Another calculation concerning those who are sick. Reckon up [the numerical values of the letters] of the name of the sick man, and of those of the name of his mother, and cast them out nine by nine (£. e., divide them by nine). And if one remaineth, and [if his sickness] fell [upon him] on the first day of the week, the day of the sun, his sickness is from his shoulders and head and neck, and he will remain sick for nine days. And if two remain, and if his sickness fell upon him on the second day of the week, the day of the moon, his sickness is from his belly, and his whole body is sick. And if three remain, and if his sickness fell upon him on the third day of the week, the day of Aris (Mars), his disease is hot and dry; he bathed in water, and the air smote him. Make

Fol. 216b. thou for him three lamp-wicks I out of his garments. Set one at his head, and one by his right side, and one by his left side, and he will be sick for fifteen days. And if four remain, and if his sickness fell upon him on the fourth day of the week, the day of Harmis (Mercury), he passed through (or, over) water, and did not call upon the name of God. Let him give alms. He will be ill for seventeen days. And if five remain, and if his sickness fell upon him on the fifth day of the week, the day of Zeus, his sickness is caused by over-eating, and his heart is mad. Let him make an offering (or, give alms) of a hen. He will be ill for sixteen days. And if six remain, and if his sickness fell upon him on the Eve of the Sabbath, the day of Aphrodite, his sickness is from his head and from his body, and is also due to the turning of two periods(?) of his life. He will be ill for twelve days. And if seven remain, and if his sickness fell upon him on the day of the Sabbath,

Page 454 the day of Kronos, I his sickness ariseth from his liver and from his heart, and trembling fell upon him. Bring dust from