After the prehistoric race came the giants, some of whom were still to be met with when the Israelites began to fight their way towards the Premised Land. The first reference to Rabboth Ammon in the Bible concerns the great iron bedstead of Og, King of Bashan, who. cannot have been the ,. only remnant of the giants, " as others are mentioned, and the Children of Israel were very much frightened at their bulk and fighting qualities. I t has been suggested that this bedstead was really a throne, and an idea has been started that one ef these great dolmens may have been called the throne o.f Og ; I co.nfess that I am lo.th to. part with the o.riginal statement and the picture that it co.njures up o.f a huge iro.n fo.ur:-po.ster, measuring nine cubits by fo.ur I

The drama with which o.ne chiefly connects Rabbo.th Ammo.n is one that has been to.ld so. o.ften that it seems superfluo.us to. try to. fit it into. the setting in which it to.o.k place, but these DId sto.ries are all that we have to' help us to call up a visio.n o.f the past. It is a so.rdid drama, to.o., as so.rdid as any that we can bo.ast o.f in these latter days.