T HERE has been no census of Transjordan. The population is estimated at from 300,000 to 350,000, although in 1940 a figure as high as 440,000 was suggested. 1 It is overwhelmingly Arab, but has small groups of Circassians, Chechens, Turkomans, Bahai, Armenians, and Druses, of whom only the Druses (p. 143) are Arab in origin. There are also a few Europeans, almost all of them British officers and officials. The great majority of the people are Moslems, of the orthodox Sunni sect, and in accordance with Article 10 of the Organic Law, Islam is the state religion. There are, however, about 20,000 Christian Arabs, and the Armenians and Europeans are of course Christians, while the Druses and Bahai are heretical offshoots of Islam.