The 'U roudh are a series of ridges-the natives call them the ribs of AI-Asyah-running lengthwise northwest by southeast; the height of each ridge is from 400 to 500 feet; from summit to summit, for the descending and ascending qafilah, is about four miles; and there being eleven 'Ribs' in all, the distance east by west, i.e. the width is therefore from 40 to 45 miles. But every mile's ride across this most difficult of Nufouds we have yet crossed is equal to five; and Khalaf our guide did not know evidently that he had an invalid to guide. He would ride sheer down a slope and we would have to follow; the zeluls cutting virgin paths in the ridges, their soft hoofs sinking five inches in the sand; and albeit at a tossing, tumbling pace .