This chapter focuses on the Concept of the Mobile Worker as well as of Mobile, Ambient Intelligent, Networked Environment. It deals with an analysis of typical working scenario in Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Facilities Management Domain defining so-called ‘context aspects’ contributing to an improved understanding of relevant, ‘on-site’ business processes. The efficiency of using mobile computing systems strongly depends on the specific working scenario in which they will be applied. The chapter illustrates how Data Warehouse technology supports the generation of different dimensions representing parts of a ‘holistic information space.’ It classifies and analyses the content of the Data Warehouse Extended Platform (DWEP) with respect to the defined context aspects. The information consolidation agent belongs to the core of the DWEP. Aggregation and generalization reduce the amount of data. Fast data processing is ensured through the prearrangement of data in appropriate dimensions reflecting the different aspects of context sensitivity.