THE business of keeping the country inforlned of events took up a good deal of tinle. Rumours of the most extravagant descriptions flew round and, as a result of the general relief that the Government was intervening, the most extravagant stories of how the Bin Yemani would be dealt with were circulated and used to threaten habitual offenders on the road, like the ,Awatuir. The effect of these was bound to be on the whole worse than the efforts of the few mischief makers like Bin'Abdat's nephew, 'Ubeid SaHh, who had seen the Bin Yemani and told them not to pay up as the Government was only bluffing. The.'Awamir, too, had told them the same; the wish was no doubt father to the thought, for their consciences were uneasy and they were not quite sure if anything was going to happen to them.