EGYPTIAN MUMMIES a commIssIon was appointed by the Vizier to inspect the tombs and report on their condition. 1 The inspectors found a number of tombs violated, including the Royal Tomb of King Sebekemsawef of the XlIIth Dynasty, which had been entered by tunnelling from a neighbouring tomb. This latter tomb has been found in modern times, and the tunnel made by the thieves, and all the particulars of the ancient report have been verified. 2 A second papyrus 3 contains the confession of one of the thieves when brought to justice, and he describes how he and seven companions stripped the gold and jewellery from the mummies of the King and Queen, and divided the spoil. Yet another papyrus' deals with the violation of the tomb of a certain Queen Isis (wife of Ramesses III) by eight thieves, presumably the same eight, and with the damage done therein.