THE GERMAN COLONIAL EMPIRE THE story of Germany's colonial empire has often been inadequately treated in general works on European history. The results of Germany's acquisition of territory overseas on her foreign policy are generally recognized, but the development of the colonies themselves is frequently neglected. Moreover, an impartial consideration of the question has been hampered by long and bitter controversies. The German colonial empire was conquered during the first World War and was partitioned by the Allies, who claimed that Germany had misgoverned her colonies and was unfit to retain them. Germany indignantly repudiated this accusation. The appearance, on the one hand, of books charging the German colonial administration with all kinds of abuses l and, on the other, of publications designed to show Germany's work overseas in the most favourable light possiblehas not facilitated the task of the student. It is best to go back to the evidence of those who wrote before the first World War.