The movement and destruction of overburden caused by underground mining will change it’s engineering geologic characteristics, forming a damaged foundation. There exists a serious hidden danger to construct on such foundation. The ground deformation over the abandoned workings is influenced by two factors: one is the compaction ruptured rock body or structure collapse; another is the disturbance by additional load of newly constructed buildings. Grouting into the fractured rock body in the condition of shallow goaf is the main way to control the ground residual deformation. While in the condition of a certain mining depth the distribution of ground subsidence is continuous and the residual deformation goes gradually. So to raise the building’s ability in resisting or acclimatizing ground deformation is the main way of protecting new buildings above the goaf. A case of heavy building constructed over shallow goaf shows that the building’s safety can be guaranteed on condition that measures of strengthening partial rupture ground and anti-deformation structure are adopted.