Our mythology gives us a mystical story of how the daIlce in this land originated. In the days of the gods and goddesses, so the story goes, Atnaterasu-Omikami (" Great Heaven-Shining Deity"), greatly incensed at the violence and the ungodly deeds of Susanowo-no-Mikoto, hid herself ill the.heavenly rock cave. As a consequence the eternal night of darkIless prevailed. All the gods were greatly dismayed, and much to their inconvenience all business had to be transacted by artificial light. Thereupon a council of the" eight million gods" was summoned on tIle dry bed ofthe" Heavenly River of eight currents," and it \vas decided that Ame-l10-Uzume-no-Mikoto should, in company with other gods, perform an inspired religious dance before the cave. Thereupon Amaterasu-Omikami considered, "How is it that the Gods can enjoy such merrymaking when the world is wrapped in darkness as it has been since I shut myself up in this cave!" So saying, she ()pened the cave door very sliglltly, and secretly peered out at the joyous scene. Then, as had been planned, Atne-no-1'atikarawo-ncrMikoto opened wide. the rockcave door al1d induced the goddess to come out of the cave and to occupy the new palace they had constructed for her. This dance, performed by Ame-no-Uzume-noMikoto, is said to have been the first dance ever giVeJl in Japan.