Now of all these medicines which stop bleeding, some are composed of ingredients which check and stop it, and others of ingredients which burn it up and cause obstructions. And we apply both kinds to the face and to the temples, and we make of them cataplasms which burn up and check the flow of blood. If it be necessary to treat the whole head, we smear it over with clay mixed with vinegar, and apply the same to the face and temples. Or we make a paste of lime and vinegar, and smear it over the head in the same way. And we may lay the sick man on his back, and pour cold water or vinegar water over his face, and insert in his nostrils wool soaked in strong vinegar. And if the flow of blood increase, we tie tight bands round his hands, and feet, and testicles, and we put cupping vessels over the liver if the blood cometh from the right side, and over the spleen if it cometh from the left side. And we let blood from the band of the head, and we apply sharp clysters, so that [the blood] may be drawn down to the parts of the body lower down.