This chapter introduces the concept of Intelligent Construction Sites (ICSs) supported by technical tools grouped within an Information Technology (IT) Toolbox. An ICS is more than intelligent site utilization; it is a concept similar to Intelligent Buildings, i.e., active electronic processes and information systems that contribute to the overall operation of the construction plant for its intended purposes. Informational intelligence that contributes to the identification of an ICS is categorized into four broad domains: Digital Imagery Processing, Electronic Data Interchange, Process Modeling and Visualization, and Virtual Collaboration. The chapter investigates existing IT tools, categorize them within specified domains and demonstrates how they may be integrated and utilized as on-site problem solvers, thus creating an ICS. The primary benefit of an ICS using tools from the IT toolbox are the reductions in communication times and the costs associate with using a paper based documentation, which has an inherent delivery and accessibility time lags.