The Marburg Colloquy was held from September 30 to October 4, 1529, at the initiative of Landgrave Philip of Hesse in order to explore the possibility of agreement between Huldrych Zwingli and Martin Luther concerning the Lord's Supper. A political context to the deliberations at Marburg. The Marburg colloquy must thus also be seen as part of the broader political strategy with which to deal with the complex question of how to secure the future of the Protestant cause. Influenced by the English Humanists William Grocyn and Thomas Linacre, Thomas More devoted his early literary efforts to political and social topics. In 1516 More published his most famous work, Utopia, which gained him a Europe-wide reputation. Together with John Fisher More was executed in the summer of 1535. More has left a legacy as one of the eminent Humanists of the early 16th century and as a martyr to his faith.