When a person becomes a legend in his time, his life is controlled by that legend.

Victor Hugo

Life demands that we go forward with wisdom and understanding. To remain dependent upon the personality that the person himself transcended through struggle, rather than upon the ideal, is to stagnate. 1

John Lloyd Wright, 1960

The head of a New York architecture school reached me on the phone because Bob was unavailable: "Denise, I'm embarrassed to be speaking to you because we're giving a party for X [a well-known local architect] and we're asking Bob but not you. You see, you are a friend of X and you are an architect, but you're also a wife, and we're not asking wives." 2

Denise Scott Brown

[A] work of architecture does not have to be good to be popular, or to be tolerated, or to be promoted, or to be important. People do not always apply moral standards to its evaluation; they can like things of which they do not approve.3