COGNIZANT 0]' THE SUPREME BEING 297· tra.vagant that it i", not surprising that the Brahmins are at heart conscious of the a.bsurdity of worshipping such beings. There is, therefore, very little danger mcurred in ridiculing the gods in the presence of Brahmins. Very often they agree with the scoffer, and even enlarge upon what he has said. Many Bra.hmins can repeat by heart IJOngs and verses that treat with very scanty respect the divinities which they worship so ostentatiously in public, while their a.udience listen without any sign of disapproval. Brahmins have no fear of such conduct calling forth either reproof or punishment .. The Sudras, who are more simple and credulous than the Brahmins, would not be so indulgent under similar circumstances, and it would be particularly imprudent to ridicule any particular god of theirs in the presence of those who are specially devoted to him.