name A word or phrase used to designate a specific person, place, organisation, artistic creation or object. In English and in many other languages this is done by using capitalised words (e.g. Abraham Lincoln, Hong Kong, British Broadcasting Corporation [the BBC], Gone with the Wind, Mazda). Names (often called ‘proper nouns’ or ‘proper names’) are part of a language’s cultural vocabulary, but many dictionaries do not provide this ONOMASTIC INFORMATION. APTRONYM, EPONYM, ETHNONYM, FORM OFADDRESS , NICKNAME, ONOMASTICS, PERSONAL NAME, PSEUDONYM, TOPONYM, TRADE NAME. Mufwene 1988, Rader 1989, ISO 1990, McArthur 1992, Svensén 1993, Urdang 1996. A Collector’s Compendium of Rare and Unusual, Bold and Beautiful, Odd and Whimsical Names (P.Dickson), New York NY, 1986.