And the city rejoiced because the King had made his son King, and had appointed him King from his own territory to that of another. But the city sorrowed also because the King had commanded that they should give their children who were called "firstborn". And those who were on the right hand should sit in the same way as their fathers sat with King SOLOMON, even so should they sit at the right hand of his son DAVID, the King of ETHIOPIA; and those who were on the left hand should sit as their fathers sat with King SOLOMON, even so should they sit on the left hand of his son DAVID, the King of ETHIOPIA; and their rank should be like that of their fathers, and their names should be like those of their fathers. And each should be according to his ordinance, and each according to his greatness, and each according to his position of authority, and each according to his wages, and each according to his rank; in this wise shall they be. As SOLOMON did to his nobles so shall DAVID do to his nobles; and as

SOLOMON ordained for his governors so shall DAVIn order the direction of his house.