This chapter explores the emergence of a postmodern cultural bricolage among urban youth in the Islamic Republic of Iran. It takes as understood that the process of cultural mixing has been ‘very much on the increase’ during the past decade, producing ‘concepts such as bricolage, syncretism, and hybridity’ (Wulff 1995: 63), as opposed to ‘cultural imperialism’, ‘Americanization’ and ‘McDonaldization’ (Foster 1991; Barber 1996). To comprehend the everyday life of Iranian young people, it is essential to examine the confrontation between offi cial and unoffi cial youth discourses in both pre-and post-Revolutionary Iran. Youth have been viewed and defi ned by dominant offi cial culture, yet Iranian youth themselves have constructed their own cultural world. The discussion below offers fresh evidence for Sreberny-Mohammadi and Mohammadi’s (1991) claim that Iran constitutes one of the most extreme examples of Third World post-modern cultural bricolage.