If you have children in your party, they will not tire of watching the sealions, no matter how long you stay. And if you have any fancy yourself in wild beasts, you will be both amazed and amused at the huge strange creatures which cover the rocks two hundred yards from you, and look, with their pointed heads and shiny bodies, like monstrous maggots crawling and squh-ming; who lie like dead things upon the rocks; whose howls and hoarse, discordant roars cross to you and make a strange music for your meal. A seal in Bar-- num's Museum was a strange beast--but these monstrous misshapen creatures, furious, wild, free, yawning in your face, pushing each other aside, quarreling, suckling their young, rolling off the precipitous rocks into the sea, make the strangest sight my eyes ever beheld. If Gustave Dore could see them, he would add another weird picture to his chamber of horrors.