As improved reporting of sexual offenses against children brings more and more sexual offenders into the justice system, there is a greater need for effective treatment options for this population. There has been much research on the efficacy of psychotherapy for reducing sexually offending behavior, especially in adults . Out­ come studies affirming one treatment method over another are diffi­ cult to design. However, recent studies suggest that cognitive be­ havioral approaches in group settings work better than individual, insight-oriented methods (Marshall, Laws, and Barbaree, 1 989) . This chapter proposes a model for working with male sex offenders between the ages of 14 and 20 who can be treated on an outpatient basis. These young people are not exhibiting addictions to drugs, psychotic thought process, or antisocial behavior that requires insti­ tutionalization for the safety of the community. They also have at least borderline intellectual functioning. This chapter examines the program design, goals of treatment, and the reasons as well as the problems with the techniques and modalities of treatment.