WE arrived at Shihr carlyon the 1110rning of Decetnber 20th, and when the shops opened and a little life started we went out, escorted by Faraj Maqratn, a business Iuan and friend of Hassan's, to explore the bazaar and back streets. The bazaar was still altnost elnpty but we were able to buy cigarettes and s1110ke once again as many as we wanted. We quickly collected the usual crowd of men and small boys following in our wake with W0111en peering at us fro1l1 a distance. There arc a number of S0111alis in the town but not as ll1any as in Mukalla. Their principal occupation is to Inake ll1ats and look after goats. The 111ain and very obvious industry of Shihr is fishing and the drying of fish, but the town is also celebrated for its lootns.