The telegram was sent from the marine arsenal, which Duro Preto had ordered put in a state of defense; and this was done. Here the ministry met and planned to remain; but Maracaju declared that his place was at the quarters-general of the army on the Campo da Acclama~ao, and he urged that the other members of the cabinet go there, where, he said, Ouro Preto's presence was needed to stimulate resistance to the insurgents. After being assured that the army barracks were likewise prepared for defense, Ouro Preto, with the other ministers, went there. It was now about seven o'clock in the morning of the 15th. Gathered in the Campo were the police force and the firemen's corps of the city, armed, and here also were the troops of the Campo barracks, under command of Marshal Floriano. Upon his arrival Duro Preto learned that the mutinous soldiers had left their quarters at Sao Christovao and were marching towards the city, and that no forces had been sent against them. The reason given by Maracaju for this omission was that none of the troops at the quarters-general could be trusted.6