODUCTION levigation levitation/ESPACE, PHYSIQUE levitation; - magnetique /

PHYSIQUE magnetic levitation levogyre adj PHYSIQUE laevorotatory levorotatoire adj CmMlE laevorotatory, levorotatory levre/coNsMEcA/oret, meche, cONsTRgodet lip; - dela

caisse detite/PAPIER slice, slice lip; - de cisaillement /ELECTRON resonator grid, METALL shear lip; - de coulee / CERAM VER casting lip, spout; - de la debiteuse / CERAM VER slot lip; - de fracture/ CERAM VER edge fracture; - sup8rieure d'une faille / GEOLOGIE hanging wall

lewline/cHIMIE levulin, synanthrose lewlique adj CmMlE levulinic levulose m AGRO ALlM, CHIME fructose, fruit sugar,

bottom yeast; - chimique / AGRO ALIM chemical leavening

levyne/MiNERAUX levyne, levynite Lezard m ASTRONOMIE Lacerta LGN abrev (liquide de gaz naturel) GAZ, PETROLE NGL

(natural gas liquid) LI (lithium) cmMlELi (lithium) liaison / CH DE FER voies rail junction, CmMlE bond,

linkage, linking, CONSTR bonding, CRISTALL bond, ELECTROTEC coupling, ESPACE vehicules bus, INFORMAT linkage, link, MATERlAUX bonding, MECANIQUE linkage, METALL binding, NAUT bonding, NUCLEAlRE bond, bonding material, ORDINAT communication link, linkage, link, PLAST CAOU bond, TELECOM link; - d'acces /TELECOM AL, access link; - alier / ESPACE communications forward link; - asynchrone /ELECTR deux reseaux en courant alternatif asynchronous link; - de base / INFORMAT, ORDINAT basic linkage; - chimique / CRISTALL chemical bond, PETROLE bond, chemical bond; - de communication /INFORMAT communication link; - de connexlon / ESPACE communications feeder link; - covalente / CRISTALL, METALL covalent bond; - croisee /cmMlE cross-link; - dans un reseau / ELECTR link; - dative / CmMlE dative bond; - delta / CHIMIE delta bonding; - descendante / ESPACE communications down link;- directe / ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC direct coupling; - dirlgee / CRISTALL directed bond; - de donnees / ESPACE communications, INFORMAT, ORDINAT data link, TELECOM DL, data link; - double/cmMlE double bond; - en courant continu/ELECTROTEC direct coupling; - entre etages / ELECTRON coupling between stages, ELECTROTEC stage coupling; - ether/ LESSIVES ether linkage, etherlene linkage; - des fibres /MATERIAUX fiber bonding (ArnE), fibre bonding (BrE); - fusible / ELECTROTEC fuse link; - hertzienne / PHYSIQUE microwave link, TV radio link; - heteropolaire/CRISTALL ionic bond; - homopolaire/cRISTALL covalent bond, METALL coordinate linkage; - hydrogene / cmMlE, CRISTALL hydrogen bond; - Informatique /ELECTRON data link; - intercalculateur / TELECOM interprocessor link; - intermoleeulaire / MATERIAUX intermolecular bond; - intersatellite /ESPACE communications intersatellite link; - lonique / CHIMlE, CRISTALL, PHYS RAYON ionic bond; - maritime /NAUT sea link; - mecanique/NuCLEAIRE mechanical bond; - miital-ceramlque /MA TERIAUX metal-ceramic bond; - metallique/METALL metallic bond; - modulateur-demodulateur / PRODUCTION automatisme


industrielmodem link; - ill modulateur-demodulateur multipoint / PRODUCTION automatisme industriel multipoint modem link; - montante/EsPAcE communications uplink; - multipoint / INFORMAT, ORDINAT multidrop link, multipoint link; - navette par h8licoptere/ AERONAUT helicopter shuttle service; - non saturee entre carbones/PETRoLE unsaturated carbon-to-carbon bond; - numerlque/TELECOM digital modulation link; - optique/OPTIQuE optical fiber link (ArnE), optical fibre link (BrE), optical link; - parcible /TV cable link; - parcapaeite/ELECTROTEC capacitance coupling; - par double transformateur / ELECTROTEC link coupling; - par fibre optique /OPTIQUE, TELECOM optical fiber link (ArnE), optical fibre link (BrE); - par Inductance et capaclte /ELECTROTEC impedance coupling; - par Infrarouges /TV infrared link; - par rafales meteoriques / ESPACE communications meteor burst link; - par resistance et capacitance /ELECTROTEC RC coupling, resistancecapacitance coupling; - par satellite / ESPACE communications, TV satellite link; - par transformateur /ELECTROTEC transformer coupling; - pl/cmMlE pi bond; - de pOint ill point/ELECTROTEC point-topoint link; - pont-coque/NAuT deck-hull bonding; - de prestatalre de service / TELECOM SPL, service provider link; - primalre/TELECOM primary link; - primalre pour les services de distribution /TELECOM DPL, distribution primary link; - primaire pour les services interactlfs / TELECOM IPL, interactive primary link; - radio / AERONAUT, NAUT radio link; - radio navire-sol/NAUT ship-to-shore radio; - radiotelephone / NAUT radiotelephone link; - sigma / CHIMIE sigma bond; - simple/ CHIMIE single bond; - spatiale / TV satellite link; - speciallsee / TELECOM PW ,leased line, direct line, private wire; - specialisee tous-usages/TELECOM analog private wire (ArnE), analogue private wire (BrE); - speclallsee tous usages / TELECOM speech-grade private wire; specialisee transmission de donnees/TELECOM data private wire; - thermique/THERMODYN thermal link; - de transmission de donnees/ELECTRON data link; - transversale / NAUT transverse member; - triple / CHiMIE triple bond; - de Van der Waals / CRISTALL Van der Waals bond; - de voies / CH DE FER rail junction; - de voies en courbe / CH DE FER crossover between curved tracks

liaisonner vt CONSTR bond, mac:onnerie bond liant m AGRO ALIM binding agent, CERAM VER binder,

bond, CONSTR, ENREGISTR, ESPACE vehicules, GEOLOGIE binder, IMPRIM bond, carrying medium, encre binder, MATERIAUX bonding material, pliability, pliableness, pliancy, revetement binder agent, PLAST CAOU linkage, adhesifbonding agent,peinture binder, PRODUCTION bond, TV binder; - du carbone m IMPRIM vehicle; - clair m TV clear binder; - il emulsion m GENIE cmM emulsion binder; - de I'enere m IMPRIM vehicle; - filierise m CONSTR filled binder; - v6hlcule m IMPRIM encre medium

liasse /IMPRIM continu formset; - pllie en zigzag / IMPRIM continu flat pack form; - sans papler carbone /IMPRIM continu flat form

LIB abrev (message de liberation) TELECOM REL (release message)

liberation/ELECTROTEC, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM release; - de chaleur /NUCLEAIRE heat release; - de pierres/cERAM VER stoning


Ilberer vt MECANIQUE release, PHYSIQUE liberate Ilbethenlte/M1NERAux libethenite Ilbration/ ASTRONOMIE libration; - dlume/ ASTRONOMIE

diurnallibration IIbrel adj CHlMlE free, electron unpaired, TELECOM idle Iibre:2 - parcours moyen m ACOUSTIQUE, PHYSIQUE

mean free path; - parcours moyen de diffusion m NUCLEAlRE diffusion mean free path; - parcours moyen total m NUCLEAlRE total mean free path; - pratique m NAUT free pratique

IIbrement: - reglable a4j CONS MECA adjustable at will Ilbre-pratique m NAUT pratique IIcareol m CHlMlE licareol licence / BREVETS, QUALITE licence (BrE), license

(ArnE); - excluSive/BREVETs exclusive licence (Br E), exclusive license (ArnE); - d'exploitatlon/ AERONAUT operating permit; - d'exportation / NAUT export licence (BrE), export license (ArnE); - d'importation/ NAUT import licence (BrE), import license (ArnE); - obllgatoire/BREVETS compulsory licence (BrE), compulsory license (ArnE)

licencier vt NAUT membre de ['equipage discharge Ucome/ ASTRONOMIE Monoceros lidar m ESPACE vehicules lidar; - de sondage m ESPACE

vehicules sounding lidar 118 a4j CONS MECA connected, ESPACE vehicules strap-

down-mounted; - ill I'envlronnement adj POLLUTION environmental

liebenerite/MINERAux liebenerite li8ge m CONSTR, REFRIG cork; - expanse m REFRIG

expanded cork; - de fosslle m MlNERAUX mountain cork; - granule m REFRIG granulated cork; - de montagne m M1NERAUX mountain cork

lien m CONS MECA link, strap, tie, CONSTR bond, strut, fastening, strap, strap bolt, IMPRIM emballage bond, INFORMAT, ORDINAT link, PRODUCTION fastening, strap, TELECOM link; - en bout m CHlMlE polymere endlink; - en fer ill U m CONS MECA stirrup, stirrup bolt, stirrup piece, stirrup strap, CONSTR U-bolt, strap, strap bolt; - peptldlque m CHlMlE peptide link; - reticul8 m PLAST CAOU polymerisation cross-link

Iler vt CONSTR pierre bind, EMBALLAGE bond lieme/coNsTR bridging piece, rail, strut lIemes/ pi CONSTR bridging, stiffening, strutting lieu m CONS MECA location; - destlnatalre m PRODUC-

TION destination bin; - d'emisslon m POLLUTION emission point, point source; - geometrique m GEOMETRIE point mobile locus; - de nalssance du tremblement de terre m GEOPHYS seismic focus; - de piche m NAUT fishery, fishing ground; - de refuge m CONSTR refuge hole, shelter; - de travail m SECURITE workplace

lleux: sur les - adv CONSTR on the spot Llevre m ASTRONOMIE Lepus Il8vrite/M1NERAux lievrite lift m PRODUCTION elevator ligand m CHIMIE, MATERIAUX, METALL ligand ligature/IMPRIM double letter, composition tied letter,

typographie ligature, PRODUCTIONjil, dlble lashing; - de fil-frein/ CONS MECA lock wire twist

IIgaturer vt cONsTRjil bind IIgnage m MECANIQUE alignment lignane/ CHlMlE lignan ligne: l en - adjINFORMAT, ORDINAT on-line IIgne:2 en - adv IMPRIM in-line, INFORMAT on-line,

MEcANlQuEin-line, ORDINAT, TELECOM on-line

IIgnel / CONSTR, ELECTR reseau d' alimentation, ELECTROTEC line, ENREGISTR line, nodal line, GEOMETRIE line, de raccord join, IMPRIM composition, photogravure line, INFORMAT line, row, NAUT equatoriale line, NUCLEAIRE line, maximum, peak, ORDINAT line, row, PllODUCTION automatisme industriel rung, TELECOM, TV line; .. - d'abonne / TELECOM subscriber's line; d'acces / ELECTR bus line, ORDINAT access line; - accord" / ELECTRON resonant line; - aclinique / GEOPHYS aclinic line; - d'action / CONS MECA line of contact; - active/TV active line, line, scanning line; - aerlenne / CONSTR overhead line, ELECTR overhead line, reseau aerial line, ELECTROTEC overhead line, TELECOM overhead line, pole route, TRANSPORT airline; - aerlenne ill courant / ELECTROTEC overhead power line; - affIuente d'apport / CH DE FER feeder line; - affIuente de ramassage / CH DE FER feeder line; - agate/IMPRIM composition agate line; - agonlque/ GEOPHYS agonic line; - ill ailette/PHYSIQUE fin line; - d'alimentation / ELECTR independent feeder, reseau feeder, feeder cable, ELECTROTEC feeder, supply main, ESPACE communications feeder; - d'alimentation en fils nus/ELECTROTEC open wire feeder; - d'alternance de phase/TV PAL, phase alternation line;- d'analyse/IMPRIM curseur sur ecran picture strip; - appelante/TELECOM calling line; - d'apport Interleur / AERONAUT feeder line; - des apsldes/ESPACE communications line of apsides; - d'arbres / CONS MECA line of shafting; - d'artere/CH DE FER voie main line; - atmospherique / PHYSIQUE atmospheric line; - d'attrape/NAUT heaving line; - avec pertes/PHYSIQUE lossy line; - d'axe/PAPIER axis; D-de bac/NAUT, TRANSPORT ferry service; - de balayage / ELECTRON active line, scanning line, ESPACE scanning line, IMPRIM curseur sur ecran picture strip; - ill bande / PHYSIQUE strip line; - de base / IMPRIM, NAUT baseline; - de base des argiles/PETR shale base line; - bipolalre / ELECTR alimentation bipolar line; - blanche discontlnue/coNSTR broken white line; - bllndee / ELECTROTEC transmission shielded transmission line; - brlsee / GEOMETRIE broken line; .. - de cadrage / CINEMAT frame line; - de carte / INFORMAT card row; - des centres ICONS MECA line of centers (ArnE), line of centres (BrE); - de champ / ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE field line; - de changement de date / NAUT date line, international date line; - de charge/AERoNAUT, NAUT load line; - chargee/ELECTROTEC loaded line; - coaxlale / ELECTROTEC, ENREGISTR, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM coaxial line; - coaxlale rigide / ELECTROTEC rigid coaxial line; cofluctuale/ocEANo co-current line; - de commande d'ascenseur /ELECTROTEC trailing cable; - de communication / ORDINAT communication link; - de comptage temps/PETR timing line; - de compteur Incrementlel/PRoDUCTION automatisme industrielup counter rung; - de construction / CONSTR building line; - de contact/ IMPRIM machines, rouleaux line of contact; - de contact entre deux rouleaux/IMPRIM machines nip; - de contact gaz-eau/PETR gas-water contact; - de contact gaz-huile/PETR gas-oil contact; - de contact huile-eau / PETR oil-water contact;- continue/coNSTR continuous white line; - coplanaire / PHYSIQUE coplanar waveguide; - de corde / EN RENOUV chord line; - cordon / TRANSPORT cordon

line; - de cotefcONS MECA dimension line; - de cotef GEOLOGIE coastline; - cotidale f GEOPHYS cotidalline; - coupee a longueur fPRODUCTION cut-to-Iength line; - de coupure fIMPRIM composition break line; - de courant f HYDROLOGIE current, PHYS FLUID ecoulement de fluide ou de gaz stream line, PHYSIQUE streamline; - a courant altematif f ELECTROTEC AC line; - courbe f GEOMETRIE curved line; - de couronnement f CONSTR comhle ridge line; - de critef OCEANO crest line; 1IiII-de debutfpRoDUCTION automatisme industriel start rung; - de decompteur fPRODUCTION automatisme industriel down counter rung; - dadiee f INFORMAT, ORDINAT dedicated line; - defectueuse f ELECTROTEC faulty line; - deml-ondef PHYSIQUE halfwave line; - de depart de cote f CONS MECA extension line; - de desir fTRANSPORT desire line; - directef TELECOM DL, direct line; - de direction f GEOLOGIE, MINES line of strike; - directrlce f BREVETS leading line, reference line; - de dlslocationfcRISTALL, MATERIAUX cristallographie dislocation line; - de division f CONS MECA pitch line; - a double sens f TELECOM both-way line; B-d'eaufcERAM VER shoreline, HYDROLOGIE hydraulic grade line; - d'eau a la flottaison d'etefNAUT summer load waterline; - d'echantilionnage f QUALITE qualite d' eau sampling line; - d'tigale sallnite f GEOLOGIE eaux isohaline; - 61ectriquefTHERMODYN electric power line; - d'emmarchement f CONSTR walking line; - en antenne f ELECTR single feeder, alimentation radial feeder; - en cable monofibre f ELECTROTEC single fiber line (ArnE), single fibre line (BrE); - en crossefcERAM VER rib mark; - en faux appelfTELECOM parked line; - en fils nUSfELECTROTEC open wire line; - d'engrenement f CONS MECA pitch line; - en hautefrequencefpHYSIQUE high-frequency line; - en quart d'onde f PHYSIQUE quarter wave line; - en sommairefIMPRIM composition hanging indent; - entrante f TELECOM incoming line;- equilibree f ELECTR moteur, ELECTROTEC balanced line; - 6quipotentieliefEsPAcE equipotential line; - d'E-S a tension continue bas niveau f PRODUCTION automatisme industriel low-level DC 1-0 line; - experlmentalefTRANsPORT test track; - exploiteefcH DE FER line in service; .. - de fabrication f CONS MECA production line;- de faille f GEOLOGIE fault trace; - de faite f CONSTR comble ridge line, HYDROLOGIE watershed; - a fente f PHYSIQUE slot line; - de fer f PETR guide line; - de ferrassefcERAM VER runner cut; - de feuf CERAM VER spark; - a fils paralleles f ELECTROTEC parallel wire line; - definfpRODUCTION automatisme industriel end rung; - de fin inconditlonnellef PRODUCTION automatisme industriel unconditional end rung; - de flottalson f CERAM VER flux line, NAUT, POLLU MER, TRANSPORT water line; - de flottaison en charge f NAUT deep-water line; - de fluxfELECTROTEC flux line, line of flux, INFORMAT, PETR, PETROLE flow line; - de flux thermiquefTHERMODYN heat flow line; - de foif AERONAUT com pas, ESPACE lubber line, NAUT boat's heading, lubber line, OCEANO lubber line; - de forcef CONS MECA force line, ELECTR magnetisme, ELECTROTEC line offorce, GEOPHYS force line, PHYSIQUE line of force; - de force magn6tiquefELECTROTEC magnetic line of force; - de foulee f CONSTR walking line; - frontierefcONSTR boundary line; - defuitefELECTR


isolateur, ELECTROTEC leakage path; - de fusible entrantefpRoDuCTION incoming line fuse; 1IiI-de gironfcoNsTR walking line; - de glissement f CRISTALL slip line; - a grande distance f ELECTROTEC, TELECOM long-distance line; - de guldage d'entree f AERONAUT marque d'aire de trajic hold-short line (ArnE), lead-in line (BrE); - de guidage de sortie f AERONAUT marque d' aire de trafic hold-short line (ArnE), lead-out line (BrE); - guidef PETR guide line; l1li-des hautes eaUXfHYDROLOGIE high water line, tidemark; - a haute tension f ELECTR distribution high-voltage transmission line; - hyperfrequence f ELECTROTEC microwave transmission line; U-a impasse f ELECTR alimentation dead end feeder, dead ended feeder; - d'impression f IMPRIM line of impression; - d'influence f CONSTR influence line; - interautomatique f (cf ligne de jonction) TELECOM inter-PABX tie circuit, tie line; - interdigltalef PHYSIQUE interdigital line; - interstandardfTELECOM interswitchboard tie-circuit; - interurbaine f ELECTROTEC, TELECOM long-distance line; - isobare f METEoisobar; - isobariquefMETEO isobar; -Isoclinef GEOPHYS isoclinic line; - Isogone f GEOPHYS isogonic line; - a isolation gazeuse f ELECTR reseau gasinsulated line; - isosonique f ACOUSTIQUE equal loudness contour; .. - de jonctionf(Can) (cf ligne interautomatique) TELECOM tie line, inter-PABX tie circuit; D-de liaison f ORDINAT, TELECOM flow line;- IImitefcoNs MECA clearance line; -liquidusfMETALL liquidus line; - de loch f NAUT log line; - loutie f INFORMAT, ORDINAT leased line; D-de marquagefPETR timing line; - de massef ELECTROTEC earth line (BrE), ground line (ArnE); - medianefMECANIQuE center line (ArnE), centre line (BrE), PETROLE entre secteurs median line; - meref NUCLEAlRE parent mass peak, parent peak; - meridienne f INSTRUMENT compass meridian line; - de mesure f ELECTROTEC slotted line; - microruban f ELECTRON microstrip; - de mirefMILITAIRE arme afeu sighting line; - mlxte f TELECOM both-way line;- mixte ordinaire f TELECOM ordinary bothway line, ordinary line; - du mondef ASTRONOMIE world line; - monopolairefELEcTR alimentation monopolar line; - de montage f NAUT assembly line; - de mousse f CERAM VER foam line; _ - des naissances f CONSTR springing line; - du nez de marche f CONSTR nosing line; - de niveau f CONSTR line of level; - nodale f ACOUSTIQUE nodal line; - de noeuds f ESPACE communications line of nodes; - non attrlbuee f TELECOM spare line; - non equilibree f ELECTROTEC unbalanced line; - non resonnantefELECTRON nonresonant line; _ - d'observationsfpRODUCTION comment line; - omnibusfELECTR bus line; - a onde ientefELEcTROTEC slow-wave structure; - d'operations f CONSTR base, baseline, datum, datum line; - optiquefELEcTROTEC optical transmission line; - d'ordre technique fTELECOM EOW, engineering order wire; - d'ouverture du filetf TEXTILE head line; 1IlI-de partage fHYDROLOGIE watershed; - partageefTELECOM shared service line; - de partage des eauxfDlsTRI EAU, HYDROLOGIE watershed; - de perforations f IMPRIM continu, far;onnage tear line; - perforeefIMPRIM perforated line; - a perteSfELEC-


TROTEC lossy line; - point ill pOint/INFORMAT, ORDINAT point-to-point line; - de pont/NAuT deck line; - de poussee / CONS MECA common normal, line of action, train of action; - de pression/CONS MECA line of action, train of action, engrenages common normal; - primitive/ CONS MECA pitch line; - principale/ ELECTR alimentation trunk line, ELECTROTEC main conductor; - prlncipale de chemin de fer/ CH DE FER trunk line, TRANSPORT main line railroad (ArnE), main line railway (BrE); - privee/TELEcoM DL, direct line; - de production/NAuT production line; - de produits/TEXTILE range; - de programme/PRODUCTION automatisme industriel program rung (ArnE), programme rung (BrE); .. - de raccordement/TELEcOM subscriber's line; - de racine/coNs MECA dedendum line; - de rappel de cote / CONS MECA leader line; - de rattachement / TELECOM subscriber's line; - ill refendre/PRoDuCTION slitting time; - de rMerence / CONS MECA, ESPACE communications datum line, GEOMETRIE reference line, MECANIQUE datum line; - de remise ill zero / PRODUCTION automatisme industriel reset rung; - de raseau/ELECTROTEC supply main; - raseau /TELECOM central exchange trunk (BrE) , central office trunk (ArnE), exchange line; - ill retard/ELEcTRON, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE delay line, TELECOM delay circuit, TV delay line; - ill retard acoustique/ELECTRON, ORDINAT acoustic delay line; - ill retard analogique /TV analog delay line (ArnE), analogue delay line (BrE); - ill retard blnalre / TV binary delay line; - ill retard constant/ELECTRON constant delay line; - ill retard dispersive/ELECTRON dispersive delay line; - ill retard electrlque / ELECTRON electric delay line; - ill retard hyperfrequence /ELECTRON microwave delay line; - a retard au mercure/ELECTRON mercury delay line; - a retard MOS/ELECTRON MOS delay line, metal-oxide semi-conductor delay line; - ill retard ill ondes accoustlques de surface / ELECTRON SAW delay line; - ill retard polygonale/ELEcTRON polygonal delay line;- ill retard ill prises/ELECTRON tapped delay line; - ill retard quantifie/Tv quantized delay line; - ill retard ill quartz / ELECTRON, TV quartz delay line; - rigide / ELECTROTEC rigid coaxial line; B-de sable/PETR sand line; - de sauvetage / NAUT lifeline; - de schema ill relais / PRODUCTION automatisme industriel ladder diagram rung, relay ladder rung; - secondaire / CH DE FER branch line, TRANSPORT secondary line; - secteur /PRODUCTION electricite power line; - de service / ELECTROTEC service line; - de signaux/ELEcTROTEC transmission signal line; - de sonde / NAUT lead line, sounding line; - de sortie / TELECOM, TV outgoing line; - de sortie deverrouillee / PRODUCTION automatisme industriel unlatch rung; - de sortie verrouillee / PRODUCTION automatisme industriel latch rung; - sous tenslon/ELECTR alimentation live line; - souterraine / ELECTR reseau underground cable, ELECTROTEC, TELECOM underground line; - spaciallsee/INFORMAT dedicated line, leased line, ORDINAT, TELECOM dedicated line; - speclallsee arrivee /TELECOM outgoing calls barred line; - spaclalisee depart/ TELECOM incoming-calls-barred line; - supraconductrice / TELECOM superconductor line; - symatrique / ENREGISTR balanced line; D-de tangence/IMPRIM machines nip; - de telecommunications/ELECTROTEC communications line;

- telephonique / ELECTROTEC telephone line; - telephonique d'abonne / TELECOM subscriber's line; - t6lephonique principale / TELECOM main line; - de temporisation / PRODUCTION automatisme industriel timer rung; - terminee par une impBdance/PHYSIQUE line terminated by an impedance; - de terre /ELECTROTEC earth line (BrE), ground line (ArnE); - terrestre /TELECOM land line; - de tir /MINES leading wire; - de tonture/NAuT sheer line; - de transfert/ CONS MECA transfer line, TELECOM throughline; - de transmission / CONS MECA line of shafting, CONSTR, ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM transmission line; - de transmission accordee/ELEcTRON resonant line; - de transmission acoustique / ELECTROTEC acoustic transmission line; - de transmission demi-onde / ELECTR alimentation half-wave transmission line; - de transmission el8ctrique / ELECTROTEC electrical transmission line; - de transmission en fils nus / ELECTROTEC open wire transmission line; - de transmission en serie/ELEcTROTEC serial line; - de transmission equilibree / ELECTROTEC balanced line; - de transmission hyperfrSquence / ELECTROTEC microwave transmission line; - de transmission optique/ELEcTROTEC optical transmission line; - de transport de courant/ELECTROTEC power transmission line; - de transport ill courant altematif /ELECTR reseau alternating current transmission line; - de transport de courant HT / ELECTROTEC power transmission line; - de transport de I'electricite /THERMODYN electric power line; - de transport d'energie / ELECTROTEC power line; - de transport d'energie a courant alternatif/ELECTROTEC AC power line; - de transport d'energie electrique / ELECTROTEC power transmission line; - de transport d'energie resistant ill la tenue ill la foudre / ELECTR alimentation lightning-resistant power line; - triplaque/ELEcTRON planar line, ELECTROTEC strip line; II!I-uniforme/ELECTROTEC transmission uniform line; _ - ventrale / ACOUSTIQUE antinodal line; - de visee/ ASTRONOMIE line of sight, INSTRUMENT sighting line; - a vole unique/ CH DE FER single track line

li9Oes: - des champs magnetiques / pI PHYS RAYON magnetic field lines; - concourantes / pI GEOMETRIE concurrent lines; - convergentes/pl GEOMETRIE convergent lines; - d'eau / pI NAUT water lines;- d'emission / pI PHYS FLUID cylindre traversant un fluide streaklines; - intersectaes/ pI GEOMETRIE intersecting lines; - ill la minute / pliMPRIM imprimante lines per minute; - paralleles / pI GEOMETRIE parallel lines; - par minute/pI (LP M) INFORMAT, ORDINAT lines per minute (LP M); - perpendiculaires / pI GEOMETRIE perpendicular lines; - pointillees / pI IMPRIM composition leaders; - de serie Paschen / pI PHYS RAYON Paschen series lines

ligneur m OCEANO troller, PETR alignment frame ligneux acij PAPIER ligneous, woody lignlne/cHIMIE, PLAST CAOU lignin lignite m CHARBON brown coal, lignite, MINERAUX,

THERMODYN lignite Iigroine/cHiMIE ligroin, REVETEMENT varnish maker's

naphtha ligurite/MINERAUX Iigurite limace: - au col/ CERAM VER slug in neck limage m PRODUCTION filing Ilmailie/PRoDUCTION filings, metal particles; - de fer /

CHIMIE, PHYSIQUE iron filings limbe m ASTRONOMIE limb; - vertical de calage m IN-

STRUMENT divided circle, graduated circle lime / MECANIQUE, PRODUCTION, VEHICULES file;

- d'afffitage des scies/ CONS MECA saw file; - a aiguille / CONS MECA needle file; - a barrettes / CONS MECA barrette file; - bitarde / CONS MECA rough file, MECANIQUE bastard file; - ill blseau/coNs MECA barrette file; - blseautee / CONS MECA cant file; - ill bords arrondls / CONS MECA round-edge file; - ill bouter / CONS MECA key file, warding file; - carree/CONs MECA square file; - ill champs ronds / CONS MECA roundedge file; - contact/CONS MECA contact point file; - ill c6te IIsse / CONS MECA safe edge file; - ill couteau / CONS MECA knife file, knife-edge file; - ill deux queues/ CONS MECA two-tanged file; - ill deux soles / CONS MECA two-tanged file; - ill dosslere / CONS MECA screw-head file, slitting file, PRODUCTION featheredge file; - double deml-ronde / PRODUCTION cross file; - ill double talile /PRODUCTION crosscut file; - ill egallser / PRODUCTION equalizing file; - d'entree / PRODUCTION entering file; - ill fendre / CONS MECA screw-head file, slitting file, PRODUCTION featheredge file; - feuille-de-sauge /PRODUCTION cross file, double half-round file; - ill garnlr / CONS MECA key file, warding file; - grosse / CONS MECA rough file; - ill lanterne / CONS MECA frame saw file; - ill losange / CONS MECA screw-head file, slitting file, PRODUCTION feather-edge file; - olive / CONS MECA oval file; - parallele / CONS MECA parallel file; - plate ill main / PRODUCTION hand file; - queue-de-rat / CONS MECA rat-tail file; - queue-de-rat ovale / CONS MECA oval file, rat-tail file; - ronde / CONS MECA round file; - ronde ill scies / PRODUCTION gulleting saw file; - ill scles / CONS MECA saw file; - ill simple taille / CONS MECA float, float-cut file, single-cut file; - ill taille croisee / PRODUCTION crosscut file; - tiers-point / CONS MECA three-square file, tri-square file; - tres douce/PRoDUCTION extrasmooth file; - triangulaire/ CONS MECA three-square file, tri-square file; - troisquarts/coNS MECA three-square file

IIme-couteau/ CONS MECA knife file, knife-edge file Ilme-fralseuse: - ill main / CONS MECA circular cut file,

PRODUCTION milling file limet: - parallele ill la direction m CHARBON face cleat; -

parallele ill I'inclinalson m CHARBON end cleat limeuse/ CONS MECA shaping machine, shaping planer IImitateur: - de crites m TV peak limiter limitation / ENREGISTR limiting; - d'amplitude / ELEC-

TRON limiting; - d'amplitude ill niveau constant / ELECTRON hard limiting; - de la charge /ELECTROTEC load limiting; - des collisions /TELECOM contention control; - de courant /ELECTROTEC current limiting; - d'entree /ELECTRON input control; - de I'intensite du courant / ELECTROTEC current limiting; - des parasites transitoires / PRODUCTION transient voltage limitation; - de pOinte/ENREGISTR peak limitation; - reglementaire de vltesse/TRANSPORT speed limit;- devitesse/TRANsPORT vehicules speed restriction

limite / CONS MECA limit, margin, tolerance, CONSTR boundary, GEOLOGIE boundary, margin, HYDROLOGIE margin, MATH limit, METALL boundary, METROLOGIE mecanique tolerance; - d'absorption / CRIST ALL absorption edge; - d'accrochage / ELECTRON singing point; - d'allongement / MATERIAUX yield point;- d'antlphase / CRISTALL antiphase boundary; - de


Chandrasekhar / ASTRONOMIE Chandrasekhar limit; - de consistance/cHARBON limit of consistency; - de contr61e / QUALITE control limit; - de couleur / COULEURS color limit (AmE), colour limit (BrE); - de deshydratation/ TEXTILE dewatering point; - de detection / POLLUTION lower limit of detectability; - d'ecoulement / ELECTROTEC flow limit, PHYSIQUE plastique yield point; - d'61asticite / CONSTR, EMBALLAGE, MA TERIAUX, PHYSIQUE, PLAST CAOU elastic limit; - 61astique / CONSTR elastic limit, MECANIQUE elastic limit, yield strength, METALL yield strength, NUCLEAIRE de/ormation yield point, yield strength, PHYSIQUE, PLAST CAOU elastic limit, RESSORTS elastic limit, yield point; - 61astique inf6rieure / METALL lower yield point; - d'emission/POLLUTION emission standard; - d'emploi/PHOTO working life; - d'endurance / CRISTALL, METALL endurance limit; - d'exposition/SECURITE exposure limit; - defiitrabllite /GENIE CHIM filtering limit; - du gel/CHARBON frost limit; - inf6rieure/TELEcoM lower limit; - inferieure de contr6le/QuALITE lower control limit; - inferieure de detection/poLLUTION lower limit of detectability; - interfaclale/METALL interface boundary; - de Kruskal / NUCLEAIRE Kruskal limit; - de IIquidite / CHARBON, CONSTR liquid limit; - dela maree /HYDROLOGIE high water mark, tidemark; - maximale d'exposltion / SECURITE maximum exposure limit; - des neiges/METEO snow line; - des neiges eternelles/ METEO snow line; - de nUisance/POLLUTION ambient emission standard, ambient quality standard; - de phase / METALL phase boundary; - d'une plaque / GEOLOGIE plate boundary; - de plaques lithosph6riques divergentes / GEOLOGIE divergent plate boundary; - de plasticite / CHARBON plastic limit; - plastique/ CONSTR plastic limit; - de qualite moyenne apres contr61e / (LQMAC) QUALITE average outgoing quality limit (AOQL); - a quatre masses solaires / ASTRONOMIE etoiles tl neutrons four-solar mass limit; - de resistance / CRISTALL endurance limit; - de resolution en portee/ESPAcE range resolution; - de retrait / CHARBON shrinkage limit; - de Roche / ASTRONOMIE Roche limit; - de rupture / MECANIQUE breaking point; - de securite/sECURITE safe limit; - superieure / TELECOM upper limit;- sup6rieure de contr61e / QUALITE upper control limit; - superieure del'ozonosphere/METEO upper limit of ozone layer; - de teinte / COULEURS color limit (AmE), colour limit (BrE); - de tolerance/METROLOGIE mecanique limit of tolerance, QUALITE tolerance limit; - d'usure/coNs MECA wear limit;- d'utilisation/PRoDUCTION operating limitations

limite: - par les entrees/sorties adj ORDINAT input/output-limited; - par Ie peripherique adj ORDINAT peripheral-limited; - par Ie processeur adj INFORMAT, ORDINAT processor-limited; - par lavitessedu peripherique adj INFORMAT peripheral-limited; - par la v1tesse des periph8riques d'entree adj ORDINAT input-limited; - par la vitesse des peripheriques de sortie adjORDINAT output-limited

limiter vt ELECTRON amplitude limit limites: - de specification / pi QUALITE specification


ISTR, ESPACE communications, TELECOM limiter, TV amplitude limiter circuit, limiter; - d'amplitude m CINEMAT peak limiter, ELECTRON amplitude limiter,


clipper; - d'amplitude 6 diode m ELECTRON diode limiter; - d'appel de courant m ELECTROTEC inrush current limiter; - automatlque de crete m TV automatic peak limiter; - automatlque de crete du blanc m TV automatic peak limiter; - d'avance m CONS MECA feed limiter; - de bruit m ENREGISTR noise limiter; - de bruit clynamlque m ENREGISTR dynamic noise suppressor; - central m ENREGISTR center clipping (ArnE), centre clipping (BrE); - de courant m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC current limiter; - de debit m CONS MECA flow rate controller, NUCLEAIRE gag; - 6 ferrite m ELECTROTEC ferrite limiter; - de flambement m PETR buckle arrester; - de freinage m AUTO metering valve; - hyperfr8quence m ELECTRON microwave limiter; - d'intensite m ELECTROTEC current limiter; - de pression m PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique pressure relief valve; - de pression 6 cartouche m PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique cartridge relief valve; - de pression de d8flbrage m PAPIER grinding pressure limiter; - de puissance m CONS MECA power limiter; - 6 seull m ELECTRON inverse limiter; - de surtenslon m ELECTROTEC arrester, surge arrester; - de surtension 6 seml-conducteur m ELECTROTEC solid-state surge arrester; - de tension m ELECTR voltage limiter, ELECTROTEC overpotential protection; - de vitesse m AUTO speed limiter; - de vitesse automatique m CONS MECA automatic speed checker

limiteur-regleur: - de treinage m CONS MECA brake pressure regulator

limma m ACOUSTIQUE Iimma limnim8tre m HYDROLOGIE level gage (ArnE), level

gauge (BrE), limnimeter, NUCLEAIRE level indicator, level meter

limon m CERAM VER common clay, CHARBON silt, CONSTR face string, outside string, string, string board, string piece, stringer, D1STRI EAU silt, slime, HYDROLOGIE ooze, silt, slime, sludge, MINES mud; - 6 I'anglaise m CONSTR cut string, open string; - arglleux m D1STRI EAU clay silt; - 6 cremaillere m CONSTR cut string, open string; - droit m CONSTR close string, housed string; - 6 I'escalier m CONSTR close string; - fin m GEOLOGIE fine silt; - 6 la tranl;alse m CONSTR housed string; - iI gradin m CONSTR open string; - grassier m GEOLOGIE coarse silt; - sableux m GEOLOGIE sandy loam

limonite I CHIMIE brown haematite (BrE), brown hematite (ArnE), brown iron ore, MINERAUX limonite

limpidite/DiSTRI EAU eau clearness, MATERIAUX transparency

lin: - teille m TEXTILE line flax linalol m CHIMIE Iicareol, linalool Iinarlte/MiNERAUX Iinarite lindane m CHIMIE lindane IIneaire adj PAPIER, PHYSIQUE linear linealesl pI IMPRIM Iineals lineament m GEOLOGIE lineament linearisateur m ESPACE communications Iinearizer IIneariser vt CHIMIE linearize linearite I ELECTR, ELECTRON, ENREGISTR, TELECOM

linearity; - defectueuse/TV linearity error lineationl GEOLOGIE mineraux lineation IIneature I IMPRIM screen ruling, photogravure screen

count lineique adj PHYSIQUE per unit length liner m PETR liner lingot m CHARBON, MECANIQUE, PRODUCTION ingot;

- d'uranium m NUCLEAIRE uranium ingot lingotlere I MECANIQUE materiaux, PRODUCTION ingot

mold (ArnE), ingot mould (BrE) lingots: - d'interlignage m pI IMPRIM composition

leading matter linguet m CONS MECA pawl Iinneite/MiNERAUX linnaeite linoleate m CHIMIE linoleate linoleinel CHIMIE Iinoleine linoleique adj CHIMIE linoleic linolenate m CHIMIE linolenate linolenlque adj CHIMIE linolenic unotype/(MD) IMPRIM Linotype (TM) IInotypie/IMPRIM Linotype (TM) setting IInteau m CONSTR breast summer, bressummer, lintel,

transom; - de niche d'enfournement m CERAM VER mantle block

Lion m ASTRONOMIE Leo, The Lion lipasel CHIMIE lipase lipide m AGRO ALIM fat, CHIMIE lipid lipoide adj CHIMIE lipoid lipophllem CHIMIE lipophile, lipophilic lipopolysaccharide m CHIMIE lipopolysaccharide lipositel CHIMIE lipositol liposoluble adj CHIMIE liposoluble liquationl CHIMIE Iiquation liquefacteur m REFRIG liquefier liquefaction I CHIMIE, GAZ, PHYSIQUE gaz, THERMODYN

liquefaction; - du charbon I PETROLE coal liquefaction; - de la houlile/pETROLE coal liquefaction

liquefie adj THERMODYN liquefied liquefier vt CHIMIE gaz liquefy, THERMODYN liquefy,

meltdown IIquescence/cHIMIE liquescence liquescent adj CHIMIE liquescent liqueur I CHIMIE liquor, solution; - mixte I D1STRI EAU

mixed liquor; - noire I PAPIER black liquor; - de teinture/TEXTILE dye liquor; - titree/cHIMIE standard solution

corrosion m AUTO corrosion inhibitor; - associe m PETROLE associated liquid; - de broyage m GENIE CHIM milling liquid; - charge m CONS MECA slurry; - de circuit hydraulique m INST HYDR hydraulic fluid; - de coagulation m GENIE CHIM coagulation liquid; - de coupure m PRODUCTION cutting fluid; - cryogenique m CONS MECA cryogenic liquid; - de degralssage m INSTRUMENT cleaning fluid; - dense m CHARBON dense liquid; - emulseur m SECURITE emulsifying liquid; - emulslonnant m GENIE CHIM emulsifying liquid; - d'ensllage m HYDROLOGIE silage effluent; - de trein m AUTO, CONS MECA, VEHICULES brake fluid; - de gaz naturel m {LGN} GAZ, PETROLE natural gas liquid {NGL}; - incongelable m REFRIG nonfreeze liquid; - inflammable m SECURITE flammable liquid; - laveur m LESSIVES scouring solution; - refrigerant m CHIMIE freezing liquid, CONS MECA coolant; - de refroldissement m THERMODYN liquid coolant; - separateur m GENIE CHIM separation liquid; - sumageant m D1STRI EAU, HYDROLOGIE sludge liquor;- toxlque m SECURITE toxic liquid; - triergol m THERMODYN liquid tripropellant

liquidus m CHIMIE liquidus lire VtiNFORMAT, ORDINAT fetch, read, read out Iiroconite/MINERAUX liroconite

lisa/HYDROLOGIE quicksand IIser /TEXTILE heald IIsere m CERAM VER irregular edge lislbla: - par machlna adjINFORMAT, ORDINAT machine-

readable lislera/HYDROLOGIE margin, MINES gouge, pug, selvage,

selvedge, P APIER toile selvage, selvedge, TEXTILE edge, tissu selvage, selvedge; - rantree/TEXTILE pulled-in selvage, pulled-in selvedge; - tandua /TEXTILE tight selvage, tight selvedge

lissaga m ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT smoothing, PRODUCTION leveling (ArnE), levelling (BrE), smoothing; - da charga m PRODUCTION production smoothing

lissal adj GEOLOGIE even, NAUT longitudinal, PAPIER smooth, PRODUCTION safe, sur/ace even, TEXTILE sleek

IIssa2 / CHARBON wale, CONSTR hand railing, handrail, ESPACE VI!hicules stringer, NAUT bulwark rail, rail, ribband, strake, PAPIER breaker stack, calender stack, smoothing roll; - da couronnamant / NAUT taffrail; - Intarmedlalre / PAPIER breaker stack;- 10ngitudlnala/NAuT longitudinal framing; - da plafond da double fond / NAUT inner bottom longitudinal; - da plat-bord/NAUT gunnel, gunwale; - de pont/NAuT deck longitudinal

Iisse m PAPIER smoothness Iisses: - planes/pI NAUT diagonal lines IIssolr m PRODUCTION slick, slicker; - a bride m PRO-

DUCTION flange smoother; - a champlgnon m CONS MECA mouleur bacca box smoother; - a conge m PRODUCTION fillet slick; - equerre m PRODUCTION corner slick, corner smoother; - &quarre a conge m PRODUCTION round edge corner smoother; - a tuyau m PRODUCTION pipe slick, pipe smoother

IIstage m INFORMAT listing, ORDINAT listing, printout; - da programmes m INFORMAT, ORDINAT program listing

IIste/INFORMAT, ORDINAT list; - d'activites /PRODUCTION job sequence list; - de cadrages / ClNEMAT shot list; - chainee/oRDINAT chained list; - de collsage/ PRODUCTION delivery sheet; - da contrOle d'acc8s / TELECOM access control list; - de decOUpa/PRODUCTION sawing list; - directe /INFORMAT, ORDINAT push-up list; - d'erreurs/INFORMAT error list,ORDINAT error list, error report; - d'execution /CONfITR construction schedule; - du frat / AERONAUT cargo manifest; - des habilitations /ORDINAT access list; - des haures/ PRODUCTION taking-off sheets hours; - Inversee /INFORMAT push-down list; -libre/ INFORMAT free list, ORDINAT available list, free list; -lineaira /INFORMAT linear list; - des matleres/PRODUCTION taking-off sheets materials; - de phases op6ratoires/ PRODUCTION routing list; - des piaces/PRoDUCTION drawing list; - des places de rechange/PRoDuCTION renewal parts list; - des planstoumes/CINEMAT shot list; - des prodUIts/BREVETS specification of goods; - des prodults services / BREVETS specification of goods, specification of services; - refoul8e /ORDINAT push-down list; - de sciage/ PRODUCTION sawing list; - sequentlelle / INFORMAT, ORDINAT linear list; - a servir /PRODUCTION pick list, picking list; - de stock / PRODUCTION inventory reporting; - de verification / CONS MECA checklist

lister vt INFORMAT, ORDINAT list Iiston m NAUT rail, rubbing strake lit m CONSTR bed, layer, DIfITRI EAU river bed, HYDRO-


LOGIE, IMPRIM impression typo bed, OCEANO bottom; - alluvial m DISTRI EAU alluvial bed; - bacterien m DIfITRI EAU bacteria bed, GENIE CHIM biological filter, HYDROLOGIE, RECYCLAGE bacterial bed, bacteria bed; - bouillant m NUCLEAIRE boiling bed; - de boulets m NUCLEAIRE pebble bed; - de carriere m MINES quarry face; - catalytlque m NUCLEAlRE catalyst bed; - de charbon de bois active m NUCLEAIRE activated charcoal bed; - da coka m CHARBON coke bed; - contlnu m MINES bank; - de coulee m PRODUCTION pig mold (ArnE), pig mould (BrE); - da cours d'eau m HYDROLOGIE stream bed; - filtrant m GENIE CHIM filter bed, filtering layer, NUCLEAIRE filter bed; - de filtration m RECYCLAGE filter bed; - fluldlfie m GENIE CHIM fluid bed, fluidized bed; - fluldifie a grains m GENIE CHIM particle-operated fluidized bed; - fluldlfle homogena m GENIE cmM particulate fluidized bed; - fluidlse m GENIE cmM fluid bed, fluidized bed, MAT CHAUFF combustion, POLLUTION fluidized bed; - da gueusa m PRODUCTION pig bed, pig mold (ArnE), pig mould (BrE); - da hautes aaux m HYDROLOGIE flood plain; - da houilia m CHARBON coal bed; - isolant m CONSTR damp-proof course; - de lavage m CHARBON jig bed; - de michafar m PRODUCTION cinder bed; - majaur m HYDROLOGIE flood plain, riviere flood bed; - mlnaur m HYDROLOGIE riviere normal bed; - parcolateur m GENIE cmM biological filter; - de riviera m DISTRI EAU, HYDROLOGIE river bed; - da sechaga des boues m HYDROLOGIE sludge-drying bed

IItage m GEOLOGIE layering, PETROLE geologie bed; - de flux m GEOLOGIE roche magmatique flow banding

lite adj GEOLOGIE banded litaau m CONSTR batten litharge/ CHIMIE, PLAST CAOU caoutchouc litharge lithargol m ESPAcEpropulsion, THERMODYN lithergol lithification/GEOLOGIE induration, lithification lithlonlta/MINERAUX lithionite IIthique ad} GEOLOGIE lithic lithlumm (Li) cmMIElithium (Li) lithoclasa/ GEOLOGIE rock fracture lithofacies m GEOLOGIE lithofacies Ilthogenetlque ad} GEOLOGIE lithogenous IIthographla /IMPRIM lithography; - offset / IMPRIM

lithography IIthologlqua adj GEOLOGIE lithological, lithologic IIthomarga/MINERAux lithomarge lithopona m cmMIE litho pone IIthosphera/EN RENOUV, GEOLOGIE, GEOPHYS, POLLU-

TION lithosphere Iltophlla/ GEOLOGIE lithophile element IItram METROLOGIE, PHYSIQUE liter (ArnE), litre (BrE) lits: a - epals ad} GEOLOGIE thick-bedded; a - mincas ad}

GEOLOGIE thin-bedded litteral m INFORMA T literal; - chaina m INFORMA T string

literal littoral I ad} GEOLOGIE coastal, nearshore, OCEANO

littoral Iittoral2 m GEOLOGIE coast, coastline, shore, NAUT

coastline, seaboard, shore, shoreline liure/NAuT lashing livet: - da pont m NAUT deck line livralson/IMPRIM delivery; - Client/PRoDUCTION ship-

ment, shipping; - directa / PRODUCTION direct delivery, drop shipment; - echeanCee/PRODUCTION time phased delivery; - echalonnee / PRODUCTION time phased delivery; - exc8dantalra / PRODUCTION


overshipment; - foumlsseur IPRODUCTION delivery, reception; - magasln I PRODUCTION warehouse delivery; - multiplel PRODUCTION time phased delivery; - ponctuelie/pRoDuCTION single delivery; - unlquel PRODUCTION single delivery

livre:' - de bord m NAUT ship's log; - broche m IMPRIM paperback; - cartonne m IMPRIM cased book; - du concepteur m TELECOM designer handbook; - d'lmages m IMPRIM picture book; - imprime m IMPRIM printed book; - des phares m NAUT list of lights; - de poche m IMPRIM pocket book; - princeps m IMPRIM original edition; - relie m IMPRIM bound book; - routier m NAUT track chart; - des signaux m NAUT signal book; - de topographie m CONSTR field book

Iivre2 I METROLOGIE pound, pound avoirdupois; - avoirdupois I METROLOGIE pound, pound avoirdupois; - poids/METROLOGIE pound force

Iivres:'-debordmpINAUTship'sbooks Iivres:2 - par heure I pi METROLOGIE pounds per hour; -

par pouce carre I pi METROLOGIE PETROLE pounds per square inch, psi

Ilvreur m EMBALLAGE deliverer Iixlviation/cERAM VER leaching, CHARBON leachability,

leaching, CHIMIE leaching, Iixiviation, MA TERIAUX metallurgie leaching, POLLUTION leaching, lixiviation; - par solvant I CHARBON solvent leaching

Ilxlvier vt GEOLOGIE, POLLU MER leach 1m abrev (lumen) METROLOGIE 1m (lumen) lobe m ESPACE communications lobe; - lateral m ELEC-

TRON sidelobe, PHYSIQUE side lobe; - radi06lectrlque m ESPACE communications lobe; - secondaire m ELECTRON, ESPACE communications, NAUT, PHYSIQUE side lobe; - secondaire de grande amplitude m ELECTRON high side lobe

10beline/cHIMIE lobeline loblninel CHIMIE lobinine local' acijINFORMAT, ORDINAT local local2 m CONSTR room; - depousslere m EMBALLAGE

clean room; - de stockage de films m CINEMAT vault localisateur: - de d6faut m ELECTR dible fault detector locallsationl CONSTR locating, location, MILIT AIRE posi-

tion fixing, NAUT positioning, PETR habitat; - automatique des vehicules/TELEcOM A VL, automatic vehicle location; - horalre I AERONAUT clock face reference; - du navire INAUT vessel location; - par radar ITRANSPORT RT, radar tracking; - par radio I MILITAIRE radio tracking; - sommaire I TELECOM general localization

localise adj PHYSIQUE lumped locallser vt CONS MECA pinpoint, ELECTROTEC isolate,

locate, INFORMAT, ORDINAT localize, PRODUCTION locate

locaux: - d'habltation m pi NAUT equipage accommodation

loch: - a hellce m NAUT patent log 10comobile/TRANsPORT steam car locomotivel CH DE FER locomotive; - a adherence mixte

ICH DE FER rack-rail locomotive; - bicourant ICH DE FER dual-current locomotive; - a convertisseur statique I TRANSPORT thyristor-controlled locomotive; - a cremaillere I TRANSPORT rack engine, rack locomotive; - diesel-61ectrique I CH DE FER dieselelectric locomotive; - dlesel-hydraullque I CH DE FER, TRANSPORT diesel-hydraulic locomotive; - diesel a transmission hydromecanlque I CH DE FER diesel-hydromechanical locomotive; - diesel a vole 6trolte I

TRANSPORT narrow gage diesel locomotive (AmE), narrow gauge diesel locomotive (BrE); - 61ectrique I CH DE FER electric locomotive; - a groupe monocontlnu I CH DE FER locomotive with ac/dc motor converter set; - haut-le-pled/cH DE FER light engine, light locomotive; - a Ignitrons I CH DE FER ignitron locomotive; - de manoeuvre I CH DE FER, CONSTR shunting engine, TRANSPORT shunter, shunting engine, shunting locomotive, switch engine (AmE), switcher (AmE);- a marchandises/cH DE FER freight locomotive; - monocontinue/cH DE FER locomotive with ac/dc motor converter set; - de pousse I CH DE FER banking locomotive (BrE), pusher locomotive (AmE); - a redresseurs/cH DE FER rectifier locomotive; - de renfort en queue I CH DE FER banking locomotive (BrE), pusher locomotive (AmE); - de route ITRANSPORT road locomotive; - de traction I CH DE FER traction locomotive

locomotive-tender I CH DE FER, MINES tank engine, tank locomotive

locotracteur m CH DE FER light rail motor tractor, TRANSPORT rail motor tractor; - diesel-61ectrique de manoeuvre m CH DE FER diesel-electric shunting motor tractor

lofer vi NAUT come to,luff 109m (logarithme) MATH log (logarithm); - dechantier

m PETR mud log; - de fracturation m PETR fracture log; - d'induction m PETR induction log; - d'interpretation geologique m PETR synergetic log; - lithostratigraphlque m GEOLOGIE geological column; - nucl6aire de cimentatlon m PETR nuclear cement log; - de proximlte m PETR proximity log; - renseigne m PETR strip log

logarithme m (log) MATH, ORDINAT logarithm (log); - a base 10 m MATH common logarithm; - naturel m MATH Naperian logarithm, natural logarithm; - neperien m MATH Naperian logarithm, natural logarithm

logarithmique acij MATH logarithmic logatomel ACOUSTIQUE logatom loge: - de coupeur ICERAM VER cutter's bay; - d'embal-

leur I(Fra) (clbaie d'emballeur) CERAM VER packer's bay

logement m CONS MECA compartment, groove, CONSTR housing, MECANIQUE socket, ch{lntier accommodation, NAUT accommodation, PRODUCTION receptacle, module slot; - de barre m CONS MECA socket, d'un cabestan bar holes; - de bloc porte-empreinte m CONS MECAlonderie insert cavity; - de cassette m ENREGISTR cassette compartment; - de clavette m AUTO lock groove, NUCLEAIRE key bed, key groove, keyway, PAPIER keyseat; - de flltre m INSTRUMENT filter pickup; - de joints de piston m CONS MECA piston seal housings; - de joint de tige m CONS MECA rod seal housing; - de paller m PAPIER bearing housing; - de pile m PHOTO battery chamber, PRODUCTION battery holder; - des roues m AERONAUT wheel well; - detrain m AERONAUT wheel well; - du train m AERONAUT landing gear bay, landing gear well

logements: - des barres m pi CONS MECA poppet holes loger vt ESPACE vehicules stow 10ggia/coNSTR loggia loglclel m ELECTR, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE, TV

software; - d'alde a la programmation m ORDINAT support program; - d'analyse de structures m ESPACE vehicules structural analysis software; - d'appllcation

m ORDINAT application software; - de base m INFORMAT systems software; - de communications m ORDINAT communication software; - d'exploitation m ORDINAT systems software; - foumi en bundle m ORDINAT bundled software; - de gestion transactionnelle m INFORMAT, ORDINAT transaction management software; - maison m ORDINAT in-house software; - pour lequel une contribution volontaire est demandee m INFORMAT, ORDINAT shareware; - de problematique m ORDINAT problem-oriented software; - de reconnaissance de la parole m ORDINAT speechware; - de reseau m ORDINAT network software; - souris m ORDINAT mouse software

OCEANO life support system logo m CONSTR logo; - type m CONSTR logo 10i/BREVETS statute law, SECURITE Act; - d'action de

masse / CHiMIE mass action law, PHYSIQUE law of mass action; - des aires/ AERONAUT area rule; - des aires de Kepler / ESPACE Kepler's law of areas; - binomiale/MATH binomial distribution; - de Blot et Savart / PHYSIQUE Biot-Savart law; - de BoyleMariotte / PHYSIQUE Boyle's law; - de Charles /


PHYSIQUE Charles's law; - dela conservation du nombre des partlcules / NUCLEAlRE particle number conservation law; - de conservation de la parite / PHYS RAYON parity conservation law; - de correction blquadratique/Tv fourth-power law; - du cosinus de lambert /OPTIQUE Lambert's cosine law, cosine emission law; - de Coulomb /ELECTR, PHYSIQUE Coulomb's law; - de Curie /PETR, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE Curie's law; - de Curie-Weiss / PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE Curie-Weiss law; - de Dalton / PHYSIQUE Dalton's law; - de decrolssance radioactive / PHYS RAYON law of radioactive decay; - de deplacement de Wien / PHYSIQUE Wien displacement law; - de Descartes-Snell / PHYSIQUE Snell's law; - de dilution d'Ostwald / CHiMIE Ostwald's dilution law; - de Dulong et Petit/PHYSIQUE Dulong and Petit's law; - des &tats correspondants /PHYSIQUE law of corresponding states; - de Fick / PHYSIQUE Fick's law; - de Gay-lussac/PHYSIQUE Gay-Lussac's law; - geometrique/MATH statistique geometric distribution; - de Graham / PHYSIQUE Graham's law; - de Hooke / CONSTR, PHYSIQUE Hooke's law; - de Hubble / ASTRONOMIE Hubble's law; - hypergeometrique/MATH statistique hypergeometricdistribution; - del'inverse du carre/ PHYSIQUE inverse square law; - de Joule/ PHYSIQUE Joule's law; - de Kirchhoff/ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, PHYS RAYON coefficient de /a temperature Kirchhoff's law; - de lambert/OPTIQUE Lambert's cosine law, cosine emission law, PHYSIQUE Lambert's law; - de lenz/ELECTR induction, PHYSIQUE Lenz's law; -Iog-normale/MATH log normal distribution;- de Malus / PHYSIQUE Malus law; - de Mariotte / PHYSIQUE Boyle's law; - du melange des gaz / PHYSIQUE Dalton's law; - de Moseley / PHYSIQUE Moseley's law; - de Newton de refroldlssement / PHYSIQUE Newton's law of cooling; - d'Ohm/ELECTR, PHYSIQUE Ohm's law; - de Paschen/PHYSIQUE Paschen's law; - de Planck/PHYS RAYON rayonnement Planck's law, PHYSIQUE Planck's formula; - de Poiseuille / PHYSIQUE Poiseuille's law; - de Poisson / ESPACE vehicu/es Poisson's law, MATH Poisson distribution; - des probabilites/INFORMAT probability distribution; - de reciprocite / CINEMAT reciprocity law; - de selection/NuCLEAlRE selection rule; - de Stefan/PHYS RAYON Planck's law, Stefan's law; - de Stefan-Boltzmann / PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE StefanBoltzmann law; - de StokeS/PHYSIQUE Stokes' law; - sur la lutte contre la pollution atmospherique/poLLuTION clean air act; - de t/MATH t-distribution; - de terre / ELECTROTEC Ohm's law; - de Wiedemann et FranZ/PHYSIQUE Wiedemann-Franz law; - de Wien/ PHYSIQUE Wien law

lois: - de Faraday / p/ ELECTR e/ectro/yse, induction, PHYSIQUE Faraday's laws; - de Kepler /p/PHYSIQUE Kepler's laws; - de Kepler des mouvements des planetes/p/ ASTRONOMIE Kepler's laws of planetary motion; - de Newton des mouvements des planetes/ p/ ASTRONOMIE Newton's laws of motion; - de la radiation / p/ PHYS RAYON radiation laws; - de la reflexion / p/ PHYSIQUE laws of reflection; - de la refraction / p/ PHYSIQUE laws of refraction; - de la thermodynamlque/ plTHERMODYN laws ofthermodynamics; - thermodynamiques / pi THERMODYN thermodynamic laws; - de vibration d'une corde fixe/ p/PHYS ONDES laws of vibration of a fixed string


long:! de - adv CONS MECA lengthways, lengthwise; en - adv CONS MECA lengthways, lengthwise; Ie - de la cote adv NAUT alongshore

long:2 - metrage m CINEMAT feature; - rail soude m CH DE FER long welded rail (BrE), ribbon rail (ArnE), CH DE FER continuous welded rail

long-courrier m AERONAUT long distance aircraft, NAUT ocean going ship

longeage m CERAM VER swinging pit; - du cylindre m CERAM VER elongation of the cylinder

longer vt HYDROLOGIE run alongside longeron m AERONAUT aerone/ spar, treillis chord mem-

ber, CERAM VER throat cheek, CONSTR main beam, main girder, stringer, ESPACE spar, VEHICULES chassis side member; - de chAssis m VEHICULES carrosserie chassis member; - de gouverne de direction m AERONAUT rudder post

longevite/ CONS MECA durability, MATERIAUX longevity, MINES life, lifetime; - de la tete magnetique/TV head life

longifol8ne m CHIMIE longifolene longitude/EsPAcE, NAUT longitude; - astronomique /

ESPACE astronomic longitude; - celeste / ESPACE celestial longitude; - solaire / ASTRONOMIE solar longitude

longitudinal! adj ELECTRON, NAUT longitudinal longitudinal:2 - de pont m NAUT deck longitudinal longrinage m MINES double timbering, reinforced

timbering, herringbone timbering longrine / CH DE FER, CONSTR stringer longue: iii - portee adjMILITAIRE long-range longue-conservation adj (UHT) AGRO ALIM long-life,

ultra heat treated (UHT) longue-duree: - de service/PRoDuCTION long life longue-periode / OCEANO onde long period longue-tallie/MINEs longwall extraction, longwall face longueur:! en - adv CONS MECA lengthways, lengthwise longueur2/ CINEMAT footage, IMPRIM document extent,

INFORMAT, ORDINAT, PAPIER bobine, rouleau, PHYSIQUE length; - active / NUCLEAIRE partie active length; - del'lIme /MiLITAIRE canon length of bore; - d'aplatissement / RESSORTS solid length; - de base d'une piste / AERONAUT runway basic length; - iii bloc / RESSORTS solid length; - de bloc /ORDINAT block length, block size; - de bobine / ESSAIS coil length; - de boucle / RESSORTS hook length; - de brldage / RESSORTS seat length; - de chaine/INFORMAT, ORDINAT string length, PLAST CAOU chain length; - de chenal / EN RENOUV length of channel; - de coherence /OPTIQUE, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM coherence length; - de COUpe/TEXTILE staple length; - de course du piston/ CONSTR length of piston stroke; - critique de fissure/ METALL critical crack length; - de decohesion/MATERIAUX debond length; - de decollage/ AERONAUT takeoff run; - depassante / CONSTR projection length; - developpee/REssoRTS extended length; - de diffusion/ELEcTRON diffusion length; - d'une division /METROLOGIE scale spacing; - d'echelle/METROLOGIE scale length; - de I'echelon/METROLOGIE length of the interval; - efficace d'entrefer / ACOUSTIQUE, TV effective gap length; - d'emmarchement / CONSTR length of step; - en place/RESSORTs working length; - d'enregistrement / INFORMAT, ORDINAT record length; - d'entrefer / ENREGISTR gap length; - entre

perpendiculaires/NAUT length between perpendiculars; - entre pointes / CONS MECA distance between centers (ArnE), distance between centres (BrE); - d'equilibrage / TELECOM equilibrium length, equilibrium mode distribution length; - d'equilibre / OPTIQUE equilibrium length, equilibrium mode distribution length; - d'essai/REssoRTS test length; - de fil/TEXTILE knotless yarn length; - de film/CINEMAT film length; - fixe/INFoRMAT, ORDINAT fixed length; - focale/ ASTRONOMIE telescope, CINEMAT, PHYS RAYON lentille electrostatique focal length; - hors tout/CONS MECA, NAUT, TEXTILE overall length; - d'instruction/ INFORMAT, ORDINAT instruction length; - de liaison/ CRISTALL bond length; -libre/coNs MECA ressort, RESSORTS free length; -libre du corps/ RESSORTS body free length; - de mot / INFORMAT, ORDINAT word length, word size; - de motfixe/INFORMAT, ORDINAT fixed word length; - moyenne des vehlcules/TRANSPORT average vehicle length; - non coupee /TELECOM uncut length; - d'onde de coupure /OPTIQUE cutoff wavelength, PHYSIQUE critical wavelength, cutoff wavelength, TELECOM cutoff wavelength; - d'onde / ACOUSTIQUE, CHIMIE, ELECTR, ELECTRON, METALL, OPTIQUE, PETR, PHYS ONDES, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM wavelength; - d'onde Compton / NUCLEAIRE, PHYSIQUE, PHYS RAYON Compton wavelength; - d'onde critique / TELECOM cutoff wavelength; - d'onde dans Ie guide /PHYSIQUE guide wavelength; - d'onde enregistree / ACOUSTIQUE recorded wavelength; - d'onde du maximum d'intensite de rayonnement / OPTIQUE, TELECOM peak intensity wavelength; - d'onde de seuil/ELECTRON threshold wavelength; - de page/IMPRIM length of page; - de page loglque/IMPRIM logical page length; - de pieu/ CHARBON pile length; - de piste equivalente / AERONAUT balanced field length; - prereglee / RESSORTS preset length; - de ralentissement / NUCLEAIRE, PHYSIQUE slowing-down length; - reelle d'entrefer / ACOUSTIQUE gap length, TV real gap length; - de registre /INFORMAT, ORDINAT register length; - de resolution geometrique/NuCLEAIRE geometric resolution length; - retiree/MATERIAUX pullout length; - de roulement iii I'atterrissage / AERONAUT landing run; - de rupture / PAPIER tensile length, tensile strength; - sous tete / CONS MECA length under head to point; - iii spires Jolntives /RESSORTS solid length; - tete comprise ICONS MECA length overall; - tete non comprise ICONS MECA length under head to point; - de tige /PETROLE stand of pipe; - de tissu sur rouleau / TEXTILE roll length; - totale / METROLOGIE overall length; - detraJectoire/NucLEAIRE path length; - de trame/ESPAcE communications frame length; - utile de pieu/cHARBON effective pile length; - variable/ INFORMAT, ORDINAT variable length

longue-vis/cONS MECA tube long screw longue-vue / INSTRUMENT monocular telescope, NAUT

telescope lophine m CHIMIE lophine lopin m MINES pillar lopolite m GEOLOGIE lopolith loquet m CONSTR latch, MECANIQUE catch; - iii bouton m

CONSTR lift-latch; - iii bouton simple m CONSTR liftlatch; - de porte m CONSTR gate latch; - iii poucier m CONSTR thumb latch; - iii ressort m PRODUCTION spring latch; - de verrouillage m PRODUCTION locking latch

loqueteau m CONS MECA latch, CONSTR catch; - de fenneture m CONSTR lock

lot m AGRO ALIM, CINEMAT, IMPRIM, INFORMAT, MECANIQUE, ORDINAT, PETROLE, PRODUCTION, TELECOM fabrication, TRANSPORT batch; - de contrOle m QUALITE inspection lot; - economique m PRODUCTION economic order quantity; - de fabrication m CINEMA T emulsion batch; - fractionne m PRODUCTION split; - de minerai m MINES parcel of ore; - de modification m PRODUCTION modification kit; - de production m QUALITE production batch; - technique m PRODUCTION lot size; - de travaux m INFORMAT, ORDINAT job batch

lotionnage: - d'ameri m CERAM VER emery washing lotissement m PRODUCTION lot sizing loup m CERAM VER bear, PRODUCTION bear, horse, sow Loup m ASTRONOMIE Lupus loupe / EQUIP LAB optique magnifying glass, IMPRIM

controle qualite magnifying glass, magnifying lens, INSTRUMENT magnifier, magnifying glass, multiplying glass, MECANIQUE outillage, PHYSIQUE magnifying glass; - eclairante de poche /INSTRUMENT illuminated folding lens; - d'ecoulement / GEOLOGIE gravity slide; - de glissement / GEOLOGIE flow lobe, solifluction lobe; - de lapidaire / INSTRUMENT gem magnifier, jeweler's eyepiece (ArnE), jeweller's eyepiece (BrE); - de lecture / INSTRUMENT measuring microscope, reading microscope; - II manche pliante /INSTRUMENT folding lens, folding pocket magnifier; - de mise au point/INSTRUMENT focusing magnifier, focusing magnifying glass; - photoscopique / INSTRUMENT magnifying picture viewer; - pliante / INSTRUMENT folding lens, folding pocket magnifier; - II pOisson/OCEANo fish finder, fish scope; - de puddlage / PRODUCTION puddle ball; - serre-tite / INSTRUMENT headset magnifier; - de ViSee/INSTRUMENT ranging magnifier, PHOTO viewing magnifier

lou pes-lunettes/ pI INSTRUMENT spectacle magnifier lourd adj IMPRIMpapier heavyweight louve: - II genouiliere/PRoDUCTION lever grip tongs; - II

pince/PRODUCTION lever grip tongs louvoyage m NAUT tacking louvoyer vi NAUT beat, tack louvre m (Bel) (c/jalousie) CERAM VER jalousie, louver

(ArnE), louvre (BrE) lover vt NAUT flake, cordage coil low8lte/MINERAux loeweite loxodromie/NAuT rhumb line LPM abrev (lignes par minute) INFORMAT, ORDINAT

LPM (linesperminute) LQMAC abrev (limite de qualite moyenne apres con-

trole) QUALITE AOQL (average outgoing quality limit)

Lr (lawrencium) CHiMIE Lr (lawrencium) LRS abrev (long rail soucie) CH DE FER CWR (con-

tinuous welded rail) LSI abrev (integration a grande echelle) ELECTRON, IN-

FORMAT, NAUT, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM LSI (large-scale integration)

Lu (lutetium) CHIMIE Lu (lutetium) lubrlfiant m AUTO, CERAM VER, CONSTR, MECANIQUE lu-

bricant, PETR dope, PETROLE, PLAST CAOU, PRODUCTION, TEXTILE lubricant; - de boudin m CH DE FER vehicules wheel flange lubricant

lubrificateur: - II air com prime m CONS MECA compressed air lubricator; - de pompe II air m CONS MECA air


pump lubricator lubrification / MATERIAUX lubrification, PRODUCTION

greasing, lubricating, lubrifaction, lubrification, REFRlG, VEHICULES lubrification

lubrifie adj GAZ lubricated lubrifier vt MECANIQUE lubricate, PRODUCTION grease,

lubricate, TEXTILE lubricate; - pour Ie froid vt CINEMA T winterize

lucame/ CONSTR dormer lucidol m PLAST CAOU benzoyl peroxide lueur /MATERIAUX glow, NAUT loom; - del'atmosphere

/ ASTRONOMIE airglow; - cathodique / PHYSIQUE cathode glow; - du feu / THERMODYN firelight;- nocturne/ ASTRONOMIE nightglow; - propre/EsPAcE self-luminosity

iumachelle/ GEOLOGIE coquina limestone, shell breccia, shelly limestone

lumen m METROLOGIE, PHYSIQUE lumen lumenmetre m PHYSIQUE lumenmeter lumiere/CONS MECA aperture, oil hole, opening, port-

hole, CONSTR throat, rabot mouth, DISTRI EAU pompe spout hole, OPTIQUE light, visible radiation, PHOTO, PHYSIQUE light, VEHICULES moteur port; - actinique / CINEMAT actinic light; - d'admission /INST HYDR induction port, steam port, VEHICULES moteur inlet port (BrE), intake port (ArnE); - ambiante /CINEMAT ambient light, available light, existing light; - d'appoint / CINEMAT booster light, fill-in light, PHOTO fill-in light; - II arc / ELECTR arc light; - II I'aurore / ASTRONOMIE auroral light; - blanche / IMPRIM photogravure, PHYSIQUE white light; - cendree/ ASTRONOMIE ashen light; - clignotante/IMPRIM controle blinking light; - coherente /ELECTRON, PHYS ONDES, TELECOM coherent light; - collimatee / EN RENOUV collimated light; - de cylindre II vapeur /INST HYDR port; - de decrochement/ CINEMAT backlight, counter key light, hair light; - diffuse / CINEMAT diffused light; - dlffusee/PHYSRAYON scattered light; - directe/PHoTo direct light; - douce/clNEMAT soft light; - eblouissante / SECURITE dazzle, glare; - d'echappement / INST HYDR, VEHICULES exhaust port; - d'entree/INST HYDR induction port, steam port; - des atolles/ ASTRONOMIE starlight; - froide/ CINEMAT cold light; - halogene / CINEMAT quartz light; - inactinique/cINEMAT safelight; - incidente/ CINEMAT, PHOTO, PHYS RAYON incident light; - incoherente / PHYS ONDES, TELECOM incoherent light; - intense/PHYS ONDES intense light; - du jour/ CINEMAT natural light; - monochromatique/METALL monochromatic light; - monochrome / PHYS ONDES monochromatic light; - negative/PHYSIQUE negative glow; - noire/GEOPHYS ultraviolet radiation, IMPRIM black light; - non tamis8e / CINEMAT bare light; - non tramae / CINEMAT bare light; - parasite / CINEMAT flare, leak light, spill light, stray light; - polarlsee / CINEMAT, PHOTO, PHYS ONDES, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE polarized light; - de pompage/ ELECTRON pumping light; - pour eclalrer les yeux / CINEMA T catch light; - pour fixation / CONS MECA cotter slot; - principale / CINEMAT keylight; - pulsee / CINEMAT intermittent light; - quartz / CINEMAT quartz light; - r6fiechie / PHOTO reflected light; - d'une source ponctuelle / PHOTO point source light; - speculaire / IMPRIM optique, photogravure scattered light; - stroboscopee/ ESPACE strobe light; - stroboscopique / CINEMAT strobe light; - tamisee/clNEMAT soft light; - detirage


/ CINEMAT printer light; - de transfert / VEHICULES moteur a deux temps transfer port; - transmlse / PHOTO, PHYS RAYON transmitted light; - ultravlolette/ PHYS RAYON, PLAST CAOU ultraviolet light; - zodiacale / ASTRONOMIE zodiacal light

lumiere-eclalr /PHOTO flashlight lumlnalre m ELECTR luminaire, ELECTROTEC light fitting,

EQUIP LAB eclairage light source; - antideflagrant m ELECTR fireproof lighting installation (AmE), flameproof lighting installation (BrE)

luminance/ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC, ESPACE communications luminance, OPTIQUE brightness, radiance, PHYSIQUE luminance, TELECOM luminance, radiance, TV luminance; - elevee / TV high picture level; - energetique / ESP ACE radiance, OPTIQUE brightness, radiance, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM, TV radiance; - energetlque spectrique /TELECOM spectral radiance; - spectrale / PHYSIQUE spectral luminance; - spectrlque / TELECOM spectral radiance; - zero / TV zero luminance

lumlnation/ ACOUSTIQUE photographic exposure luminescence / CHIMIE, ELECTROTEC, PHYS RAYON,

PHYSIQUE, TV luminescence; - aux rayons X / NUCLEAlRE X-ray luminescence, roentgenoluminescence

luminescent adj CHlMlE, ELECTROTEC luminescent lumlneuse/PHYSIQUE emittance luminous exitance, TV

luminance lumineux1 adj OPTIQUE bright lumineux:2 - rectiligne m PETR ray path luminombre m PHOTO light value luminophore m ELECTRON phosphor luminosite/ ASTRONOMIE luminosity, ELECTRON bright-

ness, PHYS PART luminosity, PHYSIQUE brightness, luminosity, TV brightness; - accrue / PHYS RAYON developed luminosity; - de crite/PHYS RAYON peak luminosity; - de l'ecran/cINEMAT screen brightness; - equivalente/TV gray scale value (ArnE), grey scale value (BrE); - reeUe/PHOTO effective candle power

lunalre adj ASTRONOMIE lunar lunalson/ ASTRONOMIE lunation, synodic month lune / ASTRONOMIE moon; - bleue / ASTRONOMIE blue

moon; - dans Ie deuxieme ou Ie troisleme quartier / ASTRONOMIE gibbous moon; - de la moisson / ASTRONOMIE harvest moon; - de septembre / ASTRONOMIE harvest moon

lunette / CONS MECA center rest (ArnE), centre rest (BrE), collar plate, solid die, steady, steady rest, CONSTR pipe connection, pipe coupling, INSTRUMENT spyglass, telescope, PRODUCTION die, RESSORTS oblong hole; - d'allgnement / INSTRUMENT alignment telescope; - d'approche/ ASTRONOMIE refracting telescope; - d'approche de mise au point/INSTRUMENT adjusting telescope; - arriere/vEHlcULES carrosserie rear window; - astromique / PHYSIQUE refractor; - astronomique / INSTRUMENT astronomical telescope, refracting telescope, refractor, refractor telescope, PHYSIQUE astronomical telescope, refracting telescope; iII autocollimatlon / INSTRUMENT autocollimator; - de calfat / OCEANO observation chamber; - iII cousslnets ICONS MEcAjaw steady rest; - de custode /VEHICULES carrosserie rear window; - iII fileter / CONS MECA solid die, PRODUCTION die; - fixe/ CONS MECA tour fixed steady rest; - de Galilee / PHYSIQUE Galilean telescope; - m6rldienne/ ASTRONOMIE transit telescope, INSTRUMENT meridian

telescope; - de nuit /INSTRUMENT night telescope; - d'observation / INSTRUMENT telescope magnifier; - panoramlque / INSTRUMENT panoramic telescope; - de pointage / INSTRUMENT rifle telescope, sighting telescope; - iII prismes redresseurs / INSTRUMENT erecting prism telescope; - de regard/PRODUCTION eyepiece; - d'une seule piece/PRODUCTION die in one piece; - iII sulvre / CONS MECA follow rest, traveling stay (AmE), travelling stay (BrE); - iII tarauder ICONS MECA solid die, PRODUCTION die; - terrestre/INSTRUMENT terrestrial telescope; - de tour / CONS MECA backrest; - iII trois touches reglables / CONS MECA three-jaw steady, three-jaw steady rest; - de visee / ASTRONOMIE magnifying sight, INSTRUMENT panoramic sight, telescopic sight; - de vlsee d'un fusll / MILIT A1RE rifle telescope; - viseur / CONSTR sighting telescope; - zenlthale/INsTRuMENT zenith telescope

lunette-Ioupe / INSTRUMENT telescope magnifier, telescopic spectacles

lunettes / pi PRODUCTION goggles; - bifocales / pi INSTRUMENT bifocal glasses; - iII branches / pi INSTRUMENT temple spectacles; - iii coques laterales / pi INSTRUMENT safety glasses, safety goggles; - iII double foyer/ pi INSTRUMENT bifocal glasses; - grossissantes / pi INSTRUMENT telescopic spectacles; - de nuit / pi MlLlTAIRE night vision goggles; - de nuit iii hautes performances / pi MILlTAIRE highperformance night vision goggles; - de protection/pi EQUIP LAB safety glasses, securite protective glasses, protective spectacles, SECURITE eye protectors, goggles, protective goggles, safety goggles, safety spectacles; - de protection pour Ie travail/pi SECURITE protective goggles for occupational safety; - protectrices / pi INSTRUMENT X-ray protective glasses, eye protectors, eye shields, safety glasses, SECURITE goggles; - protectrlces contre I'eblouissement / pi INSTRUMENT antidazzle glasses, antiglare glasses; - de soudure / pi INSTRUMENT welder's goggles; - de siirete/pllNSTRUMENT X-ray protective glasses, eye protectors, eye shields, safety glasses; - iII tempes /plINSTRUMENT temple spectacles; - iii verres polarises / pi PHOTO polarizing spectacles

lunnite/MINERAUX lunnite lupuline/ CHIMIE lupuline lussatite/MINERAUX lussatite lustrage m PRODUCTION buffing, glazing, glossing, TEX-

TILE glazing; - par brosse m PAPIER brush glazing, brush polishing

lustre m CERAM VER, ELECTR eclairage chandelier, PAPIER gloss, polish, sur/ace glaze, PLAST CAOU gloss, PRODUCTION glossiness, gloss

lustre adj MA TERIAUX lustrous, TEXTILE glossy lustrer vt PRODUCTION, TEXTILE glaze lustrometre m PAPIER gloss meter, lustrometer lut m PRODUCTION lute lutage m CERAM VER making-up lutatlon/PRoDUCTlON lutation lut6ine/ CHIMIE lutein luteocobaltlque adj CHIMIE luteocobaltic luteol m CHIMIE luteol luteoline/CHlMlEluteolin,luteoline lutetium m (Lu) CHlMlE lutecium, lutetium (Lu) lutidine/ CHlMlE lutidine lutidinique adj CHIMIE lutidinic lutldone/ CHIMIE lutidone lutite/GEOLOGIE lutite

lutte: - antibruit/SECURITE noise abatement, sound-absorbing machines; - antl-Incendie / CONSTR firefighting; - c~ntre les alguas/HYDROLOGIE algal destruction; - contre Ie bruit/POLLUTION prevention of noise pollution; - c~ntre I'incandle / SECURITE, THERMODYN firefighting; - contre les Inondations / DISTRI EAU flood control; - contre las odeurs/POLLUTION odor control (ArnE), odour control (BrE); - contre la pollution/POLLUTION pollution control; -

c~ntre la pollution atmosphBrlque / POLLUTION prevention of atmospheric pollution; - contre la pollution des eaux / POLLUTION prevention of water pollution

lux m METROLOGIE, PHOTO, PHYSIQUE lux Ix abrev (lux) METROLOGIE Ix (lux) Lynx m ASTRONOMm Lynx Iyogel m CHIMIE Iyogel lyophile adj CHIMIE lyophilic Iyophllisat m REFRIG Iyophilizate Iyophillsateur m REFRIG freeze-dryer; - a tambour m

REFRIG drum freeze dryer Iyophillsation / AGRO ALIM freeze-drying, EMBALLAGE


dry freeze, freeze-drying, GENIE CHIM freeze-drying, lyophilization, REFRIG, THERMODYN freeze-drying; - acc6laree / AGRO ALIM AFD, accelerated freezedrying; - continue/REFRIG continuous freeze-drying

Iyophilisa adj AGRO ALIM, REFRIG freeze-dried Iyophiliser vt AGRO ALIM, THERMODYN freeze-dry lyophlllle/cHIMIE Iyophily lyophobe adj CHIMm lyophobic Iyosol m CHIMm Iyosol Iyosolacithlne/ CHIMIE lysolecithin lyre / AERONAUT commande de vol lyre-shaped bell-

crank, CONS MECA quadrant, quadrant plate, tour Ii fileter swing frame, tangent plate; - d'accrochage / AERONAUT finger grip clip; - de dilatation / REFRIG expansion bend

Lyre/ ASTRONOMIE Lyra Iyserglque adj CHIMm lysergic lyslne/cHIMIE lysine Iysophosphatlde m CHIMIE Iysophosphatide Iyxonique adj CHIMIE Iyxonic Iyxose m CHIMIE Iyxose