Medical professional researchers and the public at large are in general agreement that cancer is one of the most feared, destructive, lethal, and dehumanizing diseases known to humankind (Armstrong, 2004; Schlesinger, 1985). It involves treatable and reversible conditions as well as circumstances that lead to periods of extensive trauma and rapid death. This puzzling plague poses a significant threat to an individual’s well-being, and in its final stage it is often accompanied by intractable and excruciating pain, the most feared aspect of the disease (The Mayday Pain Project, 2001; Macfarlane, McBeth, Silman, & Crombie, 2001; National Cancer Institute, 2005; World Health Organization, 2005). Due to the seriousness of the cancer epidemic, a coalition of health professionals, including medical dosime-trists (pronounced do-sim-e-trists), who are members of radiation oncology treatment planning teams, have been called upon to help combat this life-endangering affliction that threatens a patient’s total bodily integrity and presents biopsychosocial problems.