THE existence of several mineral products in the Scotland formation becomes evident from the preceding remarks. They have in a great measure been hitherto unheeded, and the gift of nature has lain there profitless. The author of the numerous valuable contributions in the 'Agricultural Reporter,' signed with the initials J. D., and which are known to be the productions of Dr. Davy, the brother of Sir Humphry Davy, has repeatedly drawn the attention of the inhabitants to the great advantages which might be derived from some of the marls in the improvement of such soils in Barbados as are deficient in carbonate of lime, and also as a valuable article of export, especially to British Guiana, a country remarkably deficient in limestone. Dr. Davy asserts that he knows of no limestone procurable in any part of England so fitted for agricultural purposes as the chalk and soft calcareous marl of Barbados.